Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for European Black Nightshade - Solanum nigrum   L.
Members of Solanaceae:
Members of Solanum with account distribution info or public map:
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Section 6 » Family Solanaceae
DistributionMany counties have collections of S. "nigrum", but the website editors will not map any until specimens can be annotated with current identification criteria and current nomenclature. The vast majority of specimens are pre-1980 and without any annotations. They may prove to be S. pseudogracile, S. emulans/ptychanthum, or S. sarrachoides. Interestingly, BONAP does not map nigrum in NC, and Weakley (2018) does not list it for NC either, considering S. nigrum in the Southeast to be a synonym for the native S. ptychanthum.

Native of Eurasia; in N.A. scattered from ME to Ont. south to FL and MO; also B.C. to CA.
AbundanceNo known records seem to exist for NC. As a result, the editors have ranked this Eurasian species in NC as SR (reported).
HabitatNo data, as no known records.
PhenologyFlowering and fruiting May-November.
IdentificationSolanum nigrum, in the strict sense, has glabrous foliage, as opposed to that in S. pseudogracile and S. sarrachoides. To tell it from S. ptychanthum, the berries of that species are slightly smaller in size and more shiny than those of S. nigrum, and its seeds are slightly smaller in size than those of the latter. That species produces true umbels of flowers (all pedicels originating from the same location), while S. nigrum produces pseudo-umbels of flowers (the pedicels originating from slightly different locations) -- according to the Illinois Wildflowers website.
Taxonomic Comments
Other Common Name(s)
State RankSR
Global RankGNR
State Status
US Status
County Map - click on a county to view source of record.