2133 Taxa |
Taxon | SciName | ComName | Tally |
ACULEATE WASPS 8 | Dolichovespula maculata | | 1 |
| Entypus fulvicornis | | 3 |
| Eremnophila aureonotata | | 2 |
| Eumenes fraternus | | 1 |
| Euodynerus schwarzi | | 1 |
| Polistes unidentified species | | 1 |
| Sphecius speciosus | | 1 |
| Vespula maculifrons | | 1 |
ANTHOMYID FLIES 1 | Botanophila unidentified species | | 1 |
ANTS 1 | Formica unidentified species | | 1 |
ANURANS 11 | Acris crepitans | Eastern Cricket Frog | 2 |
| Anaxyrus americanus | American Toad | 5 |
| Anaxyrus fowleri | Fowler's Toad | 8 |
| Gastrophryne carolinensis | Eastern Narrow-mouthed Toad | 5 |
| Hyla chrysoscelis | Cope's Gray Treefrog | 22 |
| Hyla cinerea | Green Treefrog | 17 |
| Lithobates catesbeianus | American Bullfrog | 1 |
| Lithobates clamitans | Green Frog | 17 |
| Lithobates sphenocephalus | Southern Leopard Frog | 11 |
| Pseudacris crucifer | Spring Peeper | 9 |
| Pseudacris feriarum | Upland Chorus Frog | 19 |
AQUATIC FORBS 9 | Alisma subcordatum | American Water-plantain | 2 |
| Peltandra virginica | Green Arrow-arum | 2 |
| Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed | 2 |
| Proserpinaca palustris | Marsh Mermaid-weed | 1 |
| Sagittaria latifolia | Broadleaf Arrowhead | 1 |
| Saururus cernuus | Lizard's-tail | 17 |
| Sparganium americanum | American Bur-reed | 6 |
| Spirodela polyrhiza | Greater Duckweed | 1 |
| Typha latifolia | Broadleaf Cattail | 2 |
BEE FLIES 1 | Bombylius major | | 2 |
BEES 15 | Andrena erigeniae | | 1 |
| Anthophora unidentified species | | 1 |
| Augochlora pura | | 1 |
| Bombus bimaculatus | | 1 |
| Bombus griseocollis | | 1 |
| Bombus impatiens | | 2 |
| Ceratina dupla | | 1 |
| Ceratina unidentified species | | 1 |
| Colletes unidentified species | | 1 |
| Habropoda laboriosa | | 1 |
| Lasioglossum imitatum | | 2 |
| Lasioglossum unidentified species | | 2 |
| Megachile unidentified species | | 3 |
| Melissodes unidentified species | | 1 |
| Xylocopa virginica | Eastern Carpenter Bee | 4 |
BEETLES 3 | Photinus australis | | 1 |
| Photinus consimilis | | 1 |
| Photuris lucicrescens | | 1 |
BIRDS 104 | Accipiter cooperii | Cooper's Hawk | 4 |
| Accipiter striatus | Sharp-shinned Hawk | 2 |
| Agelaius phoeniceus | Red-winged Blackbird | 1 |
| Aix sponsa | Wood Duck | 9 |
| Anas platyrhynchos | Mallard | 10 |
| Archilochus colubris | Ruby-throated Hummingbird | 12 |
| Ardea herodias | Great Blue Heron | 25 |
| Baeolophus bicolor | Tufted Titmouse | 77 |
| Bombycilla cedrorum | Cedar Waxwing | 5 |
| Branta canadensis | Canada Goose | 10 |
| Bubo virginianus | Great Horned Owl | 3 |
| Buteo jamaicensis | Red-tailed Hawk | 10 |
| Buteo lineatus | Red-shouldered Hawk | 49 |
| Butorides virescens | Green Heron | 3 |
| Cardinalis cardinalis | Northern Cardinal | 76 |
| Cathartes aura | Turkey Vulture | 13 |
| Catharus fuscescens, migrant | | 1 |
| Catharus guttatus, winter | Hermit Thrush, winter | 11 |
| Certhia americana, winter | Brown Creeper, winter | 5 |
| Chaetura pelagica | Chimney Swift | 3 |
| Charadrius vociferus | Killdeer | 5 |
| Coccothraustes vespertinus | Evening Grosbeak | 3 |
| Coccyzus americanus | Yellow-billed Cuckoo | 16 |
| Colaptes auratus | Northern Flicker | 27 |
| Contopus virens | Eastern Wood-Pewee | 11 |
| Coragyps atratus | Black Vulture | 8 |
| Corthylio calendula, winter | | 29 |
| Corvus brachyrhynchos | American Crow | 30 |
| Corvus ossifragus | Fish Crow | 13 |
| Cyanocitta cristata | Blue Jay | 45 |
| Dryobates pubescens | Downy Woodpecker | 81 |
| Dryobates villosus | Hairy Woodpecker | 36 |
| Dryocopus pileatus | Pileated Woodpecker | 37 |
| Dumetella carolinensis | Gray Catbird | 6 |
| Empidonax virescens | Acadian Flycatcher | 32 |
| Euphagus carolinus | Rusty Blackbird | 2 |
| Falco sparverius | American Kestrel | 2 |
| Geothlypis formosa | Kentucky Warbler | 4 |
| Geothlypis trichas | Common Yellowthroat | 9 |
| Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Bald Eagle | 3 |
| Helmitheros vermivorum | Worm-eating Warbler | 1 |
| Hirundo rustica | Barn Swallow | 1 |
| Hylocichla mustelina | Wood Thrush | 7 |
| Junco hyemalis, winter | Dark-eyed Junco, winter | 7 |
| Larus delawarensis | Ring-billed Gull | 1 |
| Lophodytes cucullatus | Hooded Merganser | 4 |
| Megaceryle alcyon | Belted Kingfisher | 13 |
| Melanerpes carolinus | Red-bellied Woodpecker | 71 |
| Melanerpes erythrocephalus | Red-headed Woodpecker | 51 |
| Meleagris gallopavo | Wild Turkey | 13 |
| Melospiza georgiana | Swamp Sparrow | 3 |
| Melospiza melodia | Song Sparrow | 23 |
| Mimus polyglottos | Northern Mockingbird | 8 |
| Mniotilta varia | Black-and-white Warbler | 5 |
| Myiarchus crinitus | Great Crested Flycatcher | 17 |
| Nyctanassa violacea | Yellow-crowned Night-Heron | 3 |
| Pandion haliaetus | Osprey | 2 |
| Parkesia motacilla | Louisiana Waterthrush | 18 |
| Parkesia noveboracensis | Northern Waterthrush | 3 |
| Passerina caerulea | Blue Grosbeak | 6 |
| Passerina cyanea | Indigo Bunting | 24 |
| Pipilo erythrophthalmus | Eastern Towhee | 18 |
| Piranga olivacea | Scarlet Tanager | 8 |
| Piranga rubra | Summer Tanager | 35 |
| Poecile carolinensis | Carolina Chickadee | 79 |
| Polioptila caerulea | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | 43 |
| Progne subis | Purple Martin | 6 |
| Protonotaria citrea | Prothonotary Warbler | 1 |
| Quiscalus quiscula | Common Grackle | 18 |
| Regulus satrapa, winter | Golden-crowned Kinglet, winter | 21 |
| Sayornis phoebe | Eastern Phoebe | 30 |
| Scolopax minor | American Woodcock | 2 |
| Seiurus aurocapilla | Ovenbird | 5 |
| Setophaga americana | Northern Parula | 39 |
| Setophaga caerulescens | Black-throated Blue Warbler | 3 |
| Setophaga citrina | Hooded Warbler | 7 |
| Setophaga coronata, winter | | 20 |
| Setophaga dominica | Yellow-throated Warbler | 8 |
| Setophaga fusca, migrant | | 1 |
| Setophaga magnolia, migrant | | 1 |
| Setophaga pinus | Pine Warbler | 42 |
