Moths of North Carolina
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Scientific Name:
Common Name:
Family (Alpha):
EREBIDAE-Erebid Moths
LECITHOCERIDAE-Long-horned Moths
MOMPHIDAE-Mompha Moths
PSYCHIDAE-Bagworm Moths
Noctuidae Members:
Abagrotis alternata
Abagrotis anchocelioides
Abagrotis brunneipennis
Abagrotis magnicupida
Abagrotis unidentified species
Abrostola ovalis
Abrostola urentis
Achatia distincta
Achatodes zeae
Acherdoa ferraria
Acrapex relicta
Acronicta afflicta
Acronicta albarufa
Acronicta americana
Acronicta betulae
Acronicta brumosa
Acronicta clarescens
Acronicta connecta
Acronicta dolli
Acronicta exilis
Acronicta fallax
Acronicta fragilis
Acronicta funeralis
Acronicta hamamelis
Acronicta hasta
Acronicta hastulifera
Acronicta immodica
Acronicta impleta
Acronicta impressa
Acronicta increta
Acronicta innotata
Acronicta insita
Acronicta insularis
Acronicta interrupta
Acronicta laetifica
Acronicta laetifica-hasta-interrupta
Acronicta lanceolaria
Acronicta lepusculina
Acronicta lithospila
Acronicta lobeliae
Acronicta longa
Acronicta modica
Acronicta morula
Acronicta noctivaga
Acronicta oblinita
Acronicta ovata
Acronicta perblanda
Acronicta radcliffei
Acronicta retardata
Acronicta rubricoma
Acronicta sinescripta
Acronicta spinigera
Acronicta superans
Acronicta tristis
Acronicta tritona
Acronicta unidentified species
Acronicta vinnula
Agnorisma badinodis
Agnorisma bollii
Agrotis buchholzi
Agrotis gladiaria
Agrotis ipsilon
Agrotis malefida
Agrotis unidentified species
Agrotis venerabilis
Agrotis vetusta
Agrotis volubilis
Allagrapha aerea
Alypia octomaculata
Amphipoea americana
Amphipoea erepta
Amphipoea interoceanica
Amphipoea unidentified species
Amphipyra glabella
Amphipyra pyramidoides
Amphipyra tragopoginis
Amyna bullula
Amyna stricta
Amyna unidentified species
Anagrapha falcifera
Anaplectoides brunneomedia
Anaplectoides prasina
Anaplectoides pressus
Anarta trifolii
Anathix ralla
Anicla forbesi
Anicla illapsa
Anicla infecta
Anicla lubricans
Anicla simplicius
Anicla sullivani
Anicla unidentified species
Anterastria teratophora
Apamea amputatrix
Apamea cariosa
Apamea cristata
Apamea devastator
Apamea dubitans
Apamea helva
Apamea indocilis
Apamea inebriata
Apamea lignicolora
Apamea lintneri
Apamea nigrior
Apamea plutonia
Apamea quinteri
Apamea sordens
Apamea verbascoides
Apamea vulgaris
Apamea vultuosa
Apameine new genus 2 sp. 1
Apameine new genus 2 sp. 4
Aplectoides condita
Argillophora furcilla
Argyrogramma verruca
Athetis tarda
Autographa ampla
Autographa precationis
Autoplusia egena
Azenia obtusa
Bagisara rectifascia
Bagisara repanda
Balsa labecula
Balsa malana
Balsa tristrigella
Basilodes pepita
Bellura brehmei
Bellura densa
Bellura gortynoides
Bellura obliqua
Bellura unidentified species
Callopistria cordata
Callopistria floridensis
Callopistria granitosa
Callopistria mollissima
Capis curvata
Cerastis fishii
Cerastis tenebrifera
Cerma cerintha
Cerma cora
Chaetaglaea fergusoni
Chaetaglaea rhonda
