135 references |
| author | year | title | source | link | comment | 1 | | | |
| | |
2 | Argus, G. | 1986 | The genus Salix (Salicaceae) in the southeastern United States. | Systematic Botany Monographs Vol. 9. | | |
3 | Argus, G. | 2010 | Salix. | Flora North America vol. 7. Oxford Univ. Press. | | |
4 | Atha, D.E., M.H. Nee, and R.F.C. Naczi | 2010 | Persicaria extremiorientalis established in the flora of eastern United States. | Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 137: 333-338. | | |
5 | Ballard, H.E., Jr., J.T. Kartesz, and M. Nishino | 2023 | A taxonomic treatment of the violets (Violaceae) of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. | J. Torrey Bot. Club 150(1): 3-266. | | |
6 | Barden, L.S. and J.F. Matthews | 2004 | Andre Michaux's sumac--Rhus michauxii Sargent: why did Sargent rename it and where did Michaux find it? | Castanea 69: 109-115. | | |
7 | Bauer, R. and D.C. Albach | 2021 | Rhododendron smokianum, a new species from the Great Smoky Mountains. | Systematic Botany 46: 122-129. | | |
8 | Blasdell, R.F. | 1963 | A monographic study of the fern genus Cystopteris. | Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 21: 1-76. | | |
9 | Blomquist, H.L. | 1948 | The Grasses of North Carolina. | Duke Univ. Press, Durham. | | |
10 | Blomquist, H.L., and H.J. Oosting | 1959 | A Guide to the Spring and Early Summer Flora of the Piedmont, North Carolina; Sixth Revised Edition | Published by the authors | | |
11 | Boufford, D.E., et al. | 2014 | Packera serpenticola (Asteraceae), a new species from North Carolin, U.S.A. | Systematic Botany 39: 1027-1030. | | |
12 | Bridges, E. and S. Orzell | 2018 | New combinations, rank changes, and nomenclatural and taxonomic comments in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States - III. Pityopsis. | JBRIT 12: 29-32. | | |
13 | Brown, P.M. | 1999 | Recent taxonomic and distributional notes from Florida-1. | North American Orchid Journal 5: 7-11. | | |
14 | Brunton, D.F. and D.M. Britton | 1996 | Taxonomy and distribution of Isoetes valida. | American Fern Journal 86: 16-25. | | |
15 | Brunton, D.F. and D.M. Britton | 1997 | Appalachian Quillwort (Isoetes appalachiana sp. nov.: Isoetaceae), a new pteridophyte from the eastern United States. | Rhodora 99: 118-133. | | |
16 | Brunton, D.F. and D.M. Britton | 1998 | Isoetes microvela (Isoetaceae), a new quillwort from the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. | Rhodora 100: 261-275. | | |
17 | Brunton, D.F. et al. | 1994 | Isoetes hyemalis sp. nov. (Isoetaceae): a new quillwort from the southeastern United States. | Castanea 59: 12-21. | | |
18 | Burk, C.J. | 1961 | A floristic study of the Outer Banks of North Carolina. | Ph.D. thesis, UNC Chapel Hill | | |
19 | Campbell, C.S. | 1983 | Systematics of the Andropogon virginicus complex (Gramineae). | Journal of the Arnold Arboretum 64: 171-254. | | |
20 | Carter, R. et al. | 2016 | Cyperus richardii (Cyperaceae) new to Florida, U.S.A. and the Western Hemisphere. | JBRIT 10: 191-200. | | |
21 | Catling, P.M. | 1991 | Systematics of Malaxis bayardii and M. unifolia | Lindleyana 6: 3-23 | | |
22 | Chafin, L.G. | 2007 | Field Guide to the Rare Plants of Georgia | State Botanical Garden of Georgia, Athens, Georgia | | |
23 | Clark, R.K. et al. | 2016 | Guide to the Vascular Flora of Kitty Hawk Woods (Dare County, NC). | BRIT Press, Fort Worth, TX. | | |
24 | Cook, K. | 2015 | Taxonomy of New World Pseudolycopodiella. | Master's Thesis, University of Ohio. | | |