| Setophaga ruticilla | American Redstart | 5 |
| Setophaga tigrina | Cape May Warbler | 1 |
| Sialia sialis | Eastern Bluebird | 25 |
| Sitta carolinensis | White-breasted Nuthatch | 55 |
| Sitta pusilla | Brown-headed Nuthatch | 31 |
| Sphyrapicus varius | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | 1 |
| Sphyrapicus varius, winter | Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, winter | 23 |
| Spinus tristis | American Goldfinch | 42 |
| Spizella passerina | Chipping Sparrow | 13 |
| Spizella pusilla | Field Sparrow | 1 |
| Stelgidopteryx serripennis | Northern Rough-winged Swallow | 2 |
| Strix varia | Barred Owl | 21 |
| Thryothorus ludovicianus | Carolina Wren | 92 |
| Toxostoma rufum | Brown Thrasher | 9 |
| Troglodytes aedon | House Wren | 2 |
| Troglodytes hiemalis, winter | | 13 |
| Turdus migratorius | American Robin | 28 |
| Vireo flavifrons | Yellow-throated Vireo | 3 |
| Vireo griseus | White-eyed Vireo | 17 |
| Vireo olivaceus | Red-eyed Vireo | 45 |
| Vireo solitarius | Blue-headed Vireo | 2 |
| Zenaida macroura | Mourning Dove | 20 |
| Zonotrichia albicollis | White-throated Sparrow | 29 |
BUPRESTID BEETLES 1 | Pachyschellus unidentified species | | 3 |
BUTTERFLIES 42 | Abaeis nicippe | Sleepy Orange | 1 |
| Ancyloxypha numitor | Least Skipper | 1 |
| Anthocharis midea | Falcate Orangetip | 5 |
| Argynnis cybele | Great Spangled Fritillary | 1 |
| Asterocampa celtis | Hackberry Emperor | 5 |
| Asterocampa clyton | Tawny Emperor | 1 |
| Burnsius communis | Common Checkered-Skipper | 3 |
| Calycopis cecrops | Red-banded Hairstreak | 4 |
| Celastrina neglecta | Summer Azure | 2 |
| Celastrina unidentified species | | 1 |
| Cercyonis pegala | Common Wood-Nymph | 1 |
| Chlosyne nycteis | Silvery Checkerspot | 5 |
| Cupido comyntas | Eastern Tailed-Blue | 9 |
| Cyllopsis gemma | Gemmed Satyr | 1 |
| Danaus plexippus | Monarch | 1 |
| Epargyreus clarus | Silver-spotted Skipper | 2 |
| Erynnis horatius | Horace's Duskywing | 1 |
| Erynnis juvenalis | Juvenal's Duskywing | 7 |
| Euphyes vestris | Dun Skipper | 2 |
| Eurytides marcellus | Zebra Swallowtail | 15 |
| Hermeuptychia sosybius | Carolina Satyr | 9 |
| Hylephila phyleus | Fiery Skipper | 3 |
| Junonia coenia | Common Buckeye | 1 |
| Lerema accius | Clouded Skipper | 4 |
| Lethe appalachia | Appalachian Brown | 17 |
| Libytheana carinenta | American Snout | 4 |
| Limenitis archippus | Viceroy | 2 |
| Limenitis arthemis | | 4 |
| Lon zabulon | Zabulon Skipper | 8 |
| Megisto cymela | Little Wood-Satyr | 5 |
| Nymphalis antiopa | Mourning Cloak | 3 |
| Papilio polyxenes | Black Swallowtail | 1 |
| Phoebis sennae | Cloudless Sulphur | 3 |
| Phyciodes tharos | Pearl Crescent | 13 |
| Polygonia comma | Eastern Comma | 9 |
| Polygonia interrogationis | Question Mark | 5 |
| Pterourus glaucus | Eastern Tiger Swallowtail | 7 |
| Pterourus troilus | Spicebush Swallowtail | 3 |
| Pyrisitia lisa | Little Yellow | 1 |
| Vanessa atalanta | Red Admiral | 2 |
| Vanessa virginiensis | American Lady | 6 |
| Vernia verna | Little Glassywing | 1 |
CENTIPEDES 7 | Arenophilus bipuncticeps | | 3 |
| Nadabius pullus | | 1 |
| Neolithobius latzelii | | 1 |
| Pachymerium ferrugineum | | 1 |
| Scolopocryptops nigridius | | 2 |
| Strigamia branneri | | 1 |
| Theatops posticus | | 1 |
CLUBMOSSES 1 | Diphasiastrum digitatum | Southern Ground-cedar | 2 |
CONIFERS 4 | Juniperus virginiana | Eastern Red Cedar | 5 |
| Pinus echinata | Shortleaf Pine | 5 |
| Pinus taeda | Loblolly Pine | 16 |
| Pinus virginiana | Virginia Pine | 1 |
CRAYFISH 1 | Cambarus latimanus | | 1 |
EXOTIC ANIMALS 21 | Agrilus planipennis | | 1 |
| Apis mellifera | Western Honey Bee, European Honey Bee | 5 |
| Canis familiaris | Domestic Dog | 11 |
| Canis latrans | Coyote | 24 |
| Columba livia | Rock Pigeon | 2 |
| Cyprinus carpio | Common Carp | 4 |
| Felis catus | | 1 |
| Haemorhous mexicanus | House Finch | 13 |
| Lepomis cyanellus | Green Sunfish | 9 |
| Lepomis microlophus | Redear Sunfish | 1 |
| Molothrus ater | Brown-headed Cowbird | 20 |
| Monopis longella | Pavlovski's Monopis Moth | 1 |
| Ophyiulus pilosus | | 3 |
| Oxidus gracilis | | 1 |
| Pieris rapae | Cabbage White | 2 |
| Promalactis suzukiella | Suzuki's Promalactis Moth | 3 |
| Scutigera coleoptrata | House Centipede | 1 |
| Sturnus vulgaris | European Starling | 4 |
| Velarifictorus micado | Japanese Burrowing Cricket | 7 |
| Vulpes vulpes | Red Fox | 3 |
| Xylosandrus compactus | | 1 |
EXOTIC FUNGI 1 | Ceratobasidium species | | 1 |
EXOTIC MOTHS 1 | Macrorrhinia endonephele | | 2 |
EXOTIC PLANTS 65 | Ailanthus altissima | Tree-of-heaven | 1 |
| Ajuga reptans | Carpet-bugle | 1 |
| Albizia julibrissin | Mimosa | 3 |
| Allium vineale | Field Garlic | 1 |
| Artemisia vulgaris | Mugwort | 1 |
| Berberis thunbergii | Japanese Barberry | 1 |
| Bromus secalinus | Rye Brome | 1 |
| Broussonetia papyrifera | Paper Mulberry | 1 |
| Cardamine hirsuta | Hairy Bittercress | 1 |
| Cirsium vulgare | Bull Thistle | 1 |
| Clematis terniflora | Japanese Virgin's-bower | 2 |
| Commelina communis | Asiatic Dayflower | 1 |
| Commelina diffusa | Creeping Dayflower | 1 |
| Cynodon dactylon | Bermuda Grass | 1 |
| Daucus carota | Queen-Anne's-Lace | 1 |
| Digitaria sanguinalis | Hairy Crabgrass | 1 |
| Dioscorea polystachya | Chinese Yam | 6 |
| Elaeagnus pungens | Thorny Olive | 1 |
| Elaeagnus umbellata | Autumn Olive | 3 |
| Euonymus fortunei | Winter-creeper | 2 |
| Ficaria verna | Lesser Celandine | 1 |
| Glechoma hederacea | Ground-ivy | 5 |
| Hedera helix | English Ivy | 1 |
| Hemerocallis unidentified species | | 1 |
| Humulus japonicus | Japanese Hops | 1 |
| Hypochaeris radicata | Hairy Cat's-ear | 1 |
| Ilex cornuta | Chinese Holly | 2 |
| Iris pseudacorus | Yellow Iris | 3 |
| Kummerowia stipulacea | Korean Clover | 1 |
| Lamium amplexicaule | Henbit Dead-nettle | 2 |
| Lamium purpureum | Purple Dead-nettle | 2 |
