Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records

Paramesus major - No Common Name

© Kelly Davis- note head pattern
Family: CICADELLIDAESubfamily: DeltocephalinaeTribe: Paralimnini
Taxonomic Author: Haupt 1927
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist                                                                                  
Description: A light brown-stramineous to greenish-stramineous species. There is a prominent black transverse band across the vertex, typically with a perpendicular brown to reddish-brown indistinct band posterior to this black one and running between the eyes; the vertex margin is a creamy color, with the marginal band continuing across the eyes. The wing venation is boldly outlined with pale coloration. Adults are 5.0-6.5 mm (Beirne, 1956).

For more images of this species, see: BG.

Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: A European and Middle Eastern species, it was first detected in North America in Quebec in 1919; by 1954, it had expanded to Ontario and then to New Brunswick by 1978 (Hamilton, 1983). It has now spread as far west as Alberta, and as far south in the eastern United States as North Carolina (the records here).
Abundance: Rare, only recently detected in the state from the coast. Likely to expand and become more widespread in the future.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Mixed grassland-forest areas (Gareau, 2008), other open grassy areas
Plant Associates: Monophagous on Bulboschoenus maritimus (Nickel, 2003)
Behavior: Can be attracted at night with a light.
Status: Introduced
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Species Photo Gallery for Paramesus major No Common Name

Photo by: Kelly Davis
Hyde Co.
Comment: Came to moth sheet with UV light - just before dark. - unid_leafhopper
Photo by: Kelly Davis
Hyde Co.
Comment: Came to moth sheet with UV light - just before dark
Photo by: Larry Chen
Dare Co.
Comment: unid_leafhopper
Photo by: Larry Chen
Dare Co.
Comment: unid_leafhopper
Photo by: Larry Chen
Dare Co.
Comment: unid_leafhopper
Photo by: Larry Chen
Dare Co.
Comment: unid_leafhopper