Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Curved-stemmed Violet - Viola arcuata   Blume
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Section 6 » Family Violaceae
DistributionA single population was discovered in a seepage area where a lawn meets mixed woods in Anson County by Becky Dill in 2023. Originally identified (tentatively) as V. striata, the specimen at NCU was annotated to V. arcuata in 2024 by Dr. Harvey Ballard. See article by Carol Ann McCormick, posted in Research tab at the UNC Herbarium webpage.

Native to temperate and tropical Asia. So far recorded in North America from NY City, northern NJ, and Anson County, NC.
AbundanceVery rare in NC, so far as is known.
HabitatAnson plants occupy a back yard in "year-round seepage area at edge of mixed woods, disturbed soil."
PhenologyAnson County plants were in flower on 2 March 2023.
IdentificationThis species may be keyed to Viola striata, due to the spreading stems and leaves. However, leaves are rounded to slightly acute in arcuata versus acute to acuminate in striata. Most distinctive are the white flowers (creamy yellowish in striata) that are compressed dorso-ventrally.
Taxonomic CommentsGeneral note on Viola: In 2009-10 B.A. Sorrie (website map editor) went through the whole collection at NCU, annotating all specimens against those verified by experts in the genus. The range maps in RAB (1968) have been changed accordingly. More recently, Harvey Ballard and colleagues are in the process of revising all Eastern and Southeastern Viola, and have annotated all specimens at NCU in July 2024. They recognize additional species not in RAB or in previous editions of Weakley et al.; we will follow updated editions of Weakley et al. in recognizing them. Species range maps have been adjusted to account for identification changes.
Other Common Name(s)Common Violet
State RankSE
Global RankGNR
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