Myriapods of North Carolina
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Apheloria tigana
checklist_number: 372.000
Chameberlin (1939) described this species as follows: "Dorsum black with the caudal lateral portion of keels in the preserved specimens brown, the light color extending in a narrow stripe forward alon..."It is common in hardwood localities and can be found in open litter as well as around logs and rocks... it becomes scarce in predominantly pine areas"" (Shelley, 1978). Most of our records appear to come from mesic hardwood forests."......
Scolopocryptops nigridius
checklist_number: 186.000
..."Primarily inhabits moist deciduous litter, occasionally found in predominantly pine litter"" (Shelley, 1987)"......[GNR] S3S4...
Theatops posticus
checklist_number: 175.000
..."Primarily inhabits moist deciduous litter, occasionally found in predominantly pine litter"" (Shelley, 1987)".........
Sigmoria latior latior
checklist_number: 491.010
...Shelley (1981) describes latior more-or-less as a hardwood generalist: "The nominate subspecies occurs in predominantly deciduous forests, where it may be found under rocks, logs, or thin layers of le......G5 S3S4...
Pseudopolydesmus serratus
checklist_number: 346.000
..."Found in moist humus and under rocks and logs in rural and urban environments"" (Shelley, 1978)"......G5 S4S5...
Oxidus gracilis
checklist_number: 328.000
.........G5 SEAn exotic species...
Ophyiulus pilosus
checklist_number: 280.000
...Synanthropic, found in developed areas......G5 SENative to Europe...
Narceus americanus
American Giant Millipede
checklist_number: 524.000
..."Common in moist humus and is occasionally found under the bark of decaying logs"" (Shelley, 1978). This species can be abundant in bottomland hardwoods and also occurs on mesic hardwood slopes."......G5 S4S5...
Cleidogona major
checklist_number: 233.000
...Records appear to come from mesic to wet forests. The habitat at one locality in Durham County consists of a mesic stand of hardwoods growing on a slope adjacent to an extensive area of bottomland ha......G5 S3S4...
Abacion magnum
checklist_number: 194.000
..."Frequently found in the drier localities in the eastern Piedmont and is not uncommon in predominantly pine habitats"" (Shelley, 1978). This species was also recorded in bottomland hardwoods along New......G5 S4S5...
Nannaria serpens
Serpentine Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 477.500
Described in 2021: Means JC, Hennen DA, Marek PE (2021) A revision of the minor species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1030: 1–180. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. N. serpens tergites with bright orange paranotal spots. Dark brown background. Dorsum of collu...Mesic hardwood forests composed of oak, maple, tuliptree, sassafras, and rhododendron, often found under leaves on wooded hillsides..........
Nannaria blackmountainensis
Black Mountain Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 472.500
Described in 2021: Means JC, Hennen DA, Marek PE (2021) A revision of the minor species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1030: 1–180. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. Nannaria blackmountainensis tergites with hot orange/red paranotal spots. Jet black background...Mesic forests of hemlock, tuliptree, maple, and oak, with an understory of jewelweed and stinging nettle..........
Nannaria komela
Lambsburg Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 474.400
Described in 2021: Means JC, Hennen DA, Marek PE (2021) A revision of the minor species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1030: 1–180. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. Nannaria komela tergites with orange paranotal spots. Black background. Dorsum of collum smoot...Mesic deciduous forests dominated by oak, maple, tuliptree, and rhododendron. They are often found under 1–2 cm moist soil on hillsides..........
Nannaria nessa
Duck Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 475.500
Described in 2022: Hennen DA, Means JC, Marek PE (2022) A revision of the wilsoni species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1096: 17–118. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. Adults of Nannaria nessa can be separated from the geographically close and morphologically si...This species is found in deciduous and rhododendron cove habitats, within leaf litter and under rocks..........
Nannaria lithographa
Stonewriter Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 474.600
Described in 2022: Hennen DA, Means JC, Marek PE (2022) A revision of the wilsoni species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1096: 17–118. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. Adults of Nannaria lithographa sp. nov. can be separated from the geographically close and mor...Rhododendron coves in mesic deciduous and ericaceous forests..........
Nannaria antarctica
Chilled Twisted-Claw Millipede
checklist_number: 471.500
Described in 2022: Hennen DA, Means JC, Marek PE (2022) A revision of the wilsoni species group in the millipede genus Nannaria Chamberlin, 1918 (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Xystodesmidae). ZooKeys 1096: 17–118. of the genus Nannaria are generally smaller with more subdued coloration than other Xystodesmids. Adults of Nannaria antarctica (Hennen, Means & Marek, 2022) can be separated from the geograph...Mesic deciduous forest (oak, maple, tuliptree, birch, cherry, buckeye) and rhododendron and hemlock coves, ranging in elevation from 690 m to 1189 m..........
