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CALISCELIDAE Members: NC Records

Bruchomorpha minima - No Common Name

Bruchomorpha minima
© Charles Bartlett- note dark legs
Bruchomorpha minima
© Charles Bartlett
Bruchomorpha minima
© Charles Bartlett
Bruchomorpha minima
© Solomon Hendrix
Family: CALISCELIDAESubfamily: CaliscelinaeTribe: Peltonotellini
Taxonomic Author: Metcalf, 1923
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A small species with an occasional narrow, light rusty median dorsal band on the face and vertex. This is one of the darkest species in the genus, with the body and wings being almost entirely black and the legs dark. The body has parallel lateral margins, and the wing venation is not very distinct. The face is relatively flat, with a slight 'nose' protruding downwards. Adults are 1.9-2.4 mm long. (Doering, 1939)
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Out of State Record(s)
Distribution: Southeastern United States (UDEL); described from North Carolina.
Abundance: Scattered records across the state, infrequently encountered.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Plant Associates: ?
Comment: This species is very similar to B. oculata, but tends to be smaller; minima also has dark legs, whereas oculata has yellowish legs.
Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Bruchomorpha minima No Common Name

Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: A.H. Manee
Moore Co.
Comment: This is the holotype of Bruchomorpha minima. coll. A.H. Manee VI. 14-21. 1917. Specimen deposited at NCSU. Photographs taken by Solomon Hendrix.
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: R.H. Beamer
Out Of State Co.
Comment: August 19, 1930rncoll. R.H. Beamerrndet. Doeringrnimages provided by C.R. Bartlettrnthis is a female
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: R.H. Beamer
Out Of State Co.
Comment: August 19, 1930rncoll. R.H. Beamerrndet. Doeringrnimages provided by C.R. Bartlettrnthis is a female
Bruchomorpha minimaPhoto by: R.H. Beamer
Out Of State Co.
Comment: August 19, 1930rncoll. R.H. Beamerrndet. Doeringrnimages provided by C.R. Bartlettrnthis is a female