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CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records

Eratoneura ligata - No Common Name

Eratoneura ligata
© Robert Meehan- note color pattern
Family: CICADELLIDAESubfamily: TyphlocybinaeTribe: Erythroneurini
Taxonomic Author: (McAtee, 1920)
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: Red or orange color pattern on an otherwise yellowish-white body. The zigzag red-orange color pattern on the wings is typically characterized by the lines along the claval margin being darker than the other markings. There is a dark spot on the costal margin of each wing, and the inner apical cell has a prominent brown spot basally. The vertex has orange parallel submedial lines, often with a lateral branch; the midline is pale. The anteclypeus is pale, concolorous with the rest of the face. The pronotum has a Y-shaped yellow to red mark in the middle (though this is absent in some individuals) and a concolorous line on the lateral margins. The mesonotum is entirely pale, with dark lateral triangles and a pale apex, contrasting with the rest of the mesonotum. The thoracic venter is entirely pale. Adults are 3.0-3.3 mm long. (3I)

For more images of this species, see: BG.

Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Eastern and central United States, largely absent from the Southeast (3I)
Abundance: Rare, a single recent record from the Piedmont.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Mixed hardwood forest, where oaks are present.
Plant Associates: Quercus alba, Quercus macrocarpa, Quercus spp. (3I)
Behavior: Can be attracted at night with a light.
Comment: Color pattern-wise, this species recalls Erythroneura more so than most members of Eratoneura.
Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Eratoneura ligata No Common Name

Eratoneura ligataPhoto by: Robert Meehan
Durham Co.
Comment: Found deceased - caught in spiderweb. Likely attracted to LED light. State record
Eratoneura ligataPhoto by: Robert Meehan
Durham Co.
Comment: Found deceased - caught in spiderweb. Likely attracted to LED light