25 | Cook, W. | 2019 | North Carolina Plant Photos | Will Cook's Website: Carolina Nature (website) | Will Cook's website | |
26 | Correll, D.S., and H.L. Blomquist | | Journal paper describing Spiranthes sylvatica | North Am. Native Orchid Journal 7: 193-205 | | |
27 | Ferguson, R.L., B.T. Pawlak, and L.L. Wood | 1993 | Flowering of the seagrass Halodule wrightii in North Carolina, USA. | Aquatic Botany 46: 91-98. | | |
28 | Fernald, M.L. | 1950 | Gray's Manual of Botany; Eighth Edition | Dioscorides Press, Portland, OR | | |
29 | Fleming, G.P., J.B. Nelson, and J.F. Townsend | 2011 | A new hedge-nettle (Stachys: Lamiaceae) from the mid-Atlantic Piedmont and Coastal Plain of the United States | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(1):9-18 | | |
30 | Floden, A. | 2015 | A new beebalm, Monarda austroappalachiana (Lamiaceae), from the Southern Appalachians. | Phytoneuron 2015-28:1-9 | | |
31 | Flora of North America Editorial Committee | 1993- | Flora of North America North of Mexico | Oxford University Press, New York | | The project will publish 26 volumes of Vascular Plants. As of January 2019, these have been published: 1-9, 12, 19-26. |
32 | Garland, M., et al. | 2020 | Noteworthy collections: North Carolina. | Castanea 85: 315-318. | | |
33 | Gianopulos, K., K. Kendig, and M. Pyne | 2021 | Guide to Common Wetland Plants of North Carolina. | North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Resources. | | |
34 | Gibbons, L.D. and C.K. McMullen | 2019 | Multivariate and morphometric analysis of taxonomic relationships in Eleocharis tenuis (Cyperaceae). | JBRIT 13: 71-81. | | |
35 | Gleason, H.A. | 1952 | The New Britton and Brown Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada | Hafner Press, New York, NY | | |
36 | Godfrey, R.K. and J.W. Wooten | 1979 | Aquatic and Wetland Vascular Plants of the Southeastern United States. Monocotyledons. | University of Georgia Press, Athens. | | |
37 | Godfrey, R.K. and J.W. Wooten | 1981 | Aquatic and Wetland Plants of the Southeastern United States. Dicotyledons. | University of Georgia Press, Athens | | |
38 | Hall, S. and C. Tingley | 2023 | A survey of the Big Shellbark Hickory, White-nymph, and other species associated with rich alluvial forest habitats in the New Hope floodplain of Durham County. | Report submitted to Durham County Open Space Program. | | |
39 | Haynes, J.E. et al. | 2020 | Revision of Fothergilla, including resurrection of F. parvifolia and a new species, F. milleri | PhytoKeys 144: 57-80 | | |
40 | Hosier, P.E. | 2018 | Seacoast Plants of the Carolinas. A New Guide for Plant Identification and Use in the Coastal Landscape | University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill | | |
41 | Isely, D | 1990 | Vascular Flora of the Southeastern United States: Volume 3, Part 2 -- Leguminosae (Fabaceae) | University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill | | |
42 | Karlsson, C., A. Weakley, and D. Poindexter | 2017 | Retention of Hydrophyllum virginianum var. atranthum as distinct from H. virginianum var. virginianum. | JBRIT 11: 303-304 | | |
43 | Kauffman, G.L. et al. | 2004 | A new species of Symphyotrichum from a serpentine barren in western North Carolina. | Sida 21: 827-839. | | |
44 | Knapp, W.M. | 2014 | Juncus fascinatus (Juncaceae), a new combination and notes on morphologically similar species. | Phytotaxa 174: 243-260. | | |
45 | Knapp. W.M. and R.F.C. Naczi. | 2008 | Taxonomy, Morphology, and Geographic Distribution of Juncus longii (Juncaceae). | Systematic Botany 33(4): 685-694. | | |