| Lespedeza bicolor | Bicolor Lespedeza | 1 |
| Lespedeza cuneata | Sericea Lespedeza | 1 |
| Leucanthemum vulgare | Oxeye Daisy | 1 |
| Ligustrum japonicum | Japanese Privet | 3 |
| Ligustrum sinense | Chinese Privet | 8 |
| Lonicera japonica | Japanese Honeysuckle | 9 |
| Lonicera maackii | Amur Honeysuckle | 1 |
| Lythrum salicaria | Purple Loosestrife | 2 |
| Mahonia bealei | Leatherleaf Mahonia | 1 |
| Microstegium vimineum | Japanese Stilt-grass | 12 |
| Murdannia keisak | Marsh Dewflower | 1 |
| Myriophyllum aquaticum | Parrot-feather | 1 |
| Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening-primrose | 1 |
| Paspalum dilatatum | Dallis-grass | 1 |
| Paspalum notatum | Bahia-grass | 1 |
| Paulownia tomentosa | Princess-tree | 1 |
| Perilla frutescens | Beefsteak-plant | 1 |
| Persicaria longiseta | Oriental Lady's-thumb | 1 |
| Persicaria maculosa | Spotted Lady's-thumb | 2 |
| Ranunculus parviflorus | Smallflower Buttercup | 1 |
| Rosa multiflora | Multiflora Rose | 4 |
| Rumex conglomeratus | Clustered Dock | 1 |
| Rumex crispus | Curly Dock | 1 |
| Sida rhombifolia | Arrowleaf Sida | 1 |
| Spiraea thunbergii | Thunberg's Meadowsweet | 1 |
| Stellaria media | Common Chickweed | 5 |
| Thalia dealbata | | 3 |
| Trifolium pratense | Red Clover | 1 |
| Trifolium repens | White Clover | 2 |
| Verbena brasiliensis | Brazilian Vervain | 1 |
| Veronica persica | Bird's-eye Speedwell | 2 |
| Veronica serpyllifolia | Thymeleaf Speedwell | 1 |
| Vinca minor | Common Periwinkle | 2 |
| Youngia japonica | Oriental False Hawksbeard | 2 |
FERNS 18 | Adiantum pedatum | Northern Maidenhair Fern | 1 |
| Amauropelta noveboracensis | New York Fern | 6 |
| Anchistea virginica | Virginia Chain-fern | 2 |
| Asplenium platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort | 4 |
| Athyrium asplenioides | Southern Lady Fern | 3 |
| Botrypus virginianus | Rattlesnake Fern | 2 |
| Lorinseria areolata | Netted Chain-fern | 2 |
| Onoclea sensibilis | Sensitive Fern | 4 |
| Ophioglossum pycnostichum | Southern Adder's-tongue | 7 |
| Osmunda regalis var. spectabilis | | 1 |
| Osmunda spectabilis | Royal Fern | 1 |
| Phegopteris hexagonoptera | Broad Beech Fern | 2 |
| Pleopeltis michauxiana | Resurrection Fern | 1 |
| Polypodium virginianum | Common Rockcap Fern | 1 |
| Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern | 7 |
| Sceptridium biternatum | Southern Grapefern | 2 |
| Sceptridium dissectum | Cutleaf Grapefern | 1 |
| Sceptridium unidentified species | | 1 |
FIRMOSSES 1 | Huperzia lucidula | Shining Clubmoss | 1 |
FISH 39 | Ameiurus brunneus | Snail Bullhead | 3 |
| Ameiurus catus | White Catfish | 2 |
| Ameiurus platycephalus | Flat Bullhead | 3 |
| Anguilla rostrata | American Eel | 1 |
| Aphredoderus sayanus | Pirate Perch | 8 |
| Centrarchus macropterus | Flier | 5 |
| Clinostomus funduloides | Rosyside Dace | 2 |
| Cyprinella analostana | Satinfin Shiner | 20 |
| Cyprinella nivea | Whitefin Shiner | 4 |
| Erimyzon oblongus | Eastern Creek Chubsucker | 5 |
| Esox americanus | Redfin Pickerel | 3 |
| Esox niger | Chain Pickerel | 8 |
| Etheostoma olmstedi | Tessellated Darter | 16 |
| Etheostoma serrifer | Sawcheek Darter | 2 |
| Etheostoma sp. (cf. olmstedi) | | 12 |
| Fundulus rathbuni | Speckled Killifish | 4 |
| Gambusia holbrooki | Eastern Mosquitofish | 10 |
| Ictalurus punctatus | Channel Catfish | 4 |
| Lepomis auritus | Redbreast Sunfish | 16 |
| Lepomis gibbosus | Pumpkinseed | 8 |
| Lepomis gulosus | Warmouth | 4 |
| Lepomis macrochirus | Bluegill | 10 |
| Luxilus albeolus | White Shiner | 26 |
| Micropterus salmoides | Largemouth Bass | 12 |
| Moxostoma collapsum | Notchlip Redhorse | 12 |
| Moxostoma sp. 4 | 'Brassy' Jumprock | 3 |
| Nocomis leptocephalus | Bluehead Chub | 20 |
| Notemigonus crysoleucas | Golden Shiner | 6 |
| Notropis alborus | Whitemouth Shiner | 24 |
| Notropis altipinnis | Highfin Shiner | 26 |
| Notropis hudsonius | Spottail Shiner | 2 |
| Notropis petersoni | Coastal Shiner | 2 |
| Notropis procne | Swallowtail Shiner | 8 |
| Notropis scepticus | Sandbar Shiner | 10 |
| Noturus insignis | Margined Madtom | 8 |
| Perca flavescens | Yellow Perch | 4 |
| Percina crassa | Piedmont Darter | 18 |
| Pomoxis nigromaculatus | Black Crappie | 2 |
| Semotilus atromaculatus | Creek Chub | 12 |
FLOWER FLIES 3 | Ocyptamus fuscipennis | | 1 |
| Syrphus torvus | | 1 |
| Toxomerus geminatus | | 2 |
FORBS 209 | Acalypha rhomboidea | Common Threeseed Mercury | 1 |
| Aconitum uncinatum | Southern Blue Monkshood | 1 |
| Agalinis purpurea | Purple False Foxglove | 1 |
| Agrimonia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Allium canadense | Meadow Garlic | 2 |
| Amsonia tabernaemontana | Eastern Bluestar | 6 |
| Andersonglossum virginianum | Wild Comfrey | 4 |
| Antennaria unidentified species | | 1 |
| Aplectrum hyemale | Puttyroot | 1 |
| Apocynum cannabinum | Indian-hemp | 1 |
| Arisaema dracontium | Green Dragon | 5 |
| Arisaema triphyllum | Common Jack-in-the-pulpit | 9 |
| Arisaema unidentified species | | 1 |
| Asarum reflexum | Reflexed Wild-ginger | 12 |
| Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | 1 |
| Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed | 3 |
| Baccharis halimifolia | Groundsel-tree | 1 |
| Bidens aristosa | Bearded Beggarticks | 2 |
| Bidens bipinnata | Spanish-needles | 1 |
| Bidens frondosa | Devil's Beggarticks | 1 |
| Boehmeria cylindrica | False Nettle | 11 |
| Callitriche heterophylla | Two-headed Water-starwort | 1 |
| Cardamine angustata | Slender Toothwort | 3 |
| Cardamine concatenata | Cutleaf Toothwort | 6 |
| Chaerophyllum procumbens | Spreading Chervil | 1 |
| Chaerophyllum tainturieri | Hairy-fruit Chervil | 2 |
| Chamaecrista fasciculata | Common Partridge-pea | 2 |
| Chamaelirium luteum | Devil's-bit | 2 |
| Chelone glabra | White Turtlehead | 1 |
| Chimaphila maculata | Spotted Wintergreen | 1 |
| Chrysogonum virginianum | Northern Green-and-gold | 4 |