Octoglena gracilipes
checklist_number: 507.000
Cherokia georgiana
checklist_number: 424.000
Recent work (Vasquez-Valverde LF, Marek PE, 2022) has shown that the subspecies of Cherokia are not supported, and have been synonomized with Cherokia georgiana. Note the wrinkly dorsal surface.............
Pseudopolydesmus paludicolus
checklist_number: 345.100
P. paludicolus is much smaller than the other species of Pseudopolydesmus that we have in NC, with an adult male body length of only 11-13 mm....It seems to prefer swamps and wetland areas. Lives in moist leaf litter..........
Sigmoria stenoloba
checklist_number: 500.000
.........[GNR] S3S4...
Sigmoria aphelorioides
checklist_number: 465.000
...According to Shelley and Whitehead (1986) this species "inhabits moist rhododendron coves"""......[GNR] SHThis species is known in North Carolina from a single, historic record. Surveys need to be conducted in order to determine its current status....

checklist_number: 495.010
...Shelley (1981) states that is species primarily inhabits coves but also ranges up into Spruce-fir Forests, including those on the summit of Mt. Mitchell......[GNR] [SHS3]This subspecies appears to be known only from historic records; 1978 was the most recent record given by Shelley (1981). Although endemic to the Black Mountains, Shelley lists records for a fairly lar...
Sigmoria angulosa
checklist_number: 495.020
...Shelley (1981) does not characterize the habitat used by this subspecies but notes that it occupies the headwaters of two drainages on either side of a divide. Very likely, this subspecies can be rega......[GNRTNR] [SHS2]This species is endemic to a small area within Yancey and Buncombe Counties and is known from only historic records; the most recent listed by Shelley (1981) is 1977. More surveys are needed to docume...
Sigmoria wrighti
checklist_number: 453.000
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) describe this species as "cove-dwelling"""......[GNR] [S2S3]This species is nearly endemic to North Carolina and known from only a small area within our northern mountains. Surveys are needed to confirm its current status....
Sigmoria watauga
checklist_number: 452.000
...Shelley and Whitehead describe this species as primarily a cove-inhabitant but that also occurs away from stream valleys and is often found in the residential areas of Blowing Rock and Boone......[GNR] [S2S3]This is a narrowly distributed North Carolina endemic. Although it has fairly broad habitat requirements for a member of this genus, it should be considered of significant conservation concern due to ...
Daphnedesmus coronata
checklist_number: 447.000
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) describe this species as "cove-dwelling"""......[GNR] [S2S3]We only have a single recent record for this species in North Carolina. More surveys are needed to confirm its status....
Deltotaria philia
checklist_number: 437.020
Previously considered a subspecies of Deltotaria brimleii, Deltotaria philia was elevated to full species by Means, et al, 2021....Shelley and Whitehead (1986) state that Deltotaria philia is a cove-inhabitant......[GNRTNR] SHS2This species is known in North Carolina only from a couple of records, both of which appear to be historic...
Deltotaria brimleii
checklist_number: 437.010
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) state that Deltotaria brimleii as a species is a cove-inhabitant......[GNRTNR] [S3S4]This subspecies is endemic to the southern mountains of North Carolina but has current records from several counties in this region and appears to be relatively secure....
Pachydesmus crassicutis incursus
checklist_number: 478.020
...First found in North Carolina in "moist seepage areas"" (Shelley and Filka, 1979). Most populations in the Piedmont of South Carolina are associated with hardwood forests but they have also been found......G5T2 [SHS1]This species is known only from historic records, all from the vicinity of Kings and Crowders Mountains. Filka and Shelley (1980) considered this species to be endangered in North Carolina....
Deltotaria lea
checklist_number: 439.000
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) describe this species as inhabiting deciduous forests near water sources......GNR [SHS2]This species has a very limited geographic range, particularly for a Piedmont species. Filka and Shelley (1980) recommended that it be state listed as Special Concern (which was probably not enacted s...
Cleidogona caesioannulata
checklist_number: 215.000
..."Cleidogona is a common genus in the eastern Piedmont and is usually encountered in moist humus"" (Shelley, 1978)"......G5 [S3S4]...
Ptyoiulus impressus
checklist_number: 296.000
...Found in deciduous forest litter (Filka and Shelley, 1980)......G5 [S4S5]...
