3 records for Philaenus spumarius Wake County | View all species for Wake County |
sciName | comName | id | date | observer | number | life_stage | comments | location | park | time_of_day | plant | obsType | photo_link |
Philaenus spumarius | Meadow Spittlebug | 7902 | 2013-07-25 | Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf | 4 | | grassy habitat | Umstead State Park, near the visitor center | WIUM | found during the day while sweepnetting | grass sp. | 02_Sight | |
Philaenus spumarius | Meadow Spittlebug | 7902 | 2011-05-28 | Kyle Kittelberger | x | | spittle found in a marshy/very vegetated section of Falls Lake, near a creek | | | during the day | ? | 01_Photo | spittle found in a marshy/very vegetated section of Falls Lake, near a creek
Philaenus spumarius | Meadow Spittlebug | 7902 | 1954-09-25 | North Carolina State University Insect Collection | 1 | | | ? | | | | 11_Collection | |