100 Most Recent Photos |
| sciName | comName | photographer | comments | state_rank |
 | Corylus americana | American Hazelnut | B.A. Sorrie | Floodplain of Deep River, 3-25-2025. Male catkin. | S5 (S5) |
 | Dirca palustris | Eastern Leatherwood | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, shrub at base of steep rocky slope facing Rocky River, flowering 3-25-2025. | S3 (S3) |
 | Luzula echinata | Hedgehog Woodrush | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, mossy narrow terrace along Rocky River, 3-25-2025. | S5 (S5) |
 | Sclerolepis uniflora | Pink Bogbutton | Andy Walker | Scotland Co. | S2 (S2 [S1S2]) |
 | Parthenocissus inserta | Thicket Creeper | B.A. Sorrie | Photo_non_NC Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Spiranthes longilabris | Giant-spiral Ladies'-tresses | Zack Bradford | Beaufort Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Spiranthes longilabris | Giant-spiral Ladies'-tresses | Zack Bradford | Beaufort Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Polygonella articulata | Coastal Jointweed | Zack Bradford | Gates Co. | SH (SH [S1]) |
 | Polygonella articulata | Coastal Jointweed | Zack Bradford | Gates Co. | SH (SH [S1]) |
 | Scrophularia lanceolata | Lanceleaf Figwort | Harry LeGrand | Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Monotropsis odorata | Sweet Pinesap | Jimmy Randolph | White Pines Preserve, 27 November 2024, plants in bud. | S3 (S3) |
 | Sicyos angulatus | One-seed Bur-cucumber | B.A. Sorrie | At bridge over small creek, George P Road in Piedmont. 10 Nov 2024. | S3 (S3 [S4]) |
 | Cenchrus purpurascens | Chinese Fountaingrass | Bryan England | Wake County; November 2024 | SNA (SE) * |
 | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Softstem Bulrush | Kristie Gianopulos | March at Walnut Creek. Oct 2024. | S4 (S4) |
 | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Softstem Bulrush | Kristie Gianopulos | Same data. | S4 (S4) |
 | Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani | Softstem Bulrush | Kristie Gianopulos | Marsh at Walnut Creek, Oct 2024. | S4 (S4) |
 | Quercus lyrata | Overcup Oak | Floyd Williams | Merchants Millpond State Park, 2016-09-04 | S5 (S5) |
 | Ampelopsis glandulosa | Porcelain-berry | David George | Durham County, along the American Tobacco Trail; 2024 | SNA (SE) |
 | Indigofera hirsuta | Hairy Indigo | Herb Amyx | Wakefield subdivision, North Raleigh, 23 Oct 2024, beside a sidewalk. | SNR (SE) |
 | Fallopia baldschuanica | Russian Vine | B.A. Sorrie | Same data. | SNA (SE) |
 | Fallopia baldschuanica | Russian Vine | B.A. Sorrie | Same data. | SNA (SE) |
 | Fallopia baldschuanica | Russian Vine | B.A. Sorrie | Hedgerow in Carthage, Moore County, 23 Oct 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Cyperus metzii | Asian Spikesedge | David Parker | Yard in Smithfield, Johnston County; 17 October 2024. Photo by David Parker | SNA (SE) |
 | Fothergilla major | Large Witch-alder | Steve Hall | Rock ledge facing Rocky River, 17 Oct 2024. | S3 (S3) |
 | Patrinia villosa | White Patrinia | Tracy Feldman | Same data. | SNA (SE) |
 | Patrinia villosa | White Patrinia | Tracy Feldman | Durant Nature Preserve, Raleigh, 5 Sept. 2024. Edge of dam by lake. | SNA (SE) |
 | Matteuccia struthiopteris | Ostrich Fern | Bryan England | Alien variety struthiopteris, Wake County, 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Schoenoplectiella purshiana | Weakstalk Bulrush | B.A. Sorrie | Edge of quarry pond, SE of Lilesville, 11 Oct 2024. Discovered in county by B. Dill. | S4? (S4? [S4]) |
 | Cyperus lancastriensis | Manyflower Flatsedge | B.A. Sorrie | Wet marshy roadside, Old River Road, Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024. | S3? (S3? [S4S5]) |
 | Solidago erecta | Slender Goldenrod | B.A. Sorrie | Shaded roadbank among Sourwood sprouts, Old River Road, Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Helianthus angustifolius | Narrowleaf Sunflower | B.A. Sorrie | Moist roadside of Red Branch Road, Piedmont, 8 Oct 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Paspalum setaceum var. ciliatifolium | Thin Paspalum | B.A. Sorrie | Roadside in Piedmont NE of Carthage, 8 Oct 2024. Note erect solitary spike. | S4 ([S4]) |
 | Aristida oligantha | Prairie Three-awn | B.A. Sorrie | Gravelly sand of roadside, Piedmont of Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Bidens aristosa | Bearded Beggarticks | B.A. Sorrie | Wet roadside NE of Carthage, 8 Oct 2024. Fruiting stage. | S5 (S5) |
 | Collinsonia canadensis | Canada Horsebalm | Becky Dill | Pee Dee NWR, steep slope along seasonal creek, 1 Oct 2024. Showing contorted root. | S5 (S5) |
