Description: A somewhat dark species with a dark brown pronotum. The wings have a dark pattern, and there are black spots spaced out along the veins. The legs are banded black and light brown. The antennae, eyes, and interocular portion of the frons are a medium brown color, contrasting with the rest of the mostly pale frons and clypeus. At the top of the clypeus is a dark interrupted circular mark. Males are 2.5 - 4.0 mm long while females are 3.2 - 4.5 mm (Kramer, 1973).
Note that all of the Stobaera species are similar in appearance, but the face pattern and dark pronotum are key characteristics for distinguishing S. concinna from the other two species found in North Carolina. For information, sketches, and a key to the nymph instars of this species, see: Calvert. (UDEL) |