Vascular Plants of North Carolina
100 Most Recent Photos
sciName: comName: photographer:
Cyperus metziiAsian SpikesedgeDavid ParkerYard in Smithfield, Johnston County; 17 October 2024. Photo by David ParkerSNA (SE)
Fothergilla majorLarge Witch-alderSteve HallRock ledge facing Rocky River, 17 Oct 2024. S3 (S3)
Patrinia villosaWhite PatriniaTracy FeldmanSame data. SNA (SE)
Patrinia villosaWhite PatriniaTracy FeldmanDurant Nature Preserve, Raleigh, 5 Sept. 2024. Edge of dam by lake. SNA (SE)
Matteuccia struthiopterisOstrich FernBryan EnglandAlien variety struthiopteris, Wake County, 2024. SNA (SE)
Schoenoplectiella purshianaWeakstalk BulrushB.A. SorrieEdge of quarry pond, SE of Lilesville, 11 Oct 2024. Discovered in county by B. Dill. S4? (S4? [S4])
Cyperus lancastriensisManyflower FlatsedgeB.A. SorrieWet marshy roadside, Old River Road, Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024. S3? (S3? [S4S5])
Solidago erectaSlender GoldenrodB.A. SorrieShaded roadbank among Sourwood sprouts, Old River Road, Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024.S5 (S5)
Helianthus angustifoliusNarrowleaf SunflowerB.A. SorrieMoist roadside of Red Branch Road, Piedmont, 8 Oct 2024. S5 (S5)
Paspalum setaceum var. ciliatifoliumThin PaspalumB.A. SorrieRoadside in Piedmont NE of Carthage, 8 Oct 2024. Note erect solitary spike. S4 ([S4])
Aristida oliganthaPrairie Three-awnB.A. SorrieGravelly sand of roadside, Piedmont of Moore Co., 8 Oct 2024. S5 (S5)
Bidens aristosaBearded Beggarticks B.A. SorrieWet roadside NE of Carthage, 8 Oct 2024. Fruiting stage. S5 (S5)
Collinsonia canadensisCanada HorsebalmBecky DillPee Dee NWR, steep slope along seasonal creek, 1 Oct 2024. Showing contorted root. S5 (S5)
Eurybia divaricataWhite Wood-asterB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, River Trail at outcrop beside Rocky River, 22 Sept 2024.S5 (S5)
Epifagus virginianaBeechdropsB.A. SorrieSame data, White Pines Preserve. Flower open.S5 (S5)
Epifagus virginianaBeechdropsB.A. SorrieCommon at White Pines Preserve, 23 Sept 2024. Buds not yet open. S5 (S5)
Epifagus virginianaBeechdropsB.A. SorriePiedmont, under beech. Fruits. 18 Feb 2018.S5 (S5)
Fatoua villosaMulberry-weedB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, weedy gravel parking lot, 22 Sept 2024.SNA (SE)
Collinsonia punctataFlorida HorsebalmBecky DillAnson Co.S1 ([S1])
Collinsonia punctataFlorida HorsebalmBecky DillAnson Co.S1 ([S1])
Collinsonia punctataFlorida HorsebalmB.A. Sorrie Co.S1 ([S1])
Collinsonia punctataFlorida HorsebalmB.A. Sorrie Co.S1 ([S1])
Panicum dichotomiflorum var. dichotomiflorumFall PanicgrassB.A. SorrieFlat grass-dominated area between Boys Camp Road and dirt pile, just S of Atkins Road. 10 Sept 2024. Common; plants +- erect. S5 ([S5])
Hydrocotyle ranunculoidesFloating Marsh-pennywortB.A. SorriePondlet at Maple Lawn Farm, Vass, on Vass-Carthage Road. 10 Sept 2024. S3 (S3 [S4])
Triadenum walteriGreater Marsh St. John's-wortB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, edge of small pond, 3 Sept 2024. Immature fruits. S4 (S4 [S5])
Sceptridium biternatumSouthern GrapefernB.A. SorrieSame data.S4 (S4 [S5])
Sceptridium biternatumSouthern GrapefernB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, 1-pole powerline, 3 Sept 2024.S4 (S4 [S5])
Perilla frutescensBeefsteak-plantB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, roadside, 3 Sept 2024.SNA (SE)
Andropogon virginicus var. virginicusBroomsedgeB.A. SorrieSame place, January 2022. S5 (S5)
Cyperus rotundusPurple NutsedgeB.A. SorrieWhispering Pines, disturbed sandy soil by walking trail, open to full sun. 1 Sept 2024.SNA (SE) *
Physostegia virginianaObedient-plantB.A. SorrieLarge clonal population on Wildlife Road, no houses or gardens nearby. 24 Aug 2024.S4 (S4 [S3S4])
Melothria pendulaCreeping CucumberB.A. SorrieBackyard among pinestraw, Lonicera japonica, Cornus florida, Ilex opaca. August 2024.S4 (S4 [S5])
Caulophyllum thalictroidesCommon Blue CohoshJamie Cameronfruiting; Buncombe Co. 2024-08-02S5 (S5)
