Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
    7 records for Clastoptera laevigata
Chatham2024-08-18 1Adult?2024-08-28 11:51:08day04_iNaturalist
Durham2024-09-04 1AdultDurham2024-09-18 01:13:11day04_iNaturalist
Mecklenburg2024-07-17 Rob Van Epps1AdultAttracted to UV light. Suburban yard near woods. Davidson2024-08-29 12:21:45day01_Photo
Orange2013-07-31Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn2Mixed hardwood forest edge habitat. Male and female? An undescribed species, currently in the process of being described.Eno River State Park, at Few's FordENRI2015-08-31 12:22:36Found during the day, caught while sweepnettingCherry sp.?01_Photo
Wake2014-06-11Kyle Kittelberger2mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALA2015-08-31 12:22:36found at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
Wake2014-09-04Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALA2015-08-31 12:22:36found at night, attracted with a black light01_Photo
Wake2014-09-07Kyle Kittelberger1mixed hardwood forest habitatnear Falls LakeFALA2015-08-31 12:22:36found at night, attracted with a black light02_Sight