Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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1 record for Ponana scarlatina Buncombe County

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Ponana scarlatina163012023-08-23 tom ward1AdultThis was in our NC Registered Natural Heritage Area & forest types were determined by their botanist. Most of my other observations are from the an old cabin at the bottom of the heritage area in Cove Forest, but hope to be sampling more up top!Cherokee Lane10:25pm, came to portable LepiLED light that has combo of light designed to attract moths.Near the ridgeline in Montane Oak-Hickory forest just above Dry Heath subtype of Chestnut Oak forest. Elevation approx 3250'01_Photo
This was in our NC Registered Natural Heritage Area & forest types were determined by their botanist. Most of my other observations are from the an old cabin at the bottom of the heritage area in Cove Forest, but hope to be sampling more up top!