Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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4 records for Platycotis vittata Wilson County

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Platycotis vittataOak Treehopper110302024-05-22 Mark Basinger 1AdultAttracted to UV lights at edge of loblolly pine forest. 6044 Wiggins Mill Road near Lamms Crossroads. 9-11pmNone01_Photo
Attracted to UV lights at edge of loblolly pine forest.

Attracted to UV lights at edge of loblolly pine forest.

Attracted to UV lights at edge of loblolly pine forest.
Platycotis vittataOak Treehopper110302023-11-15Mark Basinger1AdultCaught while beat sheeting for spiders. 6044 Wiggins Mill Road near Lamms Crossroads Late afternoon, 4-5pmMorella cerifera 01_Photo
Caught while beat sheeting for spiders.

Caught while beat sheeting for spiders.

Caught while beat sheeting for spiders.
Platycotis vittataOak Treehopper110302023-10-10 xImmatureKenlyday04_iNaturalist
Platycotis vittataOak Treehopper110300000-00-00010_NC_Checklist