Vascular Plants of North Carolina
References used in the Vascular Flora website
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135 references
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57Medford, H.C., D.B. Poindexter, and A.S. Weakley2021A morphometric analysis of the carex intumescens complex.JBRIT 15: 24-32
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76Poindexter, D.B.2013Vascular flora and plant communities of Alleghany County, North Carolina. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7: 529-574.
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78Poindexter, D.B., and J.B. Nelson2011A new hedge-nettle (Stachys: Lamiaceae) from the Southern Appalachian mountainsJournal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(2):405-414
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95Sorrie, B. A. 2010A new variety of Eutrochium purpureum (Eupatorieae: Asteraceae).Phytoneuron 2010-43: 1-6.
96Sorrie, B.A.Vascular Flora of the Outer Banks, North Carolina.Manuscript in prep.
97Sorrie, B.A.2011A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region -- North Carolina, South Carolina, GeorgiaUniversity of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill
98Sorrie, B.A. 2012Identification, distribution, and habitat of needle-leaved Hypericum (Hypericaceae) in the southeastern United States.Phytoneuron 2012-76: 1-14.
99Sorrie, B.A.2014The maritime variant of Smilax bona-nox (Smilacaceae). Phytoneuron 2014-16: 1-3.
100Sorrie, B.A. 2018Solidago aestivalis in the Carolinas.Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 12: 27-67.
101Sorrie, B.A.2020Studies in the vascular flora of the Southeastern United States: VI. Andropogon.JBRIT 14: 214-218
102Sorrie, B.A. and A.S. Weakley2017New the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. III JBRIT 12: 54-56
103Sorrie, B.A. and A.S. Weakley2017Stenanthium leimanthoides and S. densum (Melanthiaceae) revisited, with the description of two new species.JBRIT 11: 275-287
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107Sorrie, B.A., A.S. Weakley, and R.J. LeBlond2018Reassessment of Oenothers fruticosa var. unguiculataJournal of the Botanical Research Inst. of Texas 12: 471-475
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110Spriggs, E.L. et al. 2019Restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing reveals a cryptic Viburnum species on the North American coastal plain. Systematic Botany 68: 187-203
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112Thomas, A.M., M.E. Johns, and R.M. Jetton2021Characterization of a disjunct population of Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and surrounding plant communities in the North Carolina Piedmont after 65 years of forest change. Southeastern Naturalist 20: 377-398
113Ungberg, E.A., J.W. Horn, D.B. Poindexter, K.A. Bradley, and A.S. Weakley2024Helianthus waccamawensis (Asteraceae), a new species of sunflower endemic to the Cape Fear Arch region of North and South Carolina (U.S.A.)J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 18(2): 271–291. 2024
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117Weakley , A.S.2023Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of April 14, 2023University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora.
118Weakley, A.S.2011Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States; Working Draft of 15 May 2011University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill
119Weakley, A.S.2018Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the South); Working Draft of 4 October 2018University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillWeakley FloraPresently only a link to the 2015 version is provided.
120Weakley, A.S.2020Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the Southeastern United States); Edition of 20 October 2020University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillWeakley Flora (2020)A form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora or the NC Flora.
121Weakley, A.S.2022Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the Southeastern United States); Edition of 23 April 2022University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora.
122Weakley, A.S.2023Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of April 14, 2023 University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora.
123Weakley, A.S.2023aFlora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of 14 April 2023University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora.
124Weakley, A.S.2024Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of March 4, 2024University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora.
125Weakley, A.S.2024aFlora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of March 4, 2024University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora.
126Weakley, A.S. and D.B. Poindexter2018Hexastylis. In Studies in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. VI. JBRIT 14: 200-202.
127Weakley, A.S. and D.B. Poindexter2023Taxonomic recognition and names in southeastern United States Morella.JBRIT : 35-39.
128Weakley, A.S., and D.B. Poindexter2012A new species of Marshallia (Asteraceae) from mafic woodlands and barrens of North Carolina and Virginia. Phytoneuron 2012-105:1-17.
129Weakley, A.S., J.C. Ludwig, and J.F. Townsend2012Flora of VirginiaBotanical Research Institute of Texas Press, Fort Worth
130Weakley. A.S.2022aFlora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of 13 April 2022University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel HillA form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora.
131Wells, E.F. 2012Reintroduction of federally endangered Harperella in flood-prone, artificial, and natural habitats. Castanea 77: 146-157.
132Wichmann, B.L.2021List of Rare Plant Species of North Carolina: 2021North Carolina Natural Heritage Program; N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, RaleighRare Plant Species of NC - 2021
133Wilbur, R.L.1963The Leguminous Plants of North CarolinaNC Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. #151
134Wofford, B.E.1989Guide to the Vascular Plants of the Blue RidgeUniversity of Georgia Press, Athens
135Zuloaga, F.O., O. Morrone, y M.J. Belgrano.2008Catalogo de las plantas vasculares del Cono Sur. Vol. 2. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.