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CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records

Xestocephalus piceus - No Common Name

Xestocephalus piceus
© Scott Bolick
Xestocephalus piceus
© Scott Bolick
Family: CICADELLIDAESubfamily: AphrodinaeTribe: Xestocephalini
Taxonomic Author: Osborn, 1928
Online Photographs: BugGuide, GBIF  iNaturalist  Google                                                                                  
Description: A generally blackish species, with the apex of the vertex and upper part of the frons a dark brown; the elytra has paler spots along the costa near the apex. The vertex is about twice as long at the middle as the length near the eyes, and the pronotum is a little longer than the vertex. Adults are 4.0 mm or more in length. (DeLong, 1948)

This species is larger than the very similar X. brunneus, which is 3.0-3.5 mm long: 1. For additional pics of X. piceus, see: BG.

Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Distribution: Eastern United States
Abundance: Recorded from a single county in the Piedmont, probably more abundant in the right habitat.
Seasonal Occurrence
Habitats and Life History
Plant Associates:
Behavior: Can be attracted at night with a light
Comment: This is the only member of this genus whose adults feed on trees (BG).

Under the latest revision of the genus by Cwikla 1985, many species were synonymized under X. desertorum. While the following species appear to be visually distinctive, there are no differences in the male or female genitalia from desertorum, hence being synonymized. This move has not been carried out here as it seems necessary for further studies done to determine the validity of species within this genus. For now, species here will be differentiated based on visual characteristics. It is important to note though that these 'species' may not be valid, and visual characteristics that have been used to differentiate may not in fact hold up due to variation between forms and/or species. Furthermore, somes records may represent similiar species that are not yet on this site; obviously there is much to learn and revise regarding this genus.

The species still synonymized under desertorum (some others have been re-elevated to species level per Chandler & Hamilton, 2017) that could occur in our area are as follows:

- piceus

- provancheri

- similis

Furthermore, there is an apparent undescribed species that looks similar to X. superbus, but has a differently marked and colored frons, head and pronotum. Recent DNA barcoding revealed specimens of this 'species' cluster separately from everything else.

- n-species

Status: Native
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Species Photo Gallery for Xestocephalus piceus No Common Name

Xestocephalus piceusPhoto by: Scott Bolick
Forsyth Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light
Xestocephalus piceusPhoto by: Scott Bolick
Forsyth Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light
Xestocephalus piceusPhoto by: Scott Bolick
Forsyth Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light; 3.9-4.0 mm
Xestocephalus piceusPhoto by: Scott Bolick
Forsyth Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light; 3.9-4.0 mm