Chaetaglaea sericea
Chaetaglaea unidentified species
Charadra deridens
Cherokeea attakullakulla
Chloridea subflexa
Chloridea unidentified species
Chloridea virescens
Choephora fungorum
Chrysanympha formosa
Chrysodeixis includens
Chytonix palliatricula
Chytonix sensilis
Cirrhophanus triangulifer
Colocasia flavicornis
Colocasia propinquilinea
Colocasia unidentified species
Condica confederata
Condica confederata-cupentia
Condica cupentia
Condica mobilis
Condica sutor
Condica unidentified species
Condica vecors
Condica videns
Copivaleria grotei
Cosmia calami
Crambodes talidiformis
Crocigrapha normani
Ctenoplusia oxygramma
Cucullia alfarata
Cucullia asteroides
Cucullia convexipennis
Cucullia florea
Cucullia unidentified species
Dargida aleada
Dargida diffusa
Dargida rubripennis
Dargida unidentified species
Deltote bellicula
Derrima stellata
Diachrysia aereoides
Diachrysia balluca
Diarsia jucunda
Diarsia rubifera
Dichagyris acclivis
Dichagyris broui
Diphthera festiva
Dypterygia patina
Dypterygia rozmani
Egira alternans
Elaphria alapallida
Elaphria chalcedonia
Elaphria cornutinis
Elaphria cyanympha
Elaphria festivoides
Elaphria festivoides complex
Elaphria fuscimacula
Elaphria georgei
Elaphria grata
Elaphria nucicolora
Elaphria unidentified species
Elaphria versicolor
Emarginea percara
Enigmogramma basigera
Eosphoropteryx thyatyroides
Epiglaea apiata
Epiglaea decliva
Epiglaea unidentified species
Eucirroedia pampina
Eucoptocnemis dapsilis
Eucoptocnemis fimbriaris
Eudryas grata
Eudryas unio
Eueretagrotis attentus
Eueretagrotis perattentus
Eueretagrotis sigmoides
Eueretagrotis unidentified species
Euplexia benesimilis
Eupsilia cirripalea
Eupsilia devia
Eupsilia morrisoni
Eupsilia schweitzeri
Eupsilia sidus
Eupsilia tristigmata
Eupsilia unidentified species
Eupsilia vinulenta
Euxoa bostoniensis
Euxoa campestris
Euxoa declarata
Euxoa detersa
Euxoa immixta
Euxoa messoria
Euxoa pleuritica
Euxoa redimicula
Euxoa scholastica
Euxoa tessellata
Euxoa unidentified species
Euxoa velleripennis
Euxoa violaris
Exyra fax
Exyra ridingsii
Exyra semicrocea
Exyra unidentified species
Fagitana littera
Feltia geniculata
Feltia herilis
Feltia jaculifera
Feltia manifesta
Feltia subgothica
Feltia subterranea
Feltia tricosa
Feltia unidentified species
Feralia comstocki
Feralia jocosa
Feralia major
Fishia illocata
Franclemontia interrogans
Galgula partita
Globia oblonga
Hadena capsularis
Hadena ectypa
Harrisimemna trisignata
Helicoverpa zea
Heliocheilus lupatus
Heliocheilus paradoxus
Heliothis unidentified species
Hemipachnobia monochromatea
Hemipachnobia subporphyrea
Homophoberia apicosa
Homophoberia cristata
Homorthodes furfurata
Homorthodes lindseyi
Hyppa contrasta
Hyppa xylinoides
Iodopepla u-album
Ipimorpha pleonectusa
Kocakina fidelis
Lacanobia grandis
Lacanobia subjuncta
Lacinipolia anguina
Lacinipolia erecta
Lacinipolia explicata
Lacinipolia implicata
Lacinipolia laudabilis
Lacinipolia lorea
Lacinipolia meditata
Lacinipolia new species 1 near laudabilis
