Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
    9 records for Kyboasca pergandei
Polk2020-07-15Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn6Adult1 male (3.5 mm), 1 female (3.5 mm) collectedChimney Rock SP, World's EdgeCHRO2023-06-26 11:00:58night01_Photo
Transylvania2019-09-04Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn1Adultmale; first state recordFrozen Creek AccessGORG2023-06-26 11:47:26night01_Photo
Watauga2022-08-25 1Adulthttps://bugguide.net/node/view/2167427/bgimage?2023-06-26 11:05:07day03_BugGuide
Watauga2023-06-20Ted Wilcox1AdultBoone2023-06-26 11:00:32Day01_Photo
Watauga2023-07-06Ted Wilcox3AdultBear Paw State Natural Area BEPA2023-07-06 22:44:58DayBlack Locust01_Photo
Watauga2023-07-06Ted Wilcox1ImmatureI believe this to be the nymph of Kyboasca pergandei because I saw it at the same time on the same branch of Black Locust as the three adults I saw on 7/6/23.Bear Paw State Natural AreaBEPA2023-07-07 22:35:58DayBlack Locust01_Photo
Watauga2023-07-09Ted Wilcox1AdultBoone2023-07-09 22:34:09DayBlack Locust01_Photo
Watauga2023-07-09Ted Wilcox1ImmatureBoone2023-07-09 22:34:27DayBlack Locust01_Photo
Watauga2023-08-05 Rob Van Epps1AdultAttracted to porch light. Wooded neighborhood at high elevation. Beech Mountain2023-08-11 09:31:0101_Photo