Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Texas Pipewort - Eriocaulon texense   Koernicke
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Section 5 » Order Eriocaulales » Family Eriocaulaceae
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DistributionKnown only from a few sites in the Sandhills -- from Richmond and Cumberland counties. This species was discovered in the state after RAB (1968) was published, during rare plant surveys of Fort Bragg. A specimen from Lake Ellis Simon in Craven County (at NCSC) needs careful ID; it likely is E. aquaticum.

This is a Southern species, mainly in the Coastal Plains, ranging from southern NC south to western FL and eastern TX.
AbundanceVery rare in the Sandhills (Cumberland and Richmond counties). This is a State Endangered species.
HabitatThis is a species of streamhead seepages, including in powerline clearings. It requires active seepage water and does not grow in standing water of pools or pond margins.
PhenologyFlowers and fruits from April to June.
IdentificationThis is a small species in overall stature, with quite short and narrow basal leaves to about 1.5 inches long and barely 1/8-inch wide. Like the similarly sized E. aquaticum, the scapes are quite tall, often reaching 6-8 inches tall, far exceeding the leaves. The head on each scape is somewhat small, about 5-10 mm (1/3-inch) across, and the heads tend to be bright white; heads of E. aquaticum are off-white to grayish-white in color. Habitat is also quite different, as the latter grows in shallow water of pools, ponds, and blackwater streams.
Taxonomic CommentsNone

Other Common Name(s)Texas Hatpins
State RankS1
Global RankG4
State StatusE
US Status
USACE-agcpOBL link
USACE-empOBL link
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Photo Gallery
B.A. SorrieCumberland County, 2019, seep by Bonnie Doone Lake. CumberlandPhoto_natural
B.A. SorrieCumberland County, 2019, Seep by Bonnie Doone Lake. CumberlandPhoto_natural
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