 | Eurybia divaricata | White Wood-aster | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, River Trail at outcrop beside Rocky River, 22 Sept 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Epifagus virginiana | Beechdrops | B.A. Sorrie | Same data, White Pines Preserve. Flower open. | S5 (S5) |
 | Epifagus virginiana | Beechdrops | B.A. Sorrie | Common at White Pines Preserve, 23 Sept 2024. Buds not yet open. | S5 (S5) |
 | Epifagus virginiana | Beechdrops | B.A. Sorrie | Piedmont, under beech. Fruits. 18 Feb 2018. | S5 (S5) |
 | Fatoua villosa | Mulberry-weed | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, weedy gravel parking lot, 22 Sept 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Collinsonia punctata | Florida Horsebalm | Becky Dill | Same data; root varies from ovoid to cylindrical. | SNA (SRF) |
 | Collinsonia punctata | Florida Horsebalm | Becky Dill | Same data; showing length of corolla and purplish streaking on some lips. | SNA (SRF) |
 | Collinsonia punctata | Florida Horsebalm | B.A. Sorrie | same data. | SNA (SRF) |
 | Collinsonia punctata | Florida Horsebalm | B.A. Sorrie | Mesic slopes of creek, 12 Sept 2024. | SNA (SRF) |
 | Panicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorum | Fall Panicgrass | B.A. Sorrie | Flat grass-dominated area between Boys Camp Road and dirt pile, just S of Atkins Road. 10 Sept 2024. Common; plants +- erect. | S5 ([S5]) |
 | Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | Floating Marsh-pennywort | B.A. Sorrie | Pondlet at Maple Lawn Farm, Vass, on Vass-Carthage Road. 10 Sept 2024. | S3 (S3 [S4]) |
 | Triadenum walteri | Greater Marsh St. John's-wort | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, edge of small pond, 3 Sept 2024. Immature fruits. | S4 (S4 [S5]) |
 | Sceptridium biternatum | Southern Grapefern | B.A. Sorrie | Same data. | S4 (S4 [S5]) |
 | Sceptridium biternatum | Southern Grapefern | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, 1-pole powerline, 3 Sept 2024. | S4 (S4 [S5]) |
 | Perilla frutescens | Beefsteak-plant | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, roadside, 3 Sept 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Andropogon virginicus var. virginicus | Broomsedge | B.A. Sorrie | Same place, January 2022. | S5 (S5) |
 | Cyperus rotundus | Purple Nutsedge | B.A. Sorrie | Whispering Pines, disturbed sandy soil by walking trail, open to full sun. 1 Sept 2024. | SNA (SE) * |
 | Physostegia virginiana | Obedient-plant | B.A. Sorrie | Large clonal population on Wildlife Road, no houses or gardens nearby. 24 Aug 2024. | S4 (S4 [S3S4]) |
 | Melothria pendula | Creeping Cucumber | B.A. Sorrie | Backyard among pinestraw, Lonicera japonica, Cornus florida, Ilex opaca. August 2024. | S4 (S4 [S5]) |
 | Caulophyllum thalictroides | Common Blue Cohosh | Jamie Cameron | fruiting; Buncombe Co. 2024-08-02 | S5 (S5) |
 | Eutrochium purpureum var. carolinianum | Downy Sweet Joe-pye-weed | Becky Dill | Dry-mesic hardwood slope burned this spring. Underside of leaf showing dense pubescence. 18 July 2024. | S2 ([S2]) |
 | Elymus macgregorii | Early Wild-rye | B.A. Sorrie | Floodplain of Rocky River, White Pines Preserve, 27 July 2024. Plants senescing. | S3? (S3? [S3]) |
 | Heuchera parviflora var. saurensis | Sauratown Cave Alumroot | Jessica Schaner | Avery Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Heuchera parviflora var. saurensis | Sauratown Cave Alumroot | Jessica Schaner | Avery Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Oldenlandia boscii | Bosc's Bluet | Alan Weakley | Richmond Co. | S2 (S2 [S1S2]) |
 | Platanthera peramoena | Purple Fringeless Orchid | Crystal Cockman | Eno River SP, 11 July 2024. | S2 (S2) |
 | Phryma leptostachya | American Lopseed | B.A. Sorrie | On mesic slope with mafic rocks. Small size due to June drought. 2 July 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Goodyera repens | Lesser Rattlesnake-plantain | M. Basinger | McDowell Co., Pisgah NF, Curtis Creek Rd., 16 May 2024. | S2S3 (S2S3) |
 | Centunculus minimus | Chaffweed | M. Basinger | Rowan Co. | SNR ([S1]) |
 | Turritis glabra | Tower Mustard | Lori Arent | Ashe Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Turritis glabra | Tower Mustard | Lori Arent | Ashe Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Turritis glabra | Tower Mustard | Lori Arent | Ashe Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Spiranthes praecox | Grassleaf Ladies'-tresses | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, in narrow powerline 29 May 2024. Note short green lines on lip. | S3 (S3 [S3S4]) |