46 | Krings, A. | 2010 | Manual of the Vascular Flora of Nags Head Woods, Outer Banks, North Carolina. | Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden, vol 103. | | |
47 | Krings, A., S. Newton, N. Liles | 2017 | Hydrocotyle bowlesioides: new to the flora of North Carolina. | Castanea 82: 47 | | |
48 | Lance, R. | 2014 | Haws: A Guide to Hawthorns of the Southeastern United States | Published by the author (R. Lance), Mills River, NC | | |
49 | LeBlond, R. | 2016 | New Combinations in Dichanthelium (Poaceae) | JBRIT 10: 33-43 | | |
50 | LeBlond, R.J. | 2000 | Solidago villosicarpa, a rare new southeastern coastal plain endemic. | Sida 19: 291-300. | | |
51 | LeBlond, R.J. | 2019 | Dichanthelium: three species in the D. scabriusculum complex. | JBRIT 13: 117-119. | | |
52 | LeBlond, R.J. and A.S. Weakley | 2002 | Schizaea pusilla in North Carolina | Rhodora 104: 86-91. | | |
53 | LeBlond, R.J. and A.S. Weakley | 2011 | Nomenclatural changes in the flora of the southeastern United States: Andropogon | JBRIT 5: 445-447. | | |
54 | Levy, F. | 2021 | Evaluation of the taxonomy of Phacelia purshii (Hydrophyllaceae). | Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 148: 1-16. | | |
55 | Levy, F. and J.T. Donaldson | 2018 | Morphology, geographic distribution, and conservation status of the southern Appalachian endemic, Solidago lancifolia (Asteraceae). | Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 145: 281-295. | | |
56 | Levy, F. and R.L. Wilbur | 1990 | Disjunct populations of the alleged serpentine endemic, Aster depauperatus (Porter) Fern., on diabase glades in North Carolina. | Rhodora 92: 17-21. | | |
57 | Medford, H.C., D.B. Poindexter, and A.S. Weakley | 2021 | A morphometric analysis of the carex intumescens complex. | JBRIT 15: 24-32 | | |
58 | Mellichamp, T.L., J.F. Matthews, and P.J. Smithka | 1987 | New state and regional records of vascular plants in the Carolinas | Castanea 52: 95-111 | | |
59 | Musselman, L.J., D.L. Nickrent, and G.F. Levy | 1977 | A contribution towards a vascular flora of the Great Dismal Swamp. | Rhodora 79: 240-268 | | |
60 | Naczi, R.F.C. and J. Thieret | 1996 | Invasion and spread of Coincya monensis in North America | Sida 17: 43-54. | | |
61 | NameThatPlant.net | 2019 | Native & Naturalized Plants of the Carolinas & Georgia | NameThatPlant.net (website) | NameThatPlant website | |
62 | Nelson, J.B. | 1981 | Stachys (Labiatae) in southeastern United States. | Sida 9: 104-123. | | |
63 | Nelson, J.B. | 2008 | A new hedge-nettle (Stachys, Lamiaceae) from the Interior Highlands of the United States and keys to the southeastern species. | JBRIT 2: 761-769. | | |
64 | Nesom, G. | 2019 | Synopsis of the genus Pityopsis (Asteraceae) | Phytoneuron 2019-1: 1-31. | | |
65 | Nesom, G.L. | 1994 | Review of the taxonomy of Aster sensu lato, emphasizing the New World species. | Phytologia 77 (3): 141-297. | | |
66 | Nesom, G.L. | 1997 | Taxonomic adjustments in North American Aster sensu latissimo. | Phytologia 82(4): 281-288. | | |
67 | Nesom, G.L. | 2004 | A new species of Gamochaeta from the eastern United States and comments on similar species. | Sida 21: 717-741. | | |
68 | Nesom, G.L. | 2015 | Taxonomy of Galactia (Fabaceae) in the USA | Phytoneuron 2015-42:1-54. | | |
69 | Nesom, G.L. | 2021 | Taxonomy of Tiarella (Saxifragaceae) in the eastern USA. | Phytoneuron 2021-31:1-61. | | |
70 | Nesom, G.L. | 2021a | Taxonomic revision of Euthamia (Asteraceae). | Phytoneuron 34: 1-182.
