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Catonia pini - No Common Name

Catonia pini
© Kyle Kittelberger- note wing color
Catonia pini
© Kyle Kittelberger- note wing pattern
Catonia pini
© Kyle Kittelberger- color variation
Catonia pini
© Kyle Kittelberger- note face color pattern
Taxonomic Author: (Metcalf, 1923)
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A mottled hopper with an orange to reddish-brown to brown color pattern and two dark brown curved transverse bands across the wings, the upper of which broadens laterally; the wing venation is marked with black spots. The frons is bicolored, being brown to slightly reddish-brown with a white transverse white band and a pale clypeus. The vertex and pronotum are reddish-brown to orange. Adults are around 5.0 to 6.2 mm long. (O'Brien, 1971)
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Primarily Southeastern United States, as far north as New Jersey (UDEL)
Abundance: Rare in the state, though perhaps under collected; a few records from the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Plant Associates: Baptisia tinctoria (horseflyweed, Fabaceae) (UDEL)
Behavior: Probably can be attracted at night with a light.
Comment: This species is most similar to Catonia picta and could be easily confused. Both species have similarly colored wings, but in picta there is a broad central transverse grayish-white band; in pini, this band is instead pale brown. Additionally, there is a lot more variation in the coloration of the wing in pini than picta, with the latter primarily being reddish-brown and grayish-white while the former is a mixture of various browns, black and grayish-white. Additionally, the facial pattern in the two species is quite different: in picta, the frons is black and rufous-brown with a white band, whereas in pini the face is brown with a white band. The frons of pini is also similarly colored to that of bicinctura, but that species is very differently colored and patterned across the body and wings.
Status: Native
Global and State Rank:

Species Photo Gallery for Catonia pini No Common Name

Catonia piniPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Catonia pini. coll. A.H. Manee VII. 10-26. 1917. NCSU 0045341. Photographs taken by Solomon Henrix.
Catonia piniPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Catonia pini. coll. A.H. Manee VII. 10-26. 1917. NCSU 0045341. Photographs taken by Solomon Henrix.
Catonia piniPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Catonia pini. coll. A.H. Manee VII. 10-26. 1917. NCSU 0045341. Photographs taken by Solomon Henrix.
Catonia piniPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Catonia pini. coll. A.H. Manee VII. 10-26. 1917. NCSU 0045341. Photographs taken by Solomon Henrix.
Catonia piniPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Catonia pini. coll. A.H. Manee VII. 10-26. 1917. NCSU 0045341. Photographs taken by Solomon Henrix.
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #1, 5.8 mm; #2, 5.6 mm; #3, 5.1 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #3, 5.1 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #3, 5.1 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #3, 5.1 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #1, 5.8 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #1, 5.8 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #1, 5.8 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #1, 5.8 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #2, 5.6 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #2, 5.6 mm
Catonia piniPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Carteret Co.
Comment: photographed by K. Kittelberger; collected at UV trap. Individual #2, 5.6 mm