| Chrysopsis mariana | Maryland Golden-aster | 1 |
| Cicuta maculata | Spotted Water-hemlock | 5 |
| Claytonia virginica | Virginia Spring-beauty | 13 |
| Commelina virginica | Virginia Dayflower | 9 |
| Conoclinium coelestinum | Blue Mistflower | 1 |
| Corydalis flavula | Yellow Fumewort | 2 |
| Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort | 4 |
| Cunila origanoides | American Dittany | 1 |
| Cyclospermum leptophyllum | Marsh Parsley | 4 |
| Cypripedium parviflorum var. pubescens | | 2 |
| Desmodium canescens | Hoary Tick-trefoil | 1 |
| Desmodium paniculatum | Panicled Tick-trefoil | 2 |
| Desmodium perplexum | Perplexed Tick-trefoil | 1 |
| Desmodium viridiflorum | Velvety Tick-trefoil | 1 |
| Dicentra cucullaria | Dutchman's Breeches | 1 |
| Diodia virginiana | Virginia Buttonweed | 2 |
| Echinochloa unidentified species | | 1 |
| Elephantopus carolinianus | Carolina Elephant's-foot | 2 |
| Elephantopus tomentosus | Common Elephant's-foot | 1 |
| Endodeca serpentaria | Virginia Snakeroot | 5 |
| Enemion biternatum | False Rue-anemone | 1 |
| Erechtites hieraciifolia | American Burnweed | 1 |
| Erigeron annuus | Annual Fleabane | 1 |
| Erigeron canadensis | Common Horseweed | 1 |
| Erigeron philadelphicus | Philadelphia Fleabane | 1 |
| Erigeron philadelphicus var. philadelphicus | | 1 |
| Erigeron strigosus | Prairie Fleabane | 1 |
| Erythronium americanum | Yellow Trout-lily | 9 |
| Erythronium umbilicatum | Dimpled Trout-lily | 10 |
| Erythronium unidentified species | | 1 |
| Euonymus americanus | American Strawberry-bush | 5 |
| Eupatorium capillifolium | Dog-fennel | 2 |
| Eupatorium godfreyanum | Godfrey's Thoroughwort | 1 |
| Eupatorium hyssopifolium | Hyssopleaf Thoroughwort | 1 |
| Eupatorium pubescens | Hairy Thoroughwort | 2 |
| Eupatorium serotinum | Late-flowering Thoroughwort | 1 |
| Euphorbia obtusata | Woodland Spurge | 2 |
| Euphorbia pubentissima | False Flowering Spurge | 1 |
| Eurybia divaricata | White Wood-aster | 3 |
| Galium aparine | Cleavers | 1 |
| Galium circaezans | Licorice Bedstraw | 2 |
| Galium obtusum | Bluntleaf Bedstraw | 3 |
| Galium obtusum var. filifolium | | 3 |
| Galium triflorum | Fragrant Bedstraw | 1 |
| Galium uniflorum | Oneflower Bedstraw | 1 |
| Gamochaeta purpurea | Spoonleaf Purple Everlasting | 1 |
| Geranium maculatum | Wild Geranium | 3 |
| Geum canadense | White Avens | 3 |
| Geum virginianum | Cream Avens | 1 |
| Gonolobus suberosus | Anglepod | 3 |
| Goodyera pubescens | Downy Rattlesnake-plantain | 4 |
| Gratiola virginiana | Roundfruit Hedge-hyssop | 1 |
| Hepatica americana | Round-lobed Hepatica | 6 |
| Heuchera americana | American Alumroot | 1 |
| Hexastylis arifolia | Little Brown Jug | 12 |
| Hexastylis lewisii | Lewis's Heartleaf | 3 |
| Hieracium gronovii | Beaked Hawkweed | 1 |
| Hieracium venosum | Rattlesnake Hawkweed | 1 |
| Houstonia caerulea | Azure Bluet | 6 |
| Houstonia purpurea | Summer Bluet | 1 |
| Houstonia pusilla | Tiny Bluet | 1 |
| Houstonia tenuifolia | Narrowleaf Bluet | 1 |
| Hydrolea quadrivalvis | Waterpod | 2 |
| Hylodesmum nudiflorum | Naked Tick-trefoil | 1 |
| Hypericum hypericoides | St. Andrew's-cross | 3 |
| Hypericum mutilum | Dwarf St. John's-wort | 1 |
| Hypericum nudiflorum | Early St. John's-wort | 1 |
| Hypericum punctatum | Spotted St. John's-wort | 3 |
| Hypoxis hirsuta | Yellow Star-grass | 1 |
| Impatiens capensis | Spotted Jewelweed | 13 |
| Iris cristata | Dwarf Crested Iris | 3 |
| Lactuca canadensis | Canada Lettuce | 1 |
| Lactuca floridana | Woodland Lettuce | 1 |
| Lactuca unidentified species | | 1 |
| Laportea canadensis | Canada Wood-nettle | 3 |
| Lepidium virginicum | Virginia Peppergrass | 1 |
| Lespedeza procumbens | Trailing Lespedeza | 1 |
| Lespedeza violacea | Wand Lespedeza | 1 |
| Lespedeza virginica | Slender Lespedeza | 1 |
| Lindernia dubia | Yellowseed False-pimpernel | 1 |
| Liriope unidentified species | | 3 |
| Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal-flower | 3 |
| Lobelia inflata | Indian-tobacco | 1 |
| Lobelia puberula | Downy Lobelia | 2 |
| Lobelia siphilitica | Great Blue Lobelia | 2 |
| Lobelia spicata | Palespike Lobelia | 1 |
| Ludwigia alternifolia | Bushy Seedbox | 4 |
| Ludwigia glandulosa | Cylindric-fruit Seedbox | 1 |
| Ludwigia palustris | Marsh Seedbox | 1 |
| Lycopus virginicus | Virginia Bugleweed | 1 |
| Maianthemum racemosum | False Solomon's-seal | 5 |
| Melothria pendula | Creeping Cucumber | 1 |
| Micranthes virginiensis | Early Saxifrage | 3 |
| Mikania scandens | Climbing Hempweed | 4 |
| Mimulus alatus | Sharpwing Monkey-flower | 3 |
| Mitchella repens | Partridge-berry | 4 |
| Myosotis macrosperma | Largeseed Forget-me-not | 1 |
| Nabalus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Nanopanax trifolius | Dwarf Ginseng | 1 |
| Oenothera fruticosa | Narrowleaf Sundrops | 1 |
| Oxalis colorea | Tufted Yellow Woodsorrel | 1 |
| Oxalis unidentified species | | 1 |
| Oxalis violacea | Violet Woodsorrel | 5 |
| Packera anonyma | Small's Ragwort | 1 |
| Packera aurea | Golden Ragwort | 1 |
| Penthorum sedoides | Ditch-stonecrop | 5 |
| Persicaria densiflora | Dense-flower Smartweed | 1 |
| Persicaria hydropiperoides | Swamp Smartweed | 2 |
| Persicaria pensylvanica | Pennsylvania Smartweed | 1 |
| Persicaria punctata | Dotted Smartweed | 1 |
| Persicaria sagittata | Arrowleaf Tearthumb | 4 |
| Persicaria virginiana | Jumpseed | 5 |
| Phlox nivalis | Trailing Phlox | 1 |
| Phyllanthus caroliniensis | Carolina Leaf-flower | 1 |
| Phytolacca americana | American Pokeweed | 2 |
| Pilea pumila | Canadian Clearweed | 1 |
| Plantago virginica | Virginia Plantain | 1 |
| Platanthera flava | Southern Rein Orchid | 2 |
| Pluchea camphorata | Camphor Pluchea | 3 |
| Podophyllum peltatum | Mayapple | 8 |
| Polygala senega | Seneca Snakeroot | 1 |
| Polygonatum biflorum | Smooth Solomon's-seal | 4 |
| Prunella vulgaris | Common Selfheal | 1 |
