Description: The head is broader and longer than the prothroax, and is angulate and inclined upwards; it is broadly rounded too. The wings are long and narrow, tapering to a point at the apex. There are four apical cells and two ante-apical cells in the wing, with two longitudinal veins within the clavus. The costal margin of the wing is a bold, contrasting white color. The female pregenital sternite has the posterior margin on the middle third produced more than the posterior lateral angles, forming a pair of rounded apical lobes at the apex. (Crowder, 1952)
Nymphs are brownish overall, covered entirely with various dark specks (similar to the adult coloration). There are two narrow brown stripes along the pale median line. The lateral margins of the abdominal tergites are dark brown. The venter is dark brown, with the face having numerous dark specks, and the apex of the face has pale and dark spots. Nymphs are 8.3-8.7 mm long. (Dmitriev, 2009)
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