Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Creeping Saxifrage - Saxifraga stolonifera   Meerburgh
Members of Saxifragaceae:
Only member of Saxifraga in NC.
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Section 6 » Family Saxifragaceae
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DistributionA 1973 Jackson County collection by Dan Pittillo indicated that plants had spread to "shaded area of yard." A specimen by M. McMillan from Forsyth County was from the edge of a fish pond, but did not indicate any spreading or escape.

Native of China and Japan; in N.A. reported from CA and NC.
AbundanceVery rare. Apparently only weakly escaped from cultivation.
HabitatShaded area of yard.
PhenologyFlowering from June - ?
IdentificationThe basal leaves are long-stalked and rotund. The inflorescence is open on slender branches. Slender stolons (runners) extend along the ground from the base of the plant.
Taxonomic CommentsA synonym is S. sarmentosa.

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State RankSE
Global RankGNR
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