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Cicadellidae Members: NC Records

Chlorotettix iridescens - No Common Name

Chlorotettix iridescens
© Kyle Kittelberger- side view
Chlorotettix iridescens
© Kyle Kittelberger- note pattern
Chlorotettix iridescens
© Kyle Kittelberger- female
Chlorotettix iridescens
© Kyle Kittelberger- note shape of
pregenital sternite
Family: CicadellidaeSubfamily: DeltocephalinaeTribe: Pendarini
Taxonomic Author: (DeLong, 1916)
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A light brown species with dark eyes; the forewings are light brown subhyaline (can appear yellowish) with both pale and dark venation. The vertex is roundedly produced with the median length approximately twice as long as the length next to the eye. The vertex can be yellowish, with the ocelli greenish-yellow; the face is a brownish-yellow. The female pregenital sternite is broadly and deeply excavated with the sides concave and a V-shaped median notch; the lateral angles of the margin are rounded and acute. Note that because of the shape and extent of the excavation in the sternite, some of the genital structures (look like rounded lobes) are visible underneath; seeing these, combined with the shape of the sternite, are characteristic of this species. The male subgenital plates are broadly triangular and rather short, convexly rounded with bluntly angled acute apices. Adult males are 6.1-6.9 mm long, females are 6.7-7.2 mm. (DeLong 1918, DeLong 1948, Cwikla 1988)

For diagrams of the genitalia of this species, see: Dmitriev.

Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Eastern United States
Abundance: Recorded from a couple counties in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain; likely under collected and therefore under reported.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Grassy areas, forest edge, open woodlands, floodplain forest, wet areas (DeLong 1948)
Plant Associates: Grasses, cane, violets, similar plants of wet soils (DeLong 1948)
Behavior: Can be attracted at night with a light.
Comment: NOTE: Chlorotettix is a notoriously difficult genus to identify to species visually; a majority of the species are various shade of yellow and green, and they can only be reliably distinguished by looking at genital features. Therefore, it is very important for all Chlorotettix species other than necopinus and tergatus to obtain a picture of the underside.
Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Chlorotettix iridescens No Common Name

Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Randy Emmitt
Orange Co.
Comment: highly reflective, hard to get photo without having the wings reflect the light. I might be wrong on the ID?
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Randy Emmitt
Orange Co.
Comment: highly reflective, hard to get photo without having the wings reflect the light. I might be wrong on the ID?
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Jones Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Jones Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Jones Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Jones Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Bo Sullivan
Jones Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: female
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: attracted at night with a light; female, 6.9 mm
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: attracted at night with a light; female, 6.9 mm
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: attracted at night with a light; female, 6.9 mm
Chlorotettix iridescensPhoto by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Rockingham Co.
Comment: attracted at night with a light; female, 6.9 mm