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MEMBRACIDAE Members: NC Records

Stictocephala lutea - No Common Name

Stictocephala lutea
© Tony DeSantis
Stictocephala lutea
© Paul Scharf- note dark legs
Family: MEMBRACIDAESubfamily: SmiliinaeSynonym: Ceresa lutea
Taxonomic Author: (Walker)
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A hornless member of this genus with a mostly green body. The pronotal ridge can have a red tint to it, and there may be white speckling across the pronotum. The wings have a smoky tinge to the tip. This species is similar in appearance to Spissistilus festinus, but can be differentiated a couple ways. First, the pronotum of lutea is not as high as that of S. festinus, and the lateral carina (the lateral ridges on the front of the pronotum) are not as distinct as in festinus (pers. comm. M. S. Wallace). Additionally, the legs of S. lutea are a rusty brown color, while those of S. festinus are greenish. Males are 6 to 7 mm long, while females are 7 mm (FSCA).
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Eastern and central North America
Abundance: Uncommon, recorded across the state. Seasonal distribution: 24 February-16 September (CTNC)
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Mixed forest habitat, where its plant associates are.
Plant Associates: Quercus falcata (CTNC); also, Melilotus and Solidago; and from Q. velutina (CTGSMNP). Recently reported from Salix species.
Behavior: To listen to the male courtship call for this genus, listen here. These courtship calls are not audible to the human ear, and the calls here are produced by recording the substrate vibrations that the treehoppers use to communicate through the plants themselves. The recorded call is then amplified so that it is now audible to human ears. Research has shown that treehoppers use vibrations to attract mates, to announce the discovery of a good feeding site, or to alert a defending mother to the approach of a predator (T.IM).
Comment: Can be attracted at night with a light.
Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Stictocephala lutea No Common Name

Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: Alex Baranowski
Washington Co.
Comment: we caught a number of Stictocephala lutea at a wetland in Exeter, RI and found in the lab, they will feed on a few Salix species
Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: Alex Baranowski
Washington Co.
Comment: we caught a number of Stictocephala lutea at a wetland in Exeter, RI and found in the lab, they will feed on a few Salix species
Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn, Paul Scharf
Wake Co.
Comment: grassy habitat
Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn
Burke Co.
Comment: Attracted to light
Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: Paul Scharf
Halifax Co.
Stictocephala luteaPhoto by: T. DeSantis
Camden Co.
Comment: DISW