Eutrochium purpureum var. carolinianumDowny Sweet Joe-pye-weedBecky DillDry-mesic hardwood slope burned this spring. Underside of leaf showing dense pubescence. 18 July 2024.S2 ([S2])
Elymus macgregoriiEarly Wild-ryeB.A. SorrieFloodplain of Rocky River, White Pines Preserve, 27 July 2024. Plants senescing. S3? (S3? [S3])
Heuchera parviflora var. saurensis Sauratown Cave AlumrootJessica SchanerAvery Co.S1 (S1)
Heuchera parviflora var. saurensis Sauratown Cave AlumrootJessica SchanerAvery Co.S1 (S1)
Oldenlandia bosciiBosc's BluetAlan WeakleyRichmond Co.S2 (S2 [S1S2])
Platanthera peramoenaPurple Fringeless OrchidCrystal CockmanEno River SP, 11 July 2024.S2 (S2)
Phryma leptostachyaAmerican LopseedB.A. SorrieOn mesic slope with mafic rocks. Small size due to June drought. 2 July 2024. S5 (S5)
Goodyera repensLesser Rattlesnake-plantainM. BasingerMcDowell Co., Pisgah NF, Curtis Creek Rd., 16 May 2024.S2S3 (S2S3)
Centunculus minimusChaffweedM. BasingerRowan Co.SNR ([S1])
Turritis glabraTower MustardLori ArentAshe Co.S1 (S1)
Turritis glabraTower MustardLori ArentAshe Co.S1 (S1)
Turritis glabraTower MustardLori ArentAshe Co.S1 (S1)
Spiranthes praecoxGrassleaf Ladies'-tressesB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, in narrow powerline 29 May 2024. Note short green lines on lip.S3 (S3 [S3S4])
Phlox glaberrimaSmooth PhloxHarry LeGrandShocco Creek Game Land, Franklin County; 21 May 2024S3 (S3 [S4])
Lysimachia quadrifoliaWhorled LoosestrifeHarry LeGrandShocco Creek Game Land, Franklin County; 21 May 2024S5 (S5)
Tilia americana var. carolinianaCarolina BasswoodB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, Shiner's Way, soil very stony. 20 May 2024.S2? (S2? [S3])
Physalis pubescensDowny Ground-cherryB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, in narrow powerline, 20 May 2024. Plants up to 2.5 feet tall.S3 (S3)
Xerophyllum asphodeloidesEastern Turkeybeard Carol Ann McCormickHanging Rock State Park, Stokes County; 12 May 2024S3 (S3)
Xerophyllum asphodeloidesEastern Turkeybeard Carol Ann McCormickHanging Rock State Park, Stokes County; 12 May 2024S3 (S3)
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort B.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, ecotone between floodplain and Rocky River, 12 May 2024. Flowers.S5 (S5)
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort B.A. SorriePiedmont, floodplain of Pee Dee River, late May 2021. Flowers.S5 (S5)
Cryptotaenia canadensisCanadian Honewort B.A. SorriePiedmont, backup channel of Little Governor's Creek, late June 2017. Fruits.S5 (S5)
Poa sylvestrisWoodland BluegrassB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, base of ledge by Rocky River, 12 May 2024.S2S3 (S2S3 [S3])
Myriophyllum heterophyllumVariable-leaf Water-milfoilB.A. SorrieOutlet creek from Broadacres Lake, emergent shoots not yet flowering, 11 May 2024.S3? (S3? [S4])
Diospyros virginianaAmerican PersimmonB.A. SorrieHoffman, School Street at roadside, 11 May 2024. S5 (S5)
Eleocharis tortilisTwisted SpikerushB.A. SorrieSandhills Game Land, outlet creek from Broadacres Lake, 11 May 2024. S2? (S2? [S3])
Triticum aestivumBread WheatB.A. SorriePlanted crop in Piedmont, Randolph County.SNA (SE)
Secale cerealeCultivated RyeB.A. SorrieSpontaneous from haybales used to control runoff from field, Whispering Pines, 8 May 2024.SNA (SE)
Sisyrinchium micranthumAnnual Blue-eyed-grass B.A. SorrieSame data, 8 May 2024.SNA (SE)
Sisyrinchium micranthumAnnual Blue-eyed-grass B.A. SorrieRoadside, Whispering Pines, 8 May 2024.SNA (SE)
Aplectrum hyemalePuttyrootJimmy RandolphChatham Co., White Pines Preserve, 3 May 2024. S4 (S4)
Carex stipata var. stipataAwl-fruit SedgeB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, floodplain in Deep River, 30 Apr 2024.S4 ([S4])
Carex roseaRosy SedgeB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, floodplain of Deep River, 30 Apr 2024.S4 (S4 [S5])
Betula cordifoliaMountain Paper BirchDonald L. BarnettYancey Co.S1 (S1)
Carex digitalis var. macropoda Long-spiked Slender Woodland SedgeB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, mesic mixed hardwood-pine on upper and mid slopes. April 2024.S4? ([S4?])
