Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
    3 records for Paraphlepsius brunneus
Craven2019-06-26Bo Sullivan1Adultfemale; 7.0 mmCroatan National Forest, little Road at Power Cut2022-01-04 23:19:3901_Photo
Craven2019-06-26Bo Sullivan1Adultfemale; 7.0 mmCroatan National Forest, little Road at Power Cut2022-01-29 18:57:0601_Photo
Craven2019-06-26Bo Sullivan1Adultfemale, 6.2 mm; ID supported by J. KitsCroatan National Forest, little Road at Power Cut2022-02-19 11:19:4701_Photo