Vascular Plants of North Carolina
Account for Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod - Solidago rugosa var. rugosa   P. Miller
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AuthorP. Miller
DistributionPiedmont and low Mountains. Gaps shown are likely to be filled in with additional collecting.

N.S. to Ont., south to NC, northern AL, and southeastern OK.
AbundanceUncommon to fairly common.
HabitatMoist to wet or seasonally inundated, floodplain terraces, alluvial forests, montane slope forests.
PhenologyFlowering and fruiting August-October.
IdentificationIn general, members of S. rugosa grow 2-4 feet tall (occasionally to 5 or 6 feet according to FNA) and have widely branching inflorescences with heads along one side of each branch. Stems often are connected via horizontal rhizomes and thus form colonies. Stems vary from densely to lightly hairy with coarse short hairs. Basal leaves are absent at flowering time; stem leaves are lance-shaped or elliptic, sessile (without stalk), the tip pointed, margins toothed, and surfaces +- wrinkled ("rugose"), the upper surface rough (scabrous). Upper stem leaves are smaller. In var. rugosa, the inflorescence is contracted and much less widely branching than in vars. aspera and celtidifolia, leaf surface is much less wrinkled, thinner textured, and less scabrous (sometimes almost smooth). The localized, montane var. cronquistiana has sparse hairs on stems (vs. abundant).
Taxonomic CommentsThe entities within S. rugosa have been variously treated (or ignored) in the past; our treatment follows that of FNA and Weakley, except we split out the very different S. aestivalis.

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State RankS3? *
Global RankG5T5
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B.A. SorrieMoore County, Oct 2021, wet roadside through narrow floodplain of Little River, Beulah Hill Church Road. MoorePhoto_natural
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