Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Torrey's Thoroughwort + - Eupatorium torreyanum   Short & R. Peter
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AuthorShort & R. Peter
DistributionPiedmont and northern Coastal Plain, but scarce in the low Mountains. Records from Brunswick and New Hanover counties are misidentifications. Because of the recent elevation to full species status, from E. hyssopifolium, many botanists and herbaria have not fully documented records for this species. Thus, the range map is certainly under-populated.

Western CT to OH, KY, and AR, south to FL and LA.
AbundanceProbably fairly common (if not common) in the Piedmont and northern Coastal Plain; poorly understood in the Mountains, where seemingly rare. More data needed, especially in the Coastal Plain, where Weakley's (2018) map shows it as "common", but specimen data do not verify this. The website editors suggest a State Rank of S4? for now.
HabitatDry soils of open hardwoods and pine-hardwood woodlands, glades with Red Cedar, barrens, roadsides, powerlines.
PhenologyFlowering and fruiting late July-October.
IdentificationTorrey's Thoroughwort resembles Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort (E. hyssopifolium), but its leaves average 2 times as wide as the very narrow leaves of the latter species; and leaves are typically in whorls of 3 or just opposite, as opposed to often 4 in a whorl. It tends to have less well-developed fascicles of small leaves in leaf axils, thus looking not so "busy" as Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort. The teeth on the leaves are often larger or more obvious than on Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort.
Taxonomic CommentsA synonym is E. hyssopifolium var. laciniatum.

Other Common Name(s)Torrey's Eupatorium
State Rank[S4?]
Global RankGNA [G5?]
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B.A. SorrieSame data; midstem leaves. MoorePhoto_natural
B.A. SorriePiedmont, mafic soil, Haw Branch Road, 6 Sept 2014. MoorePhoto_natural
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