| Pycnanthemum tenuifolium | Slender Mountain-mint | 1 |
| Pyrrhopappus carolinianus | Carolina False-dandelion | 1 |
| Ranunculus abortivus | Kidneyleaf Buttercup | 3 |
| Ranunculus hispidus | Bristly Buttercup | 2 |
| Rhexia mariana | Maryland Meadow-beauty | 2 |
| Rudbeckia laciniata | Cutleaf Coneflower | 1 |
| Ruellia caroliniensis | Carolina Wild-petunia | 4 |
| Salvia lyrata | Lyreleaf Sage | 2 |
| Samolus parviflorus | Seaside Brookweed | 1 |
| Sanguinaria canadensis | Bloodroot | 1 |
| Sanicula canadensis | Canadian Black-snakeroot | 2 |
| Sanicula odorata | Clustered Black-snakeroot | 1 |
| Scutellaria elliptica var. elliptica | | 1 |
| Scutellaria integrifolia | Hyssop Skullcap | 4 |
| Scutellaria lateriflora | Mad-dog Skullcap | 4 |
| Sedum ternatum | Woodland Stonecrop | 1 |
| Senna marilandica | Maryland Senna | 1 |
| Senna unidentified species | | 1 |
| Silphium asteriscus | Starry Rosinweed | 1 |
| Sisyrinchium angustifolium | Narrowleaf Blue-eyed-grass | 1 |
| Smallanthus uvedalia | Hairy Leafcup | 1 |
| Solanum carolinense | Carolina Horsenettle | 1 |
| Solidago altissima | Tall Goldenrod | 3 |
| Solidago bicolor | White Goldenrod | 1 |
| Solidago caesia | Bluestem Goldenrod | 1 |
| Solidago gigantea | Giant Goldenrod | 4 |
| Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod | 1 |
| Solidago rugosa | Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod | 2 |
| Solidago rugosa var. aspera | Wrinkle-leaf Goldenrod | 1 |
| Steironema ciliatum | Fringed Loosestrife | 1 |
| Stellaria pubera | Star Chickweed | 4 |
| Symphyotrichum dumosum | Bushy Aster | 1 |
| Symphyotrichum lateriflorum | Calico Aster | 2 |
| Thalictrum thalictroides | Rue Anemone | 9 |
| Thaspium barbinode | Hairy-jointed Meadow-parsnip | 1 |
| Tiarella cordifolia | Heartleaf Foamflower | 1 |
| Tipularia discolor | Cranefly Orchid | 7 |
| Tradescantia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Trepocarpus aethusae | White-nymph | 9 |
| Uvularia perfoliata | Perfoliate Bellwort | 2 |
| Uvularia sessilifolia | Sessile-leaf Bellwort | 2 |
| Valerianella radiata | Beaked Cornsalad | 1 |
| Verbesina alternifolia | Wingstem | 7 |
| Verbesina occidentalis | Yellow Crownbeard | 1 |
| Vernonia noveboracensis | New York Ironweed | 3 |
| Veronica peregrina | Purslane Speedwell | 1 |
| Vicia caroliniana | Carolina Vetch | 1 |
| Viola affinis | LeConte's Violet | 3 |
| Viola eriocarpa | Smooth Yellow Violet | 9 |
| Viola palmata | Three-lobed Violet | 3 |
| Viola pubescens | Downy Yellow Violet | 1 |
| Viola sororia | Common Blue Violet | 6 |
| Viola unidentified species | | 2 |
| Zephyranthes atamasco | Atamasco Lily | 7 |
| Zizia aurea | Common Golden-Alexanders | 1 |
FRUIT FLIES 1 | Zonosemata electa | | 1 |
FUNGI 238 | Agaricus pocillator | | 1 |
| Agaricus sylvicola | | 1 |
| Allodus podophylli | | 1 |
| Amanita bisporigera | | 4 |
| Amanita carolinensis | | 1 |
| Amanita ceciliae | | 1 |
| Amanita citrina | | 1 |
| Amanita crenulata | | 1 |
| Amanita farinosa | | 3 |
| Amanita flavoconia | | 1 |
| Amanita flavorubescens | | 1 |
| Amanita floridana | | 1 |
| Amanita hygroscopica | | 1 |
| Amanita jacksonii | | 1 |
| Amanita muscaria | | 1 |
| Amanita muscaria var. gessouwii | | 1 |
| Amanita onusta | | 1 |
| Amanita pelioma | | 1 |
| Amanita polypyramis | | 2 |
| Amanita unidentified species | | 1 |
| Amanita vaginata | | 3 |
| Annulohypoxylon truncatum | | 2 |
| Apiosporina morbosa | | 1 |
| Armillaria gallica | | 2 |
| Ascocoryne cylichnium | | 1 |
| Ascodichaena rugosa | | 1 |
| Athelia scutellaris | | 1 |
| Aulographum quercinum | | 1 |
| Aureoboletus auriporus | | 1 |
| Aureoboletus betula | | 1 |
| Auricularia angiospermarum | | 4 |
| Auricularia fuscosuccinea | | 1 |
| Baeospora myosura | | 2 |
| Baorangia bicolor | | 2 |
| Biscogniauxia atropunctata | | 4 |
| Biscogniauxia mediterranea | | 1 |
| Bisporella citrina | | 2 |
| Bjerkandera adusta | | 1 |
| Boletinellus merulioides | | 1 |
| Boletus curtisii | | 1 |
| Butyriboletus frostii | | 1 |
| Byssomerulius incarnatus | | 4 |
| Callistosporium luteo-olivaceum | | 1 |
| Calocera cornea | | 2 |
| Cantharellus cinnabarinus | | 1 |
| Cantharellus lateritius | | 1 |
| Catinella nigro-olivacea | | 1 |
| Cerrena unicolor | | 1 |
| Chlorencoelia versiformis | | 1 |
| Chlorosplenium chlora | | 1 |
| Clavariadelphus americanus | | 1 |
| Clavulina coralloides | | 2 |
| Collybia zonata | | 2 |
| Collybiopsis biformis | | 2 |
| Collybiopsis ramealis | | 1 |
| Coltricia montagnei | | 1 |
| Coprinellus disseminatus | | 1 |
| Craterellus fallax | | 1 |
| Craterellus ignicolor | | 1 |
| Crepidotus alabamensis | | 1 |
| Crepidotus applanatus | | 1 |
| Crepidotus crocophyllus | | 2 |
| Crepidotus nephrodes | | 1 |
| Cyathus striatus | | 1 |
| Dacrymyces chrysospermus | | 1 |
| Dacrymyces ellisii | | 1 |
| Dacrymyces minor | | 1 |
| Daedaleopsis confragosa | | 5 |
| Daedaleopsis confragosa var. confragosa | | 2 |
| Daldinia childiae | | 2 |
| Daldinia concentrica | | 1 |
| Desarmillaria tabescens | | 3 |
| Diatrype disciformis | | 1 |
| Echinoderma asperum | | 1 |
| Elaphomyces granulatus | | 1 |
| Entoloma abortivum | | 1 |
| Entoloma rhodopolium | | 1 |
| Epichloe typhina | | 4 |
| Erysiphe penicillata | | 1 |
| Exidia recisa | | 2 |
| Exobasidium rhododendri | | 1 |
| Exobasidium vaccinii | | 1 |
| Fistulina hepatica | | 2 |
| Ganoderma lobatum | | 1 |
| Geastrum fimbriatum | | 1 |
| Geastrum saccatum | | 2 |
| Ginnsia viticola | | 1 |
| Gymnopilus junonius | | 2 |
| Gymnopilus penetrans | | 1 |
| Gymnopus spongiosus | | 1 |
| Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae | | 1 |
| Gymnosporangium nidus-avis | | 1 |
| Gyroporus castaneus | | 1 |
| Hapalopilus rutilans | | 1 |
| Helicogloea compressa | | 2 |
| Hericium erinaceus | | 1 |
| Heterobasidion annosum | | 2 |
| Hydnoporia corrugata | | 1 |
| Hydnoporia olivacea | | 2 |
| Hydnum repandum | | 1 |
| Hygrocybe flavescens | | 1 |