| | |
71 | Nesom, G.L. | 2022 | New Species of Foamflower | North Carolina Botanical Garden newsletter | | |
72 | Ownbey, G.B. | 1958 | Monograph of the genus Argemone for North America and the West Indies. | Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Soc. 21. | | |
73 | Pennell, F.W. | 1935 | The Scrophulariaceae of eastern temperate North America. | Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Monographs #1. | | |
74 | Perry, J.P. III and L.J. Musselman | 1994 | Psilotum nudum new to North Carolina. | American Fern Journal 84: 102-104. | | |
75 | Peterson, R.T., and M. McKenny | 1968 | A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-central North America | Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston | | |
76 | Poindexter, D.B. | 2013 | Vascular flora and plant communities of Alleghany County, North Carolina. | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 7: 529-574. | | |
77 | Poindexter, D.B., A.S. Weakley, and M.W. Denslow | 2011 | New exotic additions and other noteworthy records for the flora of North Carolina. | Phytoneuron 2011-42: 1-14. | | |
78 | Poindexter, D.B., and J.B. Nelson | 2011 | A new hedge-nettle (Stachys: Lamiaceae) from the Southern Appalachian mountains | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 5(2):405-414 | | |
79 | Porcher, R.D., and D.A. Rayner | 2001 | A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina | University of South Carolina Press, Columbia | | |
80 | Radford, A.E., H.E. Ahles, and C. R. Bell | 1968 | Manual of the Vascular Flora of the Carolinas | University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill | | |
81 | Reznicek, A.A. | 1993 | Carex pumila (Cyperaceae) in North America. | Castanea 58: 220-224. | | |
82 | Robinson, L.G. | 2018 | List of Rare Plant Species of North Carolina | North Carolina Natural Heritage Program; N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Raleigh | Rare Plant Species of NC | |
83 | Rodgers, C.L. | 1950 | The Umbelliferae of North Carolina and their distribution in the Southeast. | J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 66: 195-265, plus 21 plates. | | |
84 | Rogers, C.M. | 1963 | Yellow flowered species of Linum in eastern North America | Brittonia 15: 97-122 | | |
85 | Rogers, C.M. | 1984 | Linaceae | North American Flora, Series II, Part 12. New York Botanical Garden | | |
86 | Rothfels, C.J., E. Sigel, and M.D. Windham | 2012 | Cheilanthes feei T. Moore (Pteridaceae) and Dryopteris erythrosora (D.C. Eaton) Kunze new for the flora of North Carolina. | American Fern Journal 102: 184-186. | | |
87 | Schilling, E.E. and K.C. Grubbs | 2016 | Systematics of the Eupatorium mohrii complex. | Systematic Botany 41 (3). | | |
88 | Schilling, E.E., R.J. LeBlond, R.D. Porcher, B.A. Sorrie, J.F. Townsend, P.D. McMillan, and A.S. Weakley. | 2007 | Eupatorium paludicola (Asteraceae): a new species from the coastal plain of North and South Carolina. | Rhodora 109: 137-144. | | |
89 | Semple, J.C. | 1981 | A revision of the goldenaster genus Chrysopsis (Nutt.) Ell. | Rhodora 83: 323-384. | | |
90 | Semple, J.C. and F.D. Bowers | 1985 | A Revision of the Goldenaster Genus Pityopsis. | University of Waterloo Biological Series, No. 29, University of Waterloo, Ontario. | | |
91 | Semple, J.C. et al. | 2015 | A multivariate morphometric study of the Solidago altissima complex. | Phytoneuron 2015-10: 1-31. | | |
92 | Semple, J.C. et al. | 2016 | A multivariate study of the Solidago stricta complex. | Phytoneuron 2016-86: 1-34. | | |
93 | Semple, J.C. et al. | 2020 | A multivariate study of the Solidago puberula complex. | Phytoneuron 2020-70: 1-22. | | |
