Description: A fairly distinctive species with a yellow or white dorsum and a red, orange, or brown (ranging to blackish) color pattern of oblique markings forming a continuous zigzag pattern. There is a dark spot on the costal margin of the wings, apical cell II has a distal spot, and the inner apical cell has a brown spot basally. The vertex has orange parrallel submedial lines, which often have a lateral branch; the vertex midline is pale; the face is also pale. The prontoum has Y or V-shaped markings, while the mesonotum is pale, with distinctive dark lateral triangles that, together with the dark apex, contrast with the pale areas. The underside of the thorax has a dark mesosternum, with the remainder pale. Adults are 2.8- 3.0 mm long. (Dmitriev & Dietrich, 2007)
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