Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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1 record for Neomegamelanus elongatus Beaufort County

View all species for Beaufort County
Neomegamelanus elongatus144702014-09-27Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharfxcoastal, mostly cordgrass habitatGoose CreekGOCRfound during the day, caught while sweepnettingSpartina (cordgrass)01_Photo
coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat

coastal, mostly cordgrass habitat