Lacinipolia new species 2 near laudabilis
Lacinipolia olivacea
Lacinipolia renigera
Lacinipolia teligera
Lacinipolia unidentified species
Lateroligia ophiogramma
Lemmeria digitalis
Leucania adjuta
Leucania calidior
Leucania commoides
Leucania extincta
Leucania incognita
Leucania inermis
Leucania insueta
Leucania lapidaria
Leucania linda
Leucania linita
Leucania multilinea
Leucania phragmitidicola
Leucania pseudargyria
Leucania scirpicola
Leucania subpunctata
Leucania unidentified species
Leucania ursula
Leuconycta diphteroides
Leuconycta lepidula
Lithacodia musta
Lithophane abita
Lithophane antennata
Lithophane baileyi
Lithophane bethunei
Lithophane disposita
Lithophane georgii
Lithophane grotei
Lithophane hemina
Lithophane innominata
Lithophane joannis
Lithophane laceyi
Lithophane laticinerea
Lithophane lemmeri
Lithophane lepida
Lithophane oriunda
Lithophane patefacta
Lithophane petulca
Lithophane querquera
Lithophane scottae
Lithophane semiusta
Lithophane signosa
Lithophane tepida
Lithophane unidentified species
Lithophane unimoda
Lithophane viridipallens
Loscopia roblei
Loscopia velata
Lycophotia phyllophora
Macronoctua onusta
Magusa divaricata
Maliattha concinnimacula
Maliattha synochitis
Marimatha nigrofimbria
Megalographa biloba
Melanapamea mixta
Melanchra adjuncta
Melanchra picta
Meropleon ambifusca
Meropleon cinnamicolor
Meropleon cosmion
Meropleon diversicolor
Meropleon titan
Mesapamea fractilinea
Metaxaglaea australis
Metaxaglaea inulta
Metaxaglaea semitaria
Metaxaglaea unidentified species
Metaxaglaea viatica
Metaxaglaea violacea
Morrisonia confusa
Morrisonia evicta
Morrisonia latex
Morrisonia mucens
Morrisonia triangula
Mouralia tinctoides
Mythimna oxygala
Mythimna unipuncta
Nedra ramosula
Neoligia crytora
Nephelodes minians
Niphonyx segregata
Noctua pronuba
Ochropleura implecta
Ogdoconta cinereola
Oligia chlorostigma
Oligia modica
Orthodes cynica
Orthodes detracta
Orthodes goodelli
Orthodes majuscula
Orthodes unidentified species
Orthosia alurina
Orthosia garmani
Orthosia hibisci
Orthosia revicta
Orthosia rubescens
Orthosia unidentified species
Ozarba aeria
Pachypolia atricornis
Panthea acronyctoides
Panthea furcilla
Papaipema appassionata
Papaipema araliae
Papaipema arctivorens
Papaipema astuta
Papaipema baptisiae
Papaipema cataphracta
Papaipema cerina
Papaipema cerussata
Papaipema duovata
Papaipema eryngii
Papaipema eupatorii
Papaipema furcata
Papaipema impecuniosa
Papaipema inquaesita
Papaipema insulidens
Papaipema lysimachiae
Papaipema marginidens
Papaipema maritima
Papaipema nebris
Papaipema necopina
Papaipema nelita
Papaipema nepheleptena
Papaipema polymniae
Papaipema pterisii
Papaipema rigida
Papaipema rutila
Papaipema sp. 1
Papaipema sp. 3
Papaipema sp. 4
Papaipema speciosissima
Papaipema stenocelis
Papaipema unidentified species
Papaipema unimoda
Parapamea buffaloensis
Parastichtis suspecta
Peridroma saucia
Perigea xanthioides
Phlogophora iris
Phlogophora periculosa
Phosphila miselioides
Phosphila turbulenta