94 | Smith, E.B. | 1976 | A Biosystematic Survey of Coreopsis in eastern United States and Canada. | SIDA 6: 123-215. | | |
95 | Sorrie, B. A. | 2010 | A new variety of Eutrochium purpureum (Eupatorieae: Asteraceae). | Phytoneuron 2010-43: 1-6. | | |
96 | Sorrie, B.A. | | Vascular Flora of the Outer Banks, North Carolina. | Manuscript in prep. | | |
97 | Sorrie, B.A. | 2011 | A Field Guide to Wildflowers of the Sandhills Region -- North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia | University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill | | |
98 | Sorrie, B.A. | 2012 | Identification, distribution, and habitat of needle-leaved Hypericum (Hypericaceae) in the southeastern United States. | Phytoneuron 2012-76: 1-14. | | |
99 | Sorrie, B.A. | 2014 | The maritime variant of Smilax bona-nox (Smilacaceae). | Phytoneuron 2014-16: 1-3. | | |
100 | Sorrie, B.A. | 2018 | Solidago aestivalis in the Carolinas. | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 12: 27-67. | | |
101 | Sorrie, B.A. | 2020 | Studies in the vascular flora of the Southeastern United States: VI. Andropogon. | JBRIT 14: 214-218 | | |
102 | Sorrie, B.A. and A.S. Weakley | 2017 | New combinations...in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. III | JBRIT 12: 54-56 | | |
103 | Sorrie, B.A. and A.S. Weakley | 2017 | Stenanthium leimanthoides and S. densum (Melanthiaceae) revisited, with the description of two new species. | JBRIT 11: 275-287 | | |
104 | Sorrie, B.A. et al. | 2002 | Carex austrodeflexa (Cyperaceae) a new species of Carex from the Atlantic Coastal Plain. | JBRIT 5: 45-51. | | |
105 | Sorrie, B.A. et al. | 2006 | The vascular flora of the longleaf pine ecosystem of Fort Bragg and Weymouth Woods, North Carolina. | Castanea 71: 127-159. | | |
106 | Sorrie, B.A. et al. | 2012 | A new Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae) from cedar glades of northern Alabama. | JBRIT 6: 323-329. | | |
107 | Sorrie, B.A., A.S. Weakley, and R.J. LeBlond | 2018 | Reassessment of Oenothers fruticosa var. unguiculata | Journal of the Botanical Research Inst. of Texas 12: 471-475 | | |
108 | Sorrie, B.A., B. Keener, and A.L. Edwards | 2007 | Reinstatement of Sagittaria macrocarpa (Alismataceae). | JBRIT 1: 345-350. | | |
109 | Sorrie, B.A., R.J. LeBlond, and A.S. Weakley. | 2013 | Identification, Distribution, and Habitat of Coreopsis section Eublepharis (Asteraceae) and Description of a New Species. | JBRIT 7: 299-310. | | |
110 | Spriggs, E.L. et al. | 2019 | Restriction-site-associated DNA sequencing reveals a cryptic Viburnum species on the North American coastal plain. | Systematic Botany 68: 187-203 | | |
111 | Stein, J., D. Binion, and R. Acciavatti | 2003 | Field Guide to native oak species of eastern North America. | USDA Forest Service FHTET-2003-01. | | |
112 | Thomas, A.M., M.E. Johns, and R.M. Jetton | 2021 | Characterization of a disjunct population of Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) and surrounding plant communities in the North Carolina Piedmont after 65 years of forest change. | Southeastern Naturalist 20: 377-398 | | |
113 | Ungberg, E.A., J.W. Horn, D.B. Poindexter, K.A. Bradley, and A.S. Weakley | 2024 | Helianthus waccamawensis (Asteraceae), a new species of sunflower endemic to the Cape Fear Arch region of North and South Carolina (U.S.A.) | J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 18(2): 271–291. 2024 | | |
114 | Vincent, M.A. | 2005 | On the spread and current distribution of Pyrus calleryana in the United States. | Castanea 72: 20-31. | | |
115 | Virginia Botanical Associates | 2019 | Digital Atlas of the Virginia Flora | The Flora of Virginia Project (website) | VA Atlas website | |
