Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Zyginama rossi Wake County

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Zyginama rossi145792017-09-28Kyle Kittelberger2near Falls LakeFALAnight02_Sight
Zyginama rossi145792014-10-03Kyle Kittelberger4near mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALAfound at night, attracted with a light02_Sight
Zyginama rossi145792011-11-16Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitat: though possibly Z. rossi, the coloration is off, so most likely an undescribed species in this genus. Also the farthest east this genus has been recorded.near Falls LakeFALAseen at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
mixed hardwood forest habitat