| Hygrophorus roseobrunneus | | 1 |
| Hymenopellis furfuracea | | 2 |
| Hymenopellis megalospora | | 1 |
| Hypholoma fasciculare | | 1 |
| Hypholoma lateritium | | 1 |
| Hypholoma subviride | | 1 |
| Hypocrea gelatinosa complex | | 1 |
| Hypocreales species | | 1 |
| Hypoxylon investiens | | 1 |
| Hypoxylon rubiginosum | | 1 |
| Inocybe fallax | | 1 |
| Inocybe geophylla | | 1 |
| Irpiciporus pachyodon | | 2 |
| Kretzschmaria deusta | | 1 |
| Laccaria striatula | | 1 |
| Lacrymaria lacrymabunda | | 1 |
| Lactarius gerardii | | 1 |
| Lactarius indigo | | 1 |
| Lactarius paradoxus | | 1 |
| Lactarius piperatus | | 1 |
| Lactarius plinthogalus | | 1 |
| Lactarius subplinthogalus | | 1 |
| Leccinellum crocipodium | | 1 |
| Lentaria byssiseda | | 1 |
| Lentinellus ursinus | | 3 |
| Lentinus tigrinus | | 3 |
| Lenzites betulinus | | 1 |
| Lepiota cristata | | 1 |
| Lepiota sanguiflua | | 1 |
| Leucocoprinus fragilissimus | | 1 |
| Lycoperdon perlatum | | 5 |
| Lycoperdon pyriforme | | 2 |
| Macrolepiota procera | | 1 |
| Marasmiellus candidus | | 3 |
| Marasmiellus praeacutus | | 1 |
| Marasmius cohaerens | | 1 |
| Marasmius delectans | | 1 |
| Marasmius sullivantii | | 1 |
| Meripilus sumstinei | | 2 |
| Microglossum olivaceum | | 1 |
| Mollisia ligni | | 3 |
| Morchella diminutiva | | 1 |
| Multifurca furcata | | 1 |
| Mycena haematopus | | 4 |
| Mycena inclinata | | 1 |
| Mycorrhaphium adustum | | 3 |
| Naematelia aurantia | | 1 |
| Nectriopsis rexiana | | 1 |
| Neofavolus alveolaris | | 1 |
| Ofella glaira | | 1 |
| Panellus stipticus | | 3 |
| Paragymnopus perforans | | 1 |
| Phellinus gilvus | | 2 |
| Phellinus pomaceus | | 1 |
| Phellodon fuligineoalbus | | 1 |
| Phlebia tremellosa | | 4 |
| Phlebiopsis crassa | | 3 |
| Pholiota adiposa | | 1 |
| Phylloporus leucomycelinus | | 1 |
| Phylloporus rhodoxanthus | | 1 |
| Phyllosticta minima | | 2 |
| Picipes melanopus | | 1 |
| Pithya cupressi | | 1 |
| Pleurotus ostreatus | | 4 |
| Pluteus atromarginatus | | 1 |
| Pluteus cervinus | | 3 |
| Podoscypha petalodes | | 1 |
| Polyporus squamosus | | 1 |
| Poronidulus conchifer | | 3 |
| Pseudocolus fusiformis | | 1 |
| Pseudofistulina radicata | | 1 |
| Puccinia arundinariae | | 1 |
| Puccinia mariae-wilsoniae | | 1 |
| Puccinia smilacis | | 1 |
| Pycnoporellus fulgens | | 1 |
| Ramaria concolor | | 1 |
| Ramariopsis kunzei | | 2 |
| Retiboletus retipes | | 1 |
| Retiboletus vinaceipes | | 1 |
| Rhizomarasmius pyrrhocephalus | | 1 |
| Rhodocollybia maculata | | 1 |
| Russula (Macowanites) n.sp. | | 1 |
| Russula aeruginea | | 1 |
| Russula amoenolens | | 1 |
| Russula aurata | | 2 |
| Russula ballouii | | 2 |
| Russula brevipes | | 1 |
| Russula densifolia | | 2 |
| Russula parvovirescens | | 2 |
| Russula silvicola | | 1 |
| Sarcoscypha occidentalis | | 2 |
| Schizophyllum commune | | 4 |
| Scleroderma areolatum | | 1 |
| Scleroderma citrinum | | 1 |
| Scleroderma polyrhizum | | 1 |
| Scorias spongiosa | | 1 |
| Sebacina confusa | | 1 |
| Sebacina pululahuana | | 1 |
| Sebacina schweinitzii | | 2 |
| Sphaerosporella brunnea | | 1 |
| Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae | | 1 |
| Steccherinum ochraceum | | 1 |
| Stereum complicatum | | 3 |
| Stereum fasciatum | | 2 |
| Stereum hirsutum | | 2 |
| Stereum ostrea | | 5 |
| Stereum striatum | | 1 |
| Stereum subtomentosum | | 4 |
| Strobilomyces strobilaceus | | 1 |
| Stropharia aeruginosa | | 1 |
| Suillus hirtellus | | 1 |
| Suillus subaureus | | 1 |
| Tapinella atrotomentosa | | 1 |
| Terana coerulea | | 3 |
| Thyronectria aurigera | | 1 |
| Tolypocladium capitatum | | 1 |
| Trametes elegans | | 1 |
| Trametes hirsuta | | 1 |
| Trametes versicolor | | 6 |
| Tremella fuciformis | | 1 |
| Tremella mesenterica | | 2 |
| Trichaptum biforme | | 4 |
| Trichoderma peltatum | | 1 |
| Trichoderma sulphureum | | 2 |
| Tricholoma (flavovirens) equestre | | 1 |
| Tricholoma caligatum | | 1 |
| Tylopilus balloui | | 1 |
| Tyromyces chioneus | | 3 |
| Urnula craterium | | 1 |
| Vitreoporus dichrous | | 1 |
| Volvariella bombycina | | 1 |
| Xeromphalina campanella | | 1 |
| Xylaria cubensis | | 1 |
| Xylaria hypoxylon | | 1 |
| Xylaria liquidambaris | | 1 |
| Xylobolus frustulatus | | 6 |
| Xylobolus subpileatus | | 1 |
GALL MIDGES 3 | Acericecis ocellaris | | 2 |
| Asteromyia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Dasineura pudibunda | | 1 |
GALL WASPS 1 | Diastrophus nebulosus | | 1 |
GRAMINOIDS 49 | Agrostis perennans | Upland Bentgrass | 1 |
| Arundinaria gigantea | Giant Cane | 4 |
| Carex amphibola | Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge | 1 |
| Carex blanda | Eastern Woodland Sedge | 2 |
| Carex caroliniana | Carolina Sedge | 2 |
| Carex crinita | Fringed Sedge | 5 |
| Carex debilis | White-edge Sedge | 2 |
| Carex flaccosperma | Blue Wood Sedge | 1 |
| Carex frankii | Frank's Sedge | 1 |
| Carex gigantea | Giant Sedge | 1 |
| Carex gracillima | Graceful Sedge | 1 |
| Carex grayi | Gray's Sedge | 1 |
| Carex grisea | Wood Gray Sedge | 1 |
| Carex intumescens | Bladder Sedge | 2 |
| Carex louisianica | Louisiana Sedge | 4 |
| Carex lupulina | Hop Sedge | 4 |
| Carex lurida | Sallow Sedge | 3 |
| Carex pigra | Lazy Sedge | 1 |
| Carex radiata | Eastern Star Sedge | 1 |
| Carex rosea | Rosy Sedge | 2 |
| Carex squarrosa | Squarrose Sedge | 4 |
| Carex stipata | Awl-fruit Sedge | 4 |
| Carex tribuloides | Blunt Broom Sedge | 2 |
| Carex typhina | Cattail Sedge | 5 |
| Carex vulpinoidea | Fox Sedge | 3 |
| Chasmanthium latifolium | River Oats | 12 |
| Cinna arundinacea | Sweet Woodreed | 2 |
| Coleataenia anceps | Beaked Panicgrass | 1 |
| Cyperus lancastriensis | Manyflower Flatsedge | 1 |
| Cyperus strigosus | Straw-colored Flatsedge | 1 |
| Dichanthelium acuminatum var. acuminatum | | 1 |
| Dichanthelium clandestinum | Deer-tongue Witchgrass | 4 |
| Dichanthelium commutatum subsp. Commutatum | | 1 |
| Dichanthelium dichotomum var. dichotomum | | 1 |
