Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Pineland Rayless-goldenrod + - Bigelowia nudata var. nudata   (Michaux) de Candolle
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Author(Michaux) de Candolle
DistributionWeakley (2024) no longer considers there to be any varieties of this species; thus, it is considered as SYN (Synonym) on this website. Sandhills and Coastal Plain; absent from northeastern corner of state.

Coastal Plain, NC to northern FL and southeastern LA.
AbundanceUncommon to common.
HabitatWet to moist Longleaf Pine-Wiregrass savannas and flatwoods, blackwater streamhead ecotones.
PhenologyFlowering and fruiting August-October.
IdentificationRayless-goldenrods have a unique aspect: a basal rosette of lance-shaped leaves, several small and slender stem leaves, and a flat-topped, yellow inflorescence of skinny heads, each with only a few disk florets and no rays. In this variety, heads measure 4.5-6 mm tall, whereas those of var. australis measure 5-8 mm tall. There is much overlap in leaf width and length.
Taxonomic CommentsIn older texts treated as Chondrophora nudata.

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State RankSYN
Global RankG5T4T5
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B.A. SorrieSame data, Pender Co. PenderPhoto_natural
B.A. SorrieWet savanna, Holly Shelter Game Land. 1995. PenderPhoto_natural
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