Sanicula smalliiSmall's Black-snakerootB.A. SorrieFloodplain of North Fork Jones Creek; 22 April 2024. S5 (S5)
Ranunculus septentrionalisSwamp ButtercupB.A. SorrieMoist flat beneath small trees, floodplain of North Fork Jones Creek; 22 April 2024.S2S3 (S2S3 [S3S4])
Potentilla simplexCommon CinquefoilB.A. SorrieGrassy roadbed through floodplain of North Fork Jones Creek, 22 April 2024.S5 (S5)
Carex bromoides ssp. bromoidesBrome-like Sedge B.A. SorrieNorth Fork Jones Creek, N of SR 1121, common in moist rich flat under small trees. 22 April 2024.S3? (S3?)
Silene flos-cuculiRagged-RobinChris BaranskiWake County; 18 April 2024SNA (SE) *
Tradescantia virginianaVirginia SpiderwortCrystal CockmanStanly County, rich mesic slope by Rocky River, mid April 2024. Large patches.S2S3 (S2S3)
Ornithogalum umbellatumGarden Star-of-Bethlehem Steve HallMason Farm, Hollow Rock area, mid April 2024. SNA (SE)
Stellaria puberaStar ChickweedB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, mesic hardwood-pine slope, 16 Apr 2024.S5 (S5)
Carex cumberlandensisCumberland SedgeB.A. SorrieWhite Pines Preserve, mesic hardwoods-pine slope, 16 Apr 2024.S3? (S3? [S3])
Vicia hirsutaTiny VetchBecky DillSame daya; fruits.SNA (SE)
Vicia hirsutaTiny VetchBecky DillAnson County, April 2024. SNA (SE)
Hydrangea arborescensSmooth HydrangeaBecky DillPee Dee NWR, shallow ravine. 3 April 2024.S5 (S5)
Myosotis macrospermaLargeseed Forget-me-notB.A. SorriePee Dee NWR, moist slope above floodplain. S4 (S4 [S5])
Hexastylis lewisiiLewis's HeartleafB.A. SorriePee Dee NWR, Anson County, 31 March 2024. Vegetative plant in slightly raised portion of wet flat. S3 (S3)
Hexastylis lewisiiLewis's HeartleafB.A. SorrieAnson Co., same data, showing stolons.S3 (S3)
Selaginella apodaMeadow Spikemoss B.A. SorrieAnson County, granitic slab at natural spring on Huntley land. March 2024. S5 (S5)
Narcissus x odoraCampernelle JonquilB.A. SorrieBroad roadside of Vass-Carthage Road just S of Farm Life School Road. 16 March 2024.SNA (SE)
Prunus speciosaOshima CherryB.A. SorrieSame place, 16 March 2024, trees at peak bloom. SNA (SE)
Corydalis incisaIncised FumewortHarry LeGrandAbundant ground cover in floodplain along Crabtree Creek, Raleigh, Wake County; 16 March 2024SNA (SE)
Polemonium reptansCreeping Jacob's-ladderB. WheelerRockingham Co.S1 (S1)
Houstonia micranthaSouthern BluetMark BasingerHarnett County, Coats Park, edge of parking lot. 14 March 2024. SNA (SE)
Osmorhiza claytoniiHairy Sweet-cicelyB.A. SorrieMount Toby, Franklin County, MA. 1980s. Scan from slide. S5 (S5)
Lilaeopsis chinensisEastern GrasswortB.A. SorrieWareham, Plymouth County, MA, fresh tidal river. 1980s. Scan from slide. S3? (S3? [S3S4])
Eryngium aquaticumMarsh EryngoB.A. SorrieSt. Marks NWR, FL, 1996. Scan from slide.S3S4 (S3S4)
Angelica venenosaHairy AngelicaB.A. SorrieLeaf from same plant at Richmond Co. Piedmont. S5 (S5)
Angelica venenosaHairy AngelicaB.A. SorrieLarge plant from Piedmont of Richmond Co. 13 July 2023. S5 (S5)
Angelica venenosaHairy AngelicaB.A. SorrieFort Bragg, loamy sandy flat, 1994. Small plant of Sandhills province. Scan from slide.S5 (S5)
Sambucus canadensisCommon ElderberryB.A. SorrieWet roadside ditch, Niagara-Carthage Road at Little River. 30 May 2008. S5 (S5)
Solidago glomerataClustered GoldenrodB.A. SorrieGrandfather Mountain, shortly below summit. 18 June 2023. S3 (S3)
Silphium compositum var. compositumCarolina RosinweedB.A. SorrieRichmond Co., same data.S5 (S5)
Silphium compositum var. compositumCarolina RosinweedB.A. SorrieSandhills Game Land, longleaf pine-wiregrass N of McKinney Lake. 14 Aug 2011. S5 (S5)
Silphium dentatumToothed RosinweedBA SorriePiedmont of Moore, area of Iredell Soil E of Carbonton Road. 9 July 2018.S3 (S3)