New Hope Creek Biodiversity Survey 2021 - 2022
New Hope Creek Biodivesity Survey 2021 - 2022 Search
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11 records are shown.
search ordermajor grouptaxonsciNamecomNamedb idsitesubsitestationparceldaterecord method typeobserverhabitat ecological commentslatitudelongitude
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue DasherNew Hope BottomlandsPowerlineSouth crossing2022-07-22Steve Hall
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher66136Hollow Rock Nature ParkWest of Pickett RoadNew Hope Creek2022-07-09John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher66145Hollow Rock Nature ParkWest of Pickett RoadMeadow2022-07-09John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher65367New Hope BottomlandsFlood Channels and Oxbows2022-06-24John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher65360New Hope BottomlandsPowerline2022-06-22John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher65321Hollow Rock Nature ParkWest of Pickett RoadLoop Trail2022-06-04John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher63758Hollow Rock Nature ParkWest of Pickett RoadNew Hope Creek2021-08-27John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher63734Old Chapel Hill Road ParkEdge TrailPaved trail to playground2021-08-04John Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher0Hollow Rock Nature ParkAlong New Hope Creek2021-08-27Direct ObservationJohn Petranka
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher0Mt. Moriah BottomlandsConfluence of Dry Creek, New Hope Creek, and Mud Creek1992-07-15Seen, daytimeStephen Hall
12.0INSECTSODONATESPachydiplax longipennisBlue Dasher0New Hope BottomlandsOld Chapel Hill Road Park, Paved Trail from Parking Area to Play2021-08-04Direct ObservationJohn PetrankaHerbaceous borders of playing field, and at pond on west side of paved path