| Dichanthelium scoparium | Velvet Witchgrass | 2 |
| Elymus hystrix | Eastern Bottlebrush-grass | 4 |
| Elymus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Festuca subverticillata | Nodding Fescue | 1 |
| Glyceria septentrionalis | Floating Mannagrass | 1 |
| Glyceria striata | Fowl Mannagrass | 3 |
| Juncus coriaceus | Leathery Rush | 1 |
| Juncus effusus | Soft Rush | 3 |
| Juncus tenuis | Path Rush | 1 |
| Leersia virginica | White Cutgrass | 1 |
| Luzula acuminata | Hairy Woodrush | 1 |
| Poa cuspidata | Early Bluegrass | 1 |
| Rhynchospora corniculata | Short-bristle Horned Beaksedge | 4 |
| Scirpus cyperinus | Woolgrass Bulrush | 3 |
| Scirpus georgianus | Georgia Bulrush | 4 |
HARDWOOD TREES 41 | Acer floridanum | Florida Maple | 19 |
| Acer negundo | Box-elder | 14 |
| Acer rubrum | Red Maple | 16 |
| Betula nigra | River Birch | 7 |
| Carya carolinae-septentrionalis | | 2 |
| Carya cordiformis | Bitternut Hickory | 6 |
| Carya glabra | Pignut Hickory | 2 |
| Carya laciniosa | Shellbark Hickory | 10 |
| Carya ovata | Shagbark Hickory | 14 |
| Carya tomentosa | Mockernut Hickory | 12 |
| Celtis laevigata | Sugarberry | 12 |
| Celtis laevigata-smallii | | 1 |
| Diospyros virginiana | American Persimmon | 5 |
| Fagus grandifolia | American Beech | 13 |
| Fraxinus americana | White Ash | 3 |
| Fraxinus biltmoreana | Biltmore Ash | 2 |
| Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green Ash | 14 |
| Juglans nigra | Black Walnut | 6 |
| Liquidambar styraciflua | Sweetgum | 20 |
| Liriodendron tulipifera | Tuliptree | 14 |
| Morus rubra | Red Mulberry | 9 |
| Nyssa sylvatica | Blackgum | 3 |
| Platanus occidentalis | American Sycamore | 13 |
| Populus deltoides | Eastern Cottonwood | 2 |
| Quercus alba | White Oak | 4 |
| Quercus coccinea | Scarlet Oak | 1 |
| Quercus falcata | Southern Red Oak | 3 |
| Quercus lyrata | Overcup Oak | 12 |
| Quercus marilandica | Blackjack Oak | 1 |
| Quercus michauxii | Swamp Chestnut Oak | 12 |
| Quercus nigra | Water Oak | 2 |
| Quercus pagoda | Cherrybark Oak | 9 |
| Quercus phellos | Willow Oak | 14 |
| Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak | 5 |
| Quercus shumardii | Shumard Oak | 8 |
| Quercus stellata | Post Oak | 3 |
| Quercus velutina | Black Oak | 3 |
| Salix nigra | Black Willow | 2 |
| Ulmus alata | Winged Elm | 6 |
| Ulmus americana | American Elm | 5 |
| Ulmus rubra | Slippery Elm | 3 |
HARVESTMEN 7 | Erebomaster acanthinus | | 1 |
| Hadrobunus maculosus | | 1 |
| Leiobunum euserratipalpe | | 1 |
| Leiobunum flavum | | 1 |
| Leiobunum formosum | | 1 |
| Leiobunum vittatum | | 8 |
| Vonones sayi | | 2 |
HEMIPTERAN HOPPERS 36 | Acanalonia bivittata | | 2 |
| Acutalis tartarea | | 1 |
| Balclutha unidentified species | | 1 |
| Chionomus puellus | | 1 |
| Chlorotettix unidentified species | | 1 |
| Draeculacephala bradleyi | | 1 |
| Draeculacephala unidentified species | | 1 |
| Empoascini unidentified species | | 1 |
| Erasmoneura atra or nigra | | 1 |
| Flatormenis proxima | | 1 |
| Flexamia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Graminella nigrifrons | | 2 |
| Graminella villica | | 2 |
| Graphocephala unidentified species | | 1 |
| Graphocephala versuta | Versute Sharpshooter | 8 |
| Gyponana unidentified species | | 2 |
| Homalodisca vitripennis | | 2 |
| Jikradia olitoria | | 3 |
| Laevicephalus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Lepyronia quadrangularis | Diamondback Spittlebug | 4 |
| Liburniella ornata | Ornate Planthopper | 2 |
| Melanoliarus placitus | | 1 |
| Metcalfa pruinosa | | 1 |
| Oncometopia orbona | | 2 |
| Ormenoides venusta | | 1 |
| Planicephalus flavicosta_flavocostatus complex | | 1 |
| Plesiommata tripunctata | | 1 |
| Polyamia weedi | | 1 |
| Prosapia bicincta | Two-lined Spittlebug | 3 |
| Scaphoideus immistus | | 1 |
| Scaphytopius rubellus | | 1 |
| Sibovia occatoria | | 5 |
| Spissistilus festinus | | 1 |
| Stenocranus lautus | | 1 |
| Stictocephala brevitylus | | 2 |
| Tylozygus bifidus | | 1 |
HORNWORTS 1 | Phaeoceros carolinianus | | 2 |
HORSE FLIES 1 | Tabanus atratus | | 1 |
HORSETAILS 1 | Equisetum hyemale ssp. affine | Scouring Rush | 1 |
LAND SNAILS 9 | Anguispira alternata | | 2 |
| Haplotrema concavum | | 4 |
| Limax maximus | | 1 |
| Mesodon thyroidus | | 2 |
| Neohelix unidentified species | | 1 |
| Philomycus carolinianus | | 2 |
| Triodopsis juxtidens | | 1 |
| Ventridens unidentified species | | 1 |
| Vertigo unidentified species | | 1 |
LEAF BEETLES 2 | Kuschelina miniata species complex | | 1 |
| Trirhabda baccharidis | | 1 |
LEAF-MINING BEETLES 5 | Brachys ovatus | | 2 |
| Brachys unidentified species | | 5 |
| Octotoma plicatula | | 3 |
| Odontota scapularis | | 1 |
| Taphrocerus unidentified species | | 2 |
LEAF-MINING FLIES 36 | Agromyza aristata | | 1 |
| Agromyza parca | | 1 |
| Agromyza unidentified species | | 6 |
| Agromyza vockerothi | | 2 |
| Agromyzidae unidentified species | | 3 |
| Aulagromyza unidentified species | | 1 |
| Calycomyza avira | | 3 |
| Calycomyza humeralis | | 2 |
| Calycomyza novascotiensis | | 1 |
| Calycomyza solidaginis | | 1 |
| Calycomyza unidentified species | | 2 |
| Cerodontha angularis | | 1 |
| Cerodontha dorsalis | | 3 |
| Cerodontha unidentified species | | 4 |
| Euleia fratria | | 2 |
| Liriomyza blechi | | 1 |
| Liriomyza fricki | | 3 |
| Liriomyza galiivora | | 5 |
| Liriomyza helianthi | | 1 |
| Liriomyza unidentified species | | 14 |
| Nemorimyza maculosa | | 1 |
| Nemorimyza posticata | | 7 |
| Ophiomyia kwansonis | | 1 |
| Ophiomyia parda | | 2 |
| Ophiomyia unidentified species | | 2 |
| Pegomya bicolor | | 1 |
| Phytoliriomyza melampyga | | 2 |
| Phytoliriomyza violivora | | 2 |
| Phytomyza aesculi | | 1 |
| Phytomyza crassiseta | | 1 |
| Phytomyza ditmani | | 1 |
| Phytomyza illicicola | | 1 |
| Phytomyza loewii | | 1 |
| Phytomyza opacae | | 1 |
| Phytomyza sempervirentis | | 1 |