Photedes carterae
Photedes enervata
Plagiomimicus pityochromus
Platypolia anceps
Platypolia mactata
Polia imbrifera
Polia nimbosa
Polychrysia morigera
Polygrammate cadburyi
Polygrammate hebraeicum
Ponometia candefacta
Ponometia erastrioides
Ponometia exigua
Ponometia parvula
Ponometia semiflava
Ponometia tortricina
Properigea costa complex
Properigea tapeta
Protapamea danieli
Protapamea louisae
Protodeltote muscosula
Protolampra brunneicollis
Proxenus miranda
Psaphida electilis
Psaphida grandis
Psaphida resumens
Psaphida rolandi
Psaphida styracis
Psaphida thaxterianus
Pseudeustrotia carneola
Pseudeva purpurigera
Pseudohermonassa bicarnea
Pseudorthodes unidentified species
Pseudorthodes vecors
Psychomorpha epimenis
Pyreferra ceromatica
Pyreferra citrombra
Pyreferra hesperidago
Pyreferra moffatiana
Pyreferra pettiti
Pyreferra slotteni
Pyreferra unidentified species
Pyrrhia aurantiago
Pyrrhia cilisca
Pyrrhia exprimens
Rachiplusia ou
Raphia frater
Resapamea passer
Resapamea trigona
Schinia arcigera
Schinia bina
Schinia carolinensis
Schinia florida
Schinia gracilenta
Schinia grandimedia
Schinia indiana
Schinia jaguarina
Schinia lucens
Schinia lynx
Schinia mitis
Schinia nubila
Schinia nundina
Schinia obscurata
Schinia rivulosa
Schinia sanguinea
Schinia saturata
Schinia scissoides
Schinia septentrionalis
Schinia siren
Schinia sordidus
Schinia thoreaui
Schinia trifascia
Schinia tuberculum
Schinia unidentified species
Sericaglaea signata
Sideridis congermana
Sideridis rosea
Sideridis ruisa
Spaelotis clandestina
Spiramater lutra
Spodoptera dolichos
Spodoptera eridania
Spodoptera exigua
Spodoptera frugiperda
Spodoptera latifascia
Spodoptera ornithogalli
Spodoptera unidentified species
Spragueia apicalis
Spragueia dama
Spragueia leo
Spragueia onagrus
Stiria rugifrons
Subtribe Xylenina Unidentified Species
Sunira bicolorago
Sutyna privata
Sympistis badistriga
Sympistis chionanthi
Sympistis dinalda
Sympistis perscripta
Syngrapha alias
Syngrapha rectangula
Tarache aprica
Tarache terminimaculata
Tricholita signata
Trichoplusia ni
Trichopolia oviduca
Trichordestra beanii
Trichordestra legitima
Tripudia flavofasciata
Tripudia rectangula
Ulolonche culea
Ulolonche modesta
Xanthopastis regnatrix
Xestia badicollis
Xestia c-nigrum
Xestia dilucida
Xestia dolosa
Xestia dolosa complex
Xestia elimata
Xestia elimata complex
Xestia normanianus
Xestia perquiritata
Xestia praevia
Xestia smithii
Xestia unidentified species
Xylomoia chagnoni
Xylotype capax
Xystopeplus rufago
Agrotis buchholzi
Agrotis gladiaria
Agrotis ipsilon
Agrotis malefida
Agrotis unidentified species
Agrotis venerabilis
Agrotis vetusta
Agrotis volubilis
45 NC Records
Agrotis buchholzi
(Barnes & Benjamin, 1929) - Buchholz's Dart
P3 Number:
MONA Number:
MONA Synonym:
Agrotis carolina
One of 23 species in this genus that occur in North America (Lafontaine and Schmidt, 2010) -- 24 if
Agrotis carolina
is considered separate from
A. buchholzi
. Seven have been recorded in North Carolina.
