Common Name | County | Date | Observer(s) | Number | Comments |
1 Zebra Longwing | Gates | 2013-10-18 | F. Williams, S. Williams | 1 | Didn't get as good a look to see if it was the same one as on 10-16 but would assume it is. Signa got to see it this time also. |
2 Zebra Longwing | Gates | 2013-10-30 | F. Williams, S. Williams | 1 | Same one as seen last week. It survived the freeze we had a few days ago. |
3 Zebra Longwing | Gates | 2013-10-21 | F. Williams, S. Williams | 1 | Still hanging around |
4 Zebra Longwing | Gates | 2013-10-20 | F. Williams, S. Williams | 1 | This is definately the same individual that was here on 10-16. |
5 Zebra Longwing | Gates | 2013-10-16 | F. Williams | 1 | Was quite amazed to see this here. It nectared on some zinias for about 20 minutes before flying away. I will keep a watch for it tomorrow. I was mowing and almost wrecked my tractor when I realized what I was seeing! |