Moths of North Carolina
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45 NC Records

Fascista bimaculella (Chambers, 1872) - No Common Name

Superfamily: Gelechioidea Family: GelechiidaeSubfamily: GelechiinaeTribe: GelechiiniP3 Number: 421156.00 MONA Number: 2203.00
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: MPG, BugGuide, iNaturalist, Google, BAMONA, GBIF, BOLD                                                                                 
Adult Markings: The head, thorax, antenna, and palps are brown to brownish black. The second segment of the labial palp has a large furrowed brush, while the third segment is slender and mostly blackish with pale speckling. The forewing ground color is blackish with three white marks. These include a small and somewhat oblique spot at one-fourth the wing length, a much larger spot just beyond one-half, and a fascia at four-fifths just before the cilia. Blackish blotches are usually present immediately before and after the second spot that is just beyond one-half. The hindwing is smoky gray to light brown, and the abdomen is dark above and white in the middle below. The legs are mostly white with black flecking on the upper half, and blackish with white annulations on the lower half.
Adult Structural Features: The males have elaborate sex scaling (curtain scales) on the underside of the hindwing that will help distinguish them from certain Chionodes species. Tergum 8 also has many slender, dorsally and anterodorsally directed scales arising from the lateral margins, while Chionodes have appressed scales (Hodges, 1999).
Adult ID Requirements: Identifiable from good quality photos of unworn specimens.
Immatures and Development: The larval life history is undocumented.
Distribution in North Carolina
Distribution: Fascista bimaculella is found in the southeastern US from Virginia southward to northern Florida and westward to central Texas and eastern Oklahoma. As of 2021, our records are all from the Piedmont and lower elevations in the mountains.
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Flight Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Flight Comments: Adults have been documented from February through November in areas outside of North Carolina. As of 2021, our records extend from early April through late September.
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: The natural habitats are poorly documented. Our records are mostly from residential neighborhoods.
Larval Host Plants: The host species are unknown. - View
Observation Methods: The adults are attracted to lights.
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: GNR S3S4
State Protection:
Comments: We currently do not have sufficient information on the hosts, distribution, and abundance to assess the conservation status of this species.

 Photo Gallery for Fascista bimaculella - No common name

53 photos are available. Only the most recent 30 are shown.

Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik, Stephen Dunn on 2024-06-29
Chatham Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2024-05-05
Madison Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2024-04-29
Madison Co.
Recorded by: David George, Jeff Niznik, Rich Teper on 2024-04-16
New Hanover Co.
Recorded by: David George on 2023-08-07
Durham Co.
Recorded by: Stephen Dunn, Jeff Niznik on 2023-07-26
Chatham Co.
Recorded by: Jeff Niznik on 2023-06-17
New Hanover Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2023-04-21
Madison Co.
Recorded by: Simpson Eason on 2023-04-01
Durham Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2022-05-20
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2022-05-18
Madison Co.
Recorded by: tom ward on 2022-05-05
Buncombe Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-05-04
Orange Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-05-04
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Simpson Eason on 2022-05-04
Durham Co.
Recorded by: John Petranka on 2022-05-02
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Simpson Eason on 2022-04-30
Durham Co.
Recorded by: Jim Petranka on 2022-04-30
Madison Co.
Recorded by: David George, L. M. Carlson on 2022-04-23
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Dean Furbish and Joy Wiggins on 2022-04-12
Wake Co.
Recorded by: Stephen Hall on 2021-08-09
Orange Co.
Recorded by: Vin Stanton on 2021-05-20
Buncombe Co.
Recorded by: Vin Stanton on 2021-05-20
Buncombe Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2021-05-20
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Simpson Eason on 2021-05-03
Durham Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2021-04-27
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2021-04-14
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2021-04-08
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2020-09-27
Guilford Co.
Recorded by: Gary Maness on 2020-08-25
Guilford Co.