Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for European Sweetflag - Acorus calamus   L.Only member of Acorus in NC.
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Section 5 » Order Arales » Family Acoraceae
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DistributionScattered across the state, with a concentration in the Northeast.

Native of Europe; in N.A. widespread in the East. Long thought to be a native species in North America, but recent evidence says it is native just to Europe. The NC range map is evidence for a non-native species.
AbundanceRare to uncommon throughout, but with gaps; perhaps frequent in the northeastern Coastal Plain.
HabitatPerennially wet marshes, river backup channels, montane seepage bogs, meadows, etc. Most numerous in NC in tidal freshwater marshes around Albemarle and Currituck sounds and tributaries.
PhenologyFlowering and fruiting May-June. However, in NC, most populations seem to be sterile and do not flower/fruit.
IdentificationThe leaves are 2-4 feet tall and closely resemble those of Iris. The inflorescence is at the base of the plant, a thick, dense spike of florets, pale straw-color and blunt-tipped. However, in NC, inflorescences are seldom seen. The native A. americanus does not reach farther south than NJ and OH.
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State RankSE
Global RankG4?
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B.A. SorrieSR 1105 at Scuppernong River, April 2012. TyrrellPhoto_non_natural
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