Ptyoiulus ectenes
checklist_number: 295.000
..."Ptyoiulus is found in a variety of habitats ranging from moist humus to dry, sandy soil"" (Shelley, 1978). Specimens collected by Filka and Shelley (1980) were found in deciduous forest litter."......[GNR][S4S5]...
Aniulus orientalis
checklist_number: 285.000
.........G4 [SU]...
Cylindroiulus truncorum
checklist_number: 279.000
...Associated with greenhouses but has also been observed in residential areas (Shelley, 1978)......G5 [SNA]Introduced from Africa (Shelley, 1978)...
Brachyiulus lusitanus
checklist_number: 274.000
...Synanthropic (Shelley, 1978)......G5 [SNA]Introduced from Europe...
Brachyiulus pusillus
checklist_number: 275.000
Virgoiulus minutus
checklist_number: 273.000
..."Common under bark of decaying pine logs and stumps and is particularly abundant in those pine areas with trees killed by the southern pine beetle"" (Shelley, 1978)"......G5 [SNA]Introduced from Europe (Shelley, 1978)...
Andrognathus corticarius
checklist_number: 302.000
...Shelley (1978) states that this species is normally found under the bark of decaying pine logs. ......G5 [S4S5]...
Petaserpes strictus
checklist_number: 513.000
...Common in moist humus and in or under decaying logs (Shelly, 1978). Filka and Shelley (1980) found it commonly in mixed pine-hardwood forests in the King's Mountain region..........
Polyxenus fasciculatus
checklist_number: 505.000
...Shelley (1978) and Filka and Shelley (1980) found this species in association with pine or mixed pine-hardwood forests but not in sites dominated by hardwoods. Pine-containing habitats sampled by Filk......G5 [S4S5]...
Daphnedesmus dactylifera
checklist_number: 448.000
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) noted that one of the sites where this species has been collected -- the summit of Mt. Jefferson -- cannot be considered a cove. This site is, however, fairly mesic, suppo......GNR [S1]This species merits a high priority for conservation based on its extremely small known range. More surveys are required to determine its exact habitat associations, which might be better described as...
Sigmoria pela
checklist_number: 451.000
...Shelley and Whitehead (1986) describe this species as "cove-dwelling"""......G2 [SHS2]This species is restricted to a narrow range in the Blue Ridge Province. Our most current records date from 1980 (Shelley and Whitehead, 1986) and surveys are needed to confirm its status within North...
Sigmoria intermedia
checklist_number: 495.030
Prevoiusly considered a subspecies of Sigmoria nigrimontis....Shelley (1981) states that this species is primarily a cove-inhabitant but that it also occurs in wetter habitats than is typical for related species, occurring in the vicinity of seeps and the spray ......[GNRTNR][SHS3]This species appears to be known only from historic records; 1978 was the most recent record given by Shelley (1981). However, records exist from a number of sites within its fairly broad range within...
Sigmoria triangulata
checklist_number: 501.000
...Shelley (1981) describes triangulata as "a cove-dwelling species"""......[GNR][S1]This species has a small global range, including a restricted area within North Carolina. Consequently, it should be considered a high priority for conservation....
Sigmoria austrimontis
checklist_number: 488.000
...Shelley (1981) described Sigmoria rubromarginata, which at that time included austrimontanis as a subspecies, as a cove-inhabiting species. ......[GNR] [S1S2]This species is endemic to a single mountain massif in North Carolina. As such, it should be considered as having a significant priority for conservation efforts....
Sigmoria rubromarginata austrimontis
checklist_number: 496.020
...Although not specifically described by Shelley (1981), presumably this subspecies is primarily a cove-inhabitant, as he describes for the species as a whole......[GNRTNR] [SHS1]This subspecies appears to be narrowly endemic to the South Mountains of North Carolina. The only records we have for this form are from 1978 (included in Shelley, 1981). Consequently, surveys are nee...
Sigmoria rubromarginata
checklist_number: 496.000
...Shelley (1981) describes rubromarginata as a "cove-dwelling species""".........
Sigmoria translineata
checklist_number: 467.000
...Described by Shelley (1981) as a "cove-inhabiting species"""......[GNR] [SHS2]This species is endemic to the Great Smoky Mountains and occurs in just a limited area near Fontana Lake in North Carolina. ...
Sigmoria tuberosa
checklist_number: 468.000
...Shelley (1981) described tuberosa as a "cove-inhabiting species"""......[GNR] [SH]This species is endemic to North Carolina, where it is known only from historic records from the type localtiy....