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Agallia lingulata - No Common Name     CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records Public View

© Kyle Kittelberger- note coloration

© Kyle Kittelberger

© Kyle Kittelberger- note pattern on pronotum

description A small and robust species with a characteristic pattern, males can be up to 3.5 mm long while females can range up to 3.75 mm. This is a variable species, ranging in color from light brown to a quite dark blackish/fuscous color, with males much darker than females. There is a pair of large black spots on the anterior margin of the vertex (front of the head) that are surrounded by a pale ring, and a distinctive and characteristic pair of large black spots on the top of the pronotum; these pronotal spots are also surrounded by a contrasting pale ring. The elytra is smoky and the wing venation is pale to dark (dark in dark specimens). The vertex is almost uniform in length and width, and the pronotum is about 2.5 times wider than long. The pregenital sternite on females is very broad and truncate, with a thin median process extending downwards. Male plates are nearly triangular with the lateral margins slightly concave. (Oman 1933)
distribution Eastern United States; Atlantic Coast states
abundance Known currently from a couple counties in the Piedmont. Possibly more abundant in the state in grassy habitat.
habitat Grassy areas
plant associates Festuca lawn grass, clover, other weeds
comments This species is smaller than A. quadripunctata, more similar to A. deleta. In A. deleta, some individuals (most likely males) can be quite dark. However, deleta lacks the black pronotal spots surrounded by pale rings that are found in A. lingulata; instead, deleta is largely uniform in color and pattern.

Until a specimen is obtained, the records on here should be treated as somewhat tentative, since A. lingulata is an infrequently encountered species.

status [Native:] [Introduced:] [Extirpated:]
list_type [Official:] [Provisional:]
adult_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens
Identifiable from photos showing undersides, or other specialized views [e.g., legs, face]
Identifiable only by close inspection of structural features or by DNA analysis NULL
nymph_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood NULL

Species Photo Gallery for Agallia lingulata No Common Name

Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: lawn
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: lawn
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: lawn
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: lawn
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger
Wake Co.
Comment: lawn
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/28376540
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/28376540
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/28376540
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/73538010
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/73538010
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/73538010
Photo by: Margarita Lankford
Orange Co.
Comment: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/74688727