Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance
True's Beaked Whale - Mesoplodon mirus
Ziphiidae Members:
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Distribution In NC, presumably occurs in the ocean from VA to SC. However, there are stranding records for only three of the eight coastal counties, and none south of Carteret County (i.e., the southern coastal region).

Primarily the Atlantic Ocean (not in the Pacific); ranges from Canada to the Bahamas.
Abundance Very rare to possibly rare; the rarest of the three NC Mesoplodon species in terms of strandings, and presumably the rarest also in absolute numbers. As of 1995, there were two strandings in NC, once each in March and July (Webster et al., 1995). The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections (2021) lists only three stranding records for NC. Brian Patteson (pers. comm.) has never reliably identified this species on his 1,000+ trips offshore, and he believes that most or all reported sightings of True's Beaked Whales represent misidentified Gervais' Beaked Whales.
Seasonal Occurrence The three strandings in the NMNH database are from July, August, and October. The photo record is from late May. Probably occurs in very small numbers throughout the year, but certainly much more stranding data needed.
Habitat Deeper waters of the ocean, likely beyond the Continental Shelf; almost certainly has not been seen (alive) within a few miles of shore.
Comments As with nearly all Mesoplodon whales, the IUCN considers the species as Data Deficient. True's Beaked Whale is very difficult to separate at sea from other Mesoplodon species, especially Gervais'. Most Mesoplodon individuals observed at sea have to be left as unidentified, as so little of the animals are typically exposed to the viewers on a boat or ship.

The species was first described in 1913 by Frederick W. True from an adult female that had stranded on the outer bank of Bird Island Shoal, Beaufort Harbor, North Carolina, in July 1912.
Origin Native
NC List Official
State Rank S1?M
State Status
Global Rank G3
Federal Status
NC Map
Map depicts all counties with a report (transient or resident) for the species.
Click on county for list of all database records for species in that county.