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Empoa aureotecta Sanders & DeLong, 1917 - No Common Name     CICADELLIDAE Members: NC Records Public View

© Solomon Hendrix

© Solomon Hendrix

© Robert Deans

© Tom Ward

synonym Typhlocyba aureotecta
description The head, pronotum, and scutellum are yellowish white to orange-yellow. The fore wings are light rose to bright reddish-orange, covering most of the wing to the apical crossveins. There are brown spots in the apices of the three inner basal and the first and fourth apical cells, while lunate white spots are anterior to these spots in the basal and fourth apical cells; the remaining areas of the apical cells are fumose hyaline. The abdomen is yellow to reddish-orange, lacking dark markings. Adults are 3.25-3.75 mm long. (Christian, 1953)

For additional images of this species, see: BG.

distribution Eastern North America (3I)
abundance A few recent records from the mountains and Piedmont, likely under-collected and more abundant in this region of the state.
habitat Woodland
plant associates Quercus sp. (3I)
behavior Can be attracted at night with a light.
status [Native:] [Introduced:] [Extirpated:]
list_type [Official:] [Provisional:]
adult_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens
Identifiable from photos showing undersides, or other specialized views [e.g., legs, face]
Identifiable only by close inspection of structural features or by DNA analysis NULL
nymph_id Unmistakable and widely known Identifiable from good quality photos, especially where associated with known host plants
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis
Identifiable only through rearing to adulthood NULL
tribe Typhlocybini
subgenus Empoa

Species Photo Gallery for Empoa aureotecta No Common Name

Photo by: tom ward
Buncombe Co.
Comment: posting Empoa aureotecta as requested! there were orange specks all over the sheet! all the ones i checked looked like these or somewhere in between. just checked & they're out tonight too!
Photo by: tom ward
Buncombe Co.
Comment: posting Empoa aureotecta as requested! there were orange specks all over the sheet! all the ones i checked looked like these or somewhere in between. just checked & they\'re out tonight too!
Photo by: tom ward
Buncombe Co.
Comment: posting Empoa aureotecta as requested! there were orange specks all over the sheet! all the ones i checked looked like these or somewhere in between. just checked & they\'re out tonight too! 2nd state record
Photo by: Solomon Hendrix
Out Of State Co.
Comment: male, at lights
Photo by: Solomon Hendrix
Out Of State Co.
Comment: male, at lights
Photo by: Solomon Hendrix
Out Of State Co.
Comment: male, at lights
Photo by: tom ward
Buncombe Co.
Comment: came to black light
Photo by: tom ward
Buncombe Co.
Comment: came to black light
Photo by: Robert Deans
Forsyth Co.
Photo by: Robert Deans
Forsyth Co.