116 | Ward, S.G. | 2023 | Surging spurges: confirming the presence of naturalized populations of Euphorbia oblongata in the eastern United States, with comparisons to similar members of subgenus Esula. | Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (in press). | | |
117 | Weakley , A.S. | 2023 | Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of April 14, 2023 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora. |
118 | Weakley, A.S. | 2011 | Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States; Working Draft of 15 May 2011 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | |
119 | Weakley, A.S. | 2018 | Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the South); Working Draft of 4 October 2018 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | Weakley Flora | Presently only a link to the 2015 version is provided. |
120 | Weakley, A.S. | 2020 | Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the Southeastern United States); Edition of 20 October 2020 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | Weakley Flora (2020) | A form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora or the NC Flora. |
121 | Weakley, A.S. | 2022 | Flora of North Carolina (subset of Flora of the Southeastern United States); Edition of 23 April 2022 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora. |
122 | Weakley, A.S. | 2023 | Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of April 14, 2023
| University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora. |
123 | Weakley, A.S. | 2023a | Flora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of 14 April 2023 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora. |
124 | Weakley, A.S. | 2024 | Flora of the Southeastern United States: North Carolina Edition of March 4, 2024 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full NC Flora. |
125 | Weakley, A.S. | 2024a | Flora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of March 4, 2024 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora. |
126 | Weakley, A.S. and D.B. Poindexter | 2018 | Hexastylis. In Studies in the vascular flora of the southeastern United States. VI. | JBRIT 14: 200-202. | | |
127 | Weakley, A.S. and D.B. Poindexter | 2023 | Taxonomic recognition and names in southeastern United States Morella. | JBRIT : 35-39. | | |
128 | Weakley, A.S., and D.B. Poindexter | 2012 | A new species of Marshallia (Asteraceae) from mafic woodlands and barrens of North Carolina and Virginia. | Phytoneuron 2012-105:1-17. | | |
129 | Weakley, A.S., J.C. Ludwig, and J.F. Townsend | 2012 | Flora of Virginia | Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press, Fort Worth | | |
130 | Weakley. A.S. | 2022a | Flora of the Southeastern United States; Edition of 13 April 2022 | University of North Carolina Herbarium, UNC - Chapel Hill | | A form must be completed to receive the full SE Flora. |
131 | Wells, E.F. | 2012 | Reintroduction of federally endangered Harperella in flood-prone, artificial, and natural habitats. | Castanea 77: 146-157. | | |
132 | Wichmann, B.L. | 2021 | List of Rare Plant Species of North Carolina: 2021 | North Carolina Natural Heritage Program; N.C. Department of Natural and Cultural Resources, Raleigh | Rare Plant Species of NC - 2021 | |
133 | Wilbur, R.L. | 1963 | The Leguminous Plants of North Carolina | NC Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bull. #151 | | |
134 | Wofford, B.E. | 1989 | Guide to the Vascular Plants of the Blue Ridge | University of Georgia Press, Athens | | |
135 | Zuloaga, F.O., O. Morrone, y M.J. Belgrano. | 2008 | Catalogo de las plantas vasculares del Cono Sur. Vol. 2. | Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis. | | |