Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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3 records for Scaphoideus luteolus Mecklenburg County

View all species for Mecklenburg County
Scaphoideus luteolusWhite-banded Elm Leafhopper162862023-06-24 Ken Kneidel1Adult5.5 mm female, came to UV light at night, wooded residential424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
5.5 mm female, came to UV light at night, wooded residential

5.5 mm female, came to UV light at night, wooded residential

5.5 mm female, came to UV light at night, wooded residential

5.5 mm female, came to UV light at night, wooded residential
Scaphoideus luteolusWhite-banded Elm Leafhopper162862022-07-02 Ken Kneidel1Adult5.2 mm female424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
5.2 mm female

5.2 mm female

5.2 mm female
Scaphoideus luteolusWhite-banded Elm Leafhopper162862020-08-20 Ken Kneidel1Adult5.3 mm female, came to UV light at night424 Bertonley Ave, Charlotte01_Photo
5.3 mm female, came to UV light at night

5.3 mm female, came to UV light at night

5.3 mm female, came to UV light at night