Description: A boldly marked species ranging in color from red, orange or brown with three prominent red and black bands. The band going across the middle of the wings, which curves downward on each side toward the tips, is typically bicolored: the anterior part is dark brown to black, while the rest is red, characteristic of this species. In some individuals though almost the entire median band is red (see above), lacking the blackish anterior border. The band is bordered by a large black mark on the costal margin of each wing. The pronotum is dark brown to black, contrasting sharply with the pale, yellowish scutellum; this is a key characteristic of this species. The third band crosses the tips of the wings and is mostly blackish brown, with some red markings on the anterior side. Depending on the age of the individual, the vittae (stripes) on the wings can vary in color from yellow to red. The vertex has parallel orange submedial lines, often with lateral branches, and a pale midline in between. The face and underside of the thorax are entirely pale. Adults are 2.8 to 3.2 mm long. (Dmitriev & Dietrich, 2007)
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