Species Status:
The North Carolina populations of this moth were originally considered to be the same species as
Agrotis buchholzi
, a moth whose type locality is the New Jersey Pine Barrens, the only area apart from North Carolina where this taxon has been observed. In 2004, Schweitzer and McCabe described the North Carolina populations as a separate species,
Agrotis carolina
, based on differences in size, coloration, and genitalia. This split was challenged, however, by Lafontaine and Schmidt (2010), who noted that the genitalic differences noted by Schweitzer and McCabe were based on damaged specimens or were inconsistent. The decision to merge the two forms by Lafontaine and Schmidt, in turn, was disputed by Schweitzer et al. (2011), who noted that the genitalic characters mentioned by Lafontaine and Schmidt, were not, in fact the ones that Schweitzer and McCabe had used in their characterization of
A. carolina
. One such character is the spacing of the cucullar spines: they are mostly contiguous in
A. buchholzi
but spaced about a spine's-width apart in
A. carolina
. Bar-code data show only a slight (<0.2%) difference between the two populations, but with a clear separation between them, with each population being very homogeneous. While these results agree with the morphological data, that there is a slight but clear difference between the New Jersey and North Carolina populations, these differences are no greater (or even smaller) than between populations of other species of
(at least in terms of the bar-code data). Unless a full genetic analysis indicates a stronger level of differentiation than shown by the mitochondrial DNA, we support treating both populations as conspecific, although possibly recognizable as different subspecies.
Field Guide Descriptions:
Online Resources:
Technical Description, Adults:
Forbes (1954); Lafontaine (2004); Schweitzer and McCabe (2004); Schweitzer et al. (2011)
Technical Description, Immature Stages:
Lafontaine (2004); Schweitzer and McCabe (2004)
Adult Markings:
Agrotis buchholzi
is a medium sized noctuid moth; wingspans average about 1.25" (3 cm), which are smaller than in most other species of
. Most specimens of
A. buchholzi
are fairly dark, purplish brown over the forewings and thorax (Forbes, 1954). In North Carolina, some individuals possess a bluish rather than purplish cast, due to extensive white scaling. In either case, the color of the body and forewings contrast sharply with the head, which is an ochre or rust orange; in unworn specimens, this combination of colors should be sufficient to identify the species. Also distinctive is the presence of two dart-shaped marks on the upper forewing, both projecting outward from the antemedian line. The claviform spot forms the uppermost of these marks. In North Carolina specimens, this spot is usually filled with black and projects nearly halfway beneath the orbicular spot. respect); in some specimens in North Carolina, as well as in the New Jersey specimens examined by Forbes, the claviform is present as an outline only. The lower of the two dart marks is formed by a sharp outward bend of the antemedian line itself; this mark is filled with the ground color but is otherwise similar in size and shape to the claviform mark above it. As described by Forbes, the orbicular is a somewhat horizontal, pale ellipse, usually with a dark center. The reniform is less conspicuous than the orbicular, being filled with the ground color rather than the lighter scales present in the orbicular; as is true for the orbicular, the center is often darker. In North Carolina specimens, the space between the orbicular and reniform is often black; some specimens may also have a patch of black located on the proximal side of the orbicular. The median area is often paler than the ground color, becoming extensively shaded with white in some specimens. A dark, narrow median shade extends from the reniform to the inner margin. In the specimens examined by Forbes, the postmedian and other outer lines were too obscure to describe. In North Carolina specimens, these markings are usually quite well marked. The postmedian is thin, black, and strongly scalloped; the points of the scallops are tipped with light and dark scales. The subterminal is also prominent, at least in some specimens, and forms a somewhat wider and more sinuous dark band than the median shade. The terminal area is usually pale, particularly in the apical area, as noted by Forbes. In contrast to the forewing, the hindwing is nearly devoid of markings and is colored a nearly smooth fuscous-gray, becoming only slightly darker towards the edge of the wing. A darker gray terminal line is often present, and in fresh specimens the fringe is bicolored in light and dark gray. Little if any sexual dimorphism is present in the color patterns just described.
Adult Structural Features:
The male can be distinguished by its serrate antennae; the antennae of the female are smooth. In the spring brood in North Carolina, males average about 3.3 cm, which is larger than at least the one male from New Jersey examined by Forbes (1954), which was 2.8 cm. Females are probably somewhat larger; the New Jersey specimen measured by Forbes was 3.2 cm in wingspan.
