Mammals of North Carolina:
their Distribution and Abundance
Blainville's Beaked Whale - Mesoplodon densirostris
Ziphiidae Members:
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Distribution Assumed to occur off the entire NC coast from VA to SC, though there are stranding records for just four of the eight coastal counties.

Occurs worldwide in oceanic waters. Occurs in the Atlantic from the Maritimes well south into the West Indies, and into the Gulf of Mexico.
Abundance Apparently rare, and very seldom identified on trips offshore. As of 1995, there had been nine strandings in NC (Webster et al., 1995). The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History mammal collections (2021) lists 18 stranding records for NC.
Seasonal Occurrence The strandings (through 1995) are for January, February, March, June, and July. The NMNH strandings are from January through March, and June through September, plus one in November -- suggesting that the species might well be present all year off our coast, despite no known records for several months of the year.
Habitat Generally well offshore, probably in deeper water such as beyond the Continental Shelf.
Comments The Blainville's can be identified by the highly arched jaw. Unfortunately, most of the Mesoplodons observed at sea do not give a good enough view for observers to be certain of identification; most are left as "Mesoplodon sp.". The IUCN considers the Blainville's Beaked Whale as Data Deficient, as it does for nearly all Mesoplodon species around the globe.
Origin Native
NC List Official
State Rank S2M
State Status
Global Rank G4
Federal Status
other_comName Dense-beaked Whale
NC Map
Map depicts all counties with a report (transient or resident) for the species.
Click on county for list of all database records for species in that county.