Hoppers of North Carolina:
Spittlebugs, Leafhoppers, Treehoppers, and Planthoppers
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Ophiderma evelyna Woodruff, 1919 - No Common Name     MEMBRACIDAE Members: NC Records Public View

© Ken Childs- male, note pattern

© Kyle Kittelberger- male

© Ken Childs- female, note uniform green

© Ken Childs- female

synonym Ophiderma pubescens
description The female is slender with a strongly hairy pubescent face and pronotum. The face is a little broader than long, and the pronotum is long and slender apically; both the face and pronotum are a light green color. The forewings are rufous, with rufous wing venation and a smoky spot at the tip; the legs are concolorous with the wings. The abdomen is yellowish green above and beneath. Males are smaller than the female, but also slender and showing the pubescent hair across the body like in the female. The face is yellowish green, with two small dots at the base of the vertex above the ocelli (eyespots). The pronotum is comparatively short, not extending more than half way between the end of the abdomen and apex of the wings. The pronotum is rufous colored near the apex, with two yellowish transverse bands; the posterior band converges with the front of the pronotum, which is also a yellowish color. The forewings resemble the female's, and the legs are pale. The abdomen is black above, with yellow margins of segments; the underside of the abdomen is yellowish-green. Adult males are 5.5 to 6.0 mm long, while females are 6.2 to 7.0 mm. (Kopp, 1973)
distribution Eastern and central North America
abundance Recorded across the state, with a majority of records from the Piedmont and Coastal Plain; uncommon. Seasonal distribution: late March-30 June (CTNC)
habitat Has been found near mixed hardwood forest; where oaks are present.
plant associates Quercus alba, Q. falcata, Q. marilandica, Q. nigra, Q. palustris, Q. phellos (CTNC)
behavior To listen to the male courtship call for this genus, listen here. These courtship calls are not audible to the human ear, and the calls here are produced by recording the substrate vibrations that the treehoppers use to communicate through the plants themselves. The recorded call is then amplified so that it is now audible to human ears. Research has shown that treehoppers use vibrations to attract mates, to announce the discovery of a good feeding site, or to alert a defending mother to the approach of a predator (T.IM).
comments Can be attracted at night with a light.
status [Native:] [Introduced:] [Extirpated:]
list_type [Official:] [Provisional:]
adult_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens
Identifiable from photos showing undersides, or other specialized views [e.g., legs, face]
Identifiable only by close inspection of structural features or by DNA analysis NULL
nymph_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood NULL

Species Photo Gallery for Ophiderma evelyna No Common Name

Photo by: Paul Scharf
Warren Co.
Comment: Attracted to Black Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Burke Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Burke Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf, Brian Bockhahn
Burke Co.
Comment: Attracted to Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to UV Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to UV Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to UV Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to UV Light
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn, L. Amos
Warren Co.
Comment: Attracted to Black & UV Lights
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn, L. Amos
Warren Co.
Comment: Attracted to Black & UV Lights
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn, L. Amos
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to Black & UV Lights
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B Bockhahn, L. Amos
Warren Co.
Comment: Male, Attracted to Black & UV Lights
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/78612005
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/78612005
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/78612005
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/78612005
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/78612005
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B. Bockhahn,C. Mitchell
Durham Co.
Comment: female. Attracted to UV Lights
Photo by: Paul Scharf, B. Bockhahn,C. Mitchell
Durham Co.
Comment: Female. Attracted to UV Lights
Photo by: Ken Childs
Out Of State Co.
Photo by: Ken Childs
Out Of State Co.
Comment: male
Photo by: Ken Childs
Out Of State Co.
Comment: female
Photo by: Ken Childs
Out Of State Co.
Comment: female
Photo by: Ken Kneidel
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: 6 mm female trapped in Tanglefoot on a tree band on Willow Oak, Quercus phellos
Photo by: Rob Van Epps
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Came to UV light. Suburban yard near woods.
Photo by: Rob Van Epps
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Came to UV light. Suburban yard near woods.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Photo by: David L. Heavner
Chatham Co.
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/76627941
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/76627941
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/76627941
Photo by: John Petranka
Orange Co.
Comment: Attracted to 15W UV lamp
Photo by: Ken Kneidel
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: dead, stuck in a tree band on oak
Photo by: Ken Kneidel
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: dead, stuck in a tree band on oak
Photo by: Erich Hofmann, David George, Rich Teper, Jeff Niznik
New Hanover Co.
Photo by: Erich Hofmann, David George, Rich Teper, Jeff Niznik
New Hanover Co.
Photo by: Patrick Coin
Durham Co.
Comment: At lighted window. See https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/169488146
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper
Photo by: Ted Wilcox
Watauga Co.
Comment: unid_treehopper