 | Phlox glaberrima | Smooth Phlox | Harry LeGrand | Shocco Creek Game Land, Franklin County; 21 May 2024 | S3 (S3 [S4]) |
 | Lysimachia quadrifolia | Whorled Loosestrife | Harry LeGrand | Shocco Creek Game Land, Franklin County; 21 May 2024 | S5 (S5) |
 | Tilia americana var. caroliniana | Carolina Basswood | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, Shiner's Way, soil very stony. 20 May 2024. | S2? (S2? [S3]) |
 | Physalis pubescens | Downy Ground-cherry | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, in narrow powerline, 20 May 2024. Plants up to 2.5 feet tall. | S3 (S3) |
 | Xerophyllum asphodeloides | Eastern Turkeybeard | Carol Ann McCormick | Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes County; 12 May 2024 | S3 (S3) |
 | Xerophyllum asphodeloides | Eastern Turkeybeard | Carol Ann McCormick | Hanging Rock State Park, Stokes County; 12 May 2024 | S3 (S3) |
 | Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, ecotone between floodplain and Rocky River, 12 May 2024. Flowers. | S5 (S5) |
 | Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort | B.A. Sorrie | Piedmont, floodplain of Pee Dee River, late May 2021. Flowers. | S5 (S5) |
 | Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort | B.A. Sorrie | Piedmont, backup channel of Little Governor's Creek, late June 2017. Fruits. | S5 (S5) |
 | Poa sylvestris | Woodland Bluegrass | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, base of ledge by Rocky River, 12 May 2024. | S2S3 (S2S3 [S3]) |
 | Myriophyllum heterophyllum | Variable-leaf Water-milfoil | B.A. Sorrie | Outlet creek from Broadacres Lake, emergent shoots not yet flowering, 11 May 2024. | S3? (S3? [S4]) |
 | Diospyros virginiana | American Persimmon | B.A. Sorrie | Hoffman, School Street at roadside, 11 May 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Eleocharis tortilis | Twisted Spikerush | B.A. Sorrie | Sandhills Game Land, outlet creek from Broadacres Lake, 11 May 2024. | S2? (S2? [S3]) |
 | Triticum aestivum | Bread Wheat | B.A. Sorrie | Planted crop in Piedmont, Randolph County. | SNA (SE) |
 | Secale cereale | Cultivated Rye | B.A. Sorrie | Spontaneous from haybales used to control runoff from field, Whispering Pines, 8 May 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Sisyrinchium micranthum | Annual Blue-eyed-grass | B.A. Sorrie | Same data, 8 May 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Sisyrinchium micranthum | Annual Blue-eyed-grass | B.A. Sorrie | Roadside, Whispering Pines, 8 May 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Aplectrum hyemale | Puttyroot | Jimmy Randolph | Chatham Co., White Pines Preserve, 3 May 2024. | S4 (S4) |
 | Carex stipata var. stipata | Awl-fruit Sedge | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, floodplain in Deep River, 30 Apr 2024. | S4 ([S4]) |
 | Carex rosea | Rosy Sedge | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, floodplain of Deep River, 30 Apr 2024. | S4 (S4 [S5]) |
 | Betula cordifolia | Mountain Paper Birch | Donald L. Barnett | Yancey Co. | S1 (S1) |
 | Carex digitalis var. macropoda | Long-spiked Slender Woodland Sedge | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, mesic mixed hardwood-pine on upper and mid slopes. April 2024. | S4? ([S4?]) |
 | Sanicula smallii | Small's Black-snakeroot | B.A. Sorrie | Floodplain of North Fork Jones Creek; 22 April 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Ranunculus septentrionalis | Swamp Buttercup | B.A. Sorrie | Moist flat beneath small trees, floodplain of North Fork Jones Creek; 22 April 2024. | S2S3 (S2S3 [S3S4]) |
 | Potentilla simplex | Common Cinquefoil | B.A. Sorrie | Grassy roadbed through floodplain of North Fork Jones Creek, 22 April 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Carex bromoides ssp. bromoides | Brome-like Sedge | B.A. Sorrie | North Fork Jones Creek, N of SR 1121, common in moist rich flat under small trees. 22 April 2024. | S3? (S3?) |
 | Silene flos-cuculi | Ragged-Robin | Chris Baranski | Wake County; 18 April 2024 | SNA (SE) * |
 | Tradescantia virginiana | Virginia Spiderwort | Crystal Cockman | Stanly County, rich mesic slope by Rocky River, mid April 2024. Large patches. | S2S3 (S2S3) |
 | Ornithogalum umbellatum | Garden Star-of-Bethlehem | Steve Hall | Mason Farm, Hollow Rock area, mid April 2024. | SNA (SE) |
 | Stellaria pubera | Star Chickweed | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, mesic hardwood-pine slope, 16 Apr 2024. | S5 (S5) |
 | Carex cumberlandensis | Cumberland Sedge | B.A. Sorrie | White Pines Preserve, mesic hardwoods-pine slope, 16 Apr 2024. | S3? (S3? [S3]) |
 | Vicia hirsuta | Tiny Vetch | Becky Dill | Same daya; fruits. | SNA (SE) |