Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Xestocephalus brunneus Wake County

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Xestocephalus brunneusBrown Xestocephalus132072011-07-30Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitat; the whitish patch on the costa is an accumulation of waxy exudatesnear Falls Lakeseen at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
mixed hardwood forest habitat; the whitish patch on the costa is an accumulation of waxy exudates
Xestocephalus brunneusBrown Xestocephalus132071907-08-01NCSU1Raleigh11_Collection
Xestocephalus brunneusBrown Xestocephalus132070000-00-00NCSU1Raleigh11_Collection