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Alconeura macra (Griffith, 1938) - No Common Name     CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records Public View

© Rob Van Epps- note apical dot on crossvein

© Kyle Kittelberger- note white scutellal square

© Ken Childs- note coloration and pattern

© Mark Shields

description A pale, creamy-white species with an orange-yellow color pattern. The vertex has an orange-yellow V-mark that is inverted from the margin; this mark touches the eyes and largely does not widen much as it extends towards the pronotum. The pronotum has four orange-yellow lines (two pairs), parallel to one another and extending across the pronotum towards the scutellum; the lateral pairs of lines are slightly connected at the anterior end and sometimes connected posteriorly. The scutellum is orange-yellow except for a small but bold anteromedian white square. There are two orange-yellow oval-shaped claval spots on each wing, one elongated mark on the side of the scutellum and the other in the middle along the commissure; when the wings are closed, the middle spots on each wing form an oval dorsal spot. There is an orange-yellow stripe that curves inward from each costal margin along the claval suture to the apical crossveins, meeting a smoky brown mark that extends from a yellowish-orange spot on the midcostal margin. The apical crossveins are yellow, bordered with dark brown; there is a bold black apical dot on the third crossvein. The wing tips are yellowish with some smoky brown tints. The underside of the body is yellowish. (Griffith, 1938)

For more images of this species, see: 3I.

distribution Eastern and central United States; primarily the Southeast (3I)
abundance Recorded from a few counties in the Coastal Plain; probably found elsewhere in the right habitat, but likely uncommon to rare.
habitat Has been found in open forest habitat near a cypress swamp.
plant associates Hypericum sp. (3I)
behavior Can be attracted at night with a light.
comments Alconeura can be a very difficult genus to identify. A. macra is one of several members of this mostly western genus that occur in the eastern United States.
status [Native:] [Introduced:] [Extirpated:]
list_type [Official:] [Provisional:]
adult_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens
Identifiable from photos showing undersides, or other specialized views [e.g., legs, face]
Identifiable only by close inspection of structural features or by DNA analysis NULL
nymph_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood NULL
tribe Dikraneurini
subgenus Alconeura

Species Photo Gallery for Alconeura macra No Common Name

Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf
Gates Co.
Photo by: Kyle Kittelberger, Paul Scharf
Gates Co.
Photo by: Ken Childs
Out Of State Co.
Photo by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Photo by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Photo by: Mark Shields
Onslow Co.
Photo by: B. Bockhahn
Onslow Co.
Comment: Sweep net
Photo by: Scott Bolick
Forsyth Co.
Photo by: Rob Van Epps
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Attracted to UV light.
Photo by: Rob Van Epps
Mecklenburg Co.
Comment: Attracted to UV light.