Adult ID Requirements:
Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens.
Immatures and Development:
Last instar larvae are described by Schweitzer and McCabe (2004) as "brown-black with a conspicuous
lateral series of black spots, two on each segment, comprising the spiracle and the Ll pinaculum". Other details are given regarding the pattern on the head and other morphological features, which may be used to distinguish them from the similar larvae of other species of
. Feeding activity by the larvae takes place at night. During the day the caterpillar burrows into the soil, which probably gives it adequate protection from most fires; pupation also occurs underground. Overwintering is done in the larval stage.
Larvae ID Requirements:
Identifiable from close inspection of specimens or by DNA analysis.
Distribution in North Carolina
Restricted to the southern half of the Coastal Plain, including the Fall-line Sandhills and Outer Coastal Plain
County Map:
Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
Piedmont (Pd)
Coastal Plain (CP)
Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments:
In North Carolina there are three adult flight periods: March 1-April 13, June 10-28, and September 9-10.
Habitats and Life History
Completely restricted to frequently burned Longleaf Pine habitats in North Carolina. In the Outer Coastal Plain, it occurs in fairly wet to mesic savannas and flatwoods, in association with Common Pyxie-moss (
Pyxidantera barbulata
). In the Fall-line Sandhills, it occurs in xeric sandridge habitats in association with Sandhills Pixie-moss (
Pyxidanthera brefifolia
Larval Host Plants:
Feeds primarily or exclusively on Pyxie Moss, including both
Pyxidanthera barblata
P. brevifolia
. Although larvae of
A. carolina
have not been reared or observed in the wild, all of our collections for this species come from traps set up in or near patches of
. The same is true for populations of
A. buchholzi
in New Jersey, where further confirmation of this host plant was obtained in a larval rearing study conducted by Schweitzer and McCabe (2004). -
Observation Methods:
Comes well to blacklights. Although we do not have any North Carolina records from other sources, Schweitzer and McCabe (2004) noted that
A. buchholzi
comes to bait and also commonly visits flowers.
See also Habitat Account for
General Fire-maintained Herblands
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks:
G2G3 S2S3
State Protection:
Listed as Significantly Rare by the Natural Heritage Program and as Federal Species of Concern by the Raleigh office of USFWS. These statuses do not confer any legal protection, however, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.
This species is a strong habitat specialist that depends on frequent fires to maintain populations of its host plant. It also appears to be affected by habitat fragmentation, being absent from small, isolated areas of habitat that still possess populations of
. Habitat loss due to conversion to pine plantations, agriculture, and development is the primary threat to this species. In unconverted habitats, the succession to shrubby or densely wooded habitats that occurs when fires are suppressed leads to the loss of the host plant for this species:
is highly intolerant of shading and is very sensitive to loss of frequent fire.
is probably also destroyed in areas that are frequently raked to harvest pinestraw. Resistance to at least light fires is indicated by the abundance of this species in early spring in areas that have been burned just a few weeks prior to emergence during the dormant season (Hall, pers. obs.). Survival of hot fires that occur when fuel has accumulated is less certain; recolonization from unburned refugia may be necessary in such cases. Management recommendations include use of frequent but light prescribed burns. Within any one preserve, divide habitat suitable for this species into three or more burn units and do not burn adjacent units during the same season. Allow a sufficient interval between burns to permit recolonization of recently burned sites.
Photo Gallery for
Agrotis buchholzi
- Buchholz's Dart
Photos: 3
Recorded by: Steve Hall on 1998-04-27
Hoke Co.
Recorded by: SPH on 1995-04-05
Pender Co.
Comment: Wingspan = 3.1 cm; forewing length = 1.5 cm
Recorded by: SPH on 1995-04-05
Pender Co.
Comment: Wingspan = 3.5 cm; forewing length = 1.6 cm