| Phytomyza unidentified species | | 2 |
LEECHES 1 | Haemopis septagon | | 1 |
LICHENS 107 | Allographa striatula | | 1 |
| Amandinea polyspora | | 1 |
| Anisomeridium biforme | | 1 |
| Anisomeridium polypori | | 1 |
| Arthonia quintaria | comma lichen | 3 |
| Arthonia rubella | Rufous Comma Lichen | 6 |
| Arthonia susa | Southeastern Comma Lichen | 4 |
| Arthopyrenia fallaciosa | | 2 |
| Arthothelium spectabile | | 1 |
| Aspicilia laevata | sunken disk lichen | 1 |
| Bacidia purpurans | Purple Dotted Lichen | 1 |
| Bacidia schweinitzii | Surprise Lichen | 3 |
| Bacidia suffusa | dotted lichen | 6 |
| Bacidina delicata | | 1 |
| Baculifera curtisii | Curtis' Button Lichen | 3 |
| Biatora printzenii | Printzen's Dotted Lichen | 3 |
| Buellia erubescens | button lichen | 3 |
| Calicium salicinum | pin lichen | 1 |
| Caloplaca cerina | firedot lichen | 2 |
| Candelaria concolor | Candleflame Lichen | 1 |
| Candelaria fibrosa | lemon lichen | 1 |
| Candelariella xanthostigmoides | | 3 |
| Canoparmelia caroliniana | Carolina Shield Lichen | 2 |
| Chrysothrix caesia | | 2 |
| Chrysothrix xanthina | gold dust lichen | 3 |
| Cladonia caespiticia | Stubby-stalked Cladonia | 2 |
| Cladonia ochrochlora | Smooth-footed Powderhorn | 2 |
| Cladonia petrophila | Rock Cladonia | 1 |
| Cladonia peziziformis | Turban Lichen | 2 |
| Cladonia ravenelii | Ravenel's Cup Lichen | 1 |
| Cladonia subtenuis | Dixie Reindeer Lichen | 1 |
| Coccocarpia palmicola | Salted Shell Lichen | 2 |
| Constrictolumina cinchonae | pyrenolichen | 1 |
| Flavoparmelia caperata | Common Greenshield Lichen | 5 |
| Graphis lineola | script lichen | 1 |
| Graphis scripta | Common Script Lichen | 7 |
| Gyalideopsis buckii | Buck's Gyalideopsis | 1 |
| Gyalolechia flavovirescens | | 1 |
| Heterodermia albicans | | 1 |
| Hyperphyscia syncolla | | 1 |
| Hypotrachyna livida | loop lichen | 4 |
| Ionaspis alba | | 1 |
| Lecanora appalachensis | Appalachian Rim Lichen | 1 |
| Lecanora hybocarpa | Bumpy Rim Lichen | 4 |
| Lecanora protervula | | 3 |
| Lecanora strobilina | Mealy Rim Lichen | 1 |
| Lepra ophthalmiza | | 2 |
| Lepra pustulata | Pustule Lichen | 1 |
| Lepraria finkii | Fink's Dust Lichen | 3 |
| Leptogium cyanescens | jellyskin | 3 |
| Leptogium hirsutum | Hairy Jellyskin | 1 |
| Lichenothelia | | 1 |
| Maronea polyphaea | | 1 |
| Melaspilea demissa | | 1 |
| Micarea neostipitata | Stipitate Dot Lichen | 1 |
| Micarea soralifera | | 1 |
| Multiclavula mucida | | 1 |
| Myelochroa aurulenta | axil-bristle lichen | 4 |
| Nadvornikia sorediata | | 5 |
| Ochrolechia africana | Frosted Saucer Lichen | 1 |
| Opegrapha vulgata | scribble lichen | 1 |
| Parmotrema hypoleucinum | Powdered Ruffle Lichen | 5 |
| Parmotrema hypotropum | Powdered Ruffle Lichen | 4 |
| Parmotrema perforatum | Perforated Ruffle Lichen | 1 |
| Parmotrema reticulatum | Reticulated Ruffle Lichen | 6 |
| Parmotrema submarginale | ruffle lichen | 6 |
| Pertusaria epixantha | Yellow-tipped Wart Lichen | 5 |
| Pertusaria paratuberculifera | Spotted Wart Lichen | 2 |
| Pertusaria texana | Texas Wart Lichen | 2 |
| Pertusaria xanthodes | Yellow Wart Lichen | 1 |
| Phaeocalicium polyporaeum | Polypore Stubble Fungus | 1 |
| Phaeographis inusta | Common Brown-spored Script Lichen | 3 |
| Phaeophyscia adiastola | Powder-tipped Shadow Lichen | 1 |
| Phaeophyscia hispidula | Whiskered Shadow Lichen | 2 |
| Phaeophyscia pusilloides | Pom Pom Shadow Lichen | 1 |
| Phaeophyscia rubropulchra | Orange-cored Shadow Lichen | 5 |
| Phlyctis boliviensis | Bolivian Whitewash Lichen | 2 |
| Phlyctis petraea | Rock Whitewash Lichen | 1 |
| Phyllopsora isidiosa | | 2 |
| Phyllopsora kalbii | | 1 |
| Physcia americana | American Rosette Lichen | 1 |
| Physcia millegrana | Mealy Rosette Lichen | 1 |
| Physcia pumilior | rosette lichen | 6 |
| Placynthiella dasaea | | 1 |
| Porina heterospora | | 3 |
| Porpidia albocaerulescens | Smoky-eyed Boulder Lichen | 1 |
| Pseudosagedia cestrensis | bruise lichen | 5 |
| Punctelia caseana | Case's Speckled Shield Lichen | 1 |
| Punctelia rudecta | Common Speckled Shield Lichen | 4 |
| Pyrenula leucostoma | pox lichen | 1 |
| Pyrenula pseudobufonia | Eastern Pox Lichen | 2 |
| Pyrenula punctella | pox lichen | 3 |
| Pyrenula subelliptica | Subelliptic Pox Lichen | 1 |
| Pyxine subcinerea | mustard lichen | 3 |
| Ramalina culbersoniorum | Culberson's Strap Lichen | 4 |
| Rinodina maculans | pepper-spored lichen | 4 |
| Scytinium lichenoides | jellyskin | 1 |
| Sticta carolinensis | Carolina Moon Lichen | 1 |
| Thelopsis corticola | | 3 |
| Thelopsis inordinata | | 1 |
| Thelotrema subtile | barnacle lichen | 3 |
| Trapeliopsis flexuosa | Fence-rail Lichen | 2 |
| Traponora varians | | 7 |
| Usnea mutabilis | beard lichen | 1 |
| Usnea strigosa | Bushy Beard Lichen | 6 |
| Viridothelium virens | Speckled Blister Lichen | 2 |
| Zwackhia viridis | scribble lichen | 1 |
LIVERWORTS 19 | Calypogeia neogaea | | 4 |
| Cephaloziella divaricata | | 1 |
| Cheilolejeunea clypeata | | 11 |
| Cheilolejeunea unciloba | | 3 |
| Cololejeunea biddlecomiae | | 9 |
| Frullania brittoniae | | 1 |
| Frullania ericoides | | 9 |
| Frullania inflata | | 4 |
| Frullania unidentified species | | 31 |
| Fuscocephaloziopsis catenulata | | 6 |
| Lophocolea heterophylla | | 7 |
| Nowellia curvifolia | | 7 |
| Odontoschisma denudatum | | 5 |
| Plagiochila porelloides | | 1 |
| Porella pinnata | | 7 |
| Porella platyphylla | | 8 |
| Radula australis | | 5 |
| Scapania nemorea | | 1 |
| Solenostoma fossombronioides | | 1 |
LIZARDS 5 | Anolis carolinensis | Green Anole | 3 |
| Plestiodon fasciatus | Common Five-lined Skink | 3 |
| Plestiodon laticeps | Broad-headed Skink | 1 |
| Plestiodon unidentified species | | 4 |
| Sceloporus undulatus | Eastern Fence Lizard | 1 |
LONG-LEGGED FLIES 1 | Condylostylus unidentified species | | 1 |
LONGHORN BEETLES 4 | Mallodon dasystomus | | 1 |
| Strangalia bicolor | | 1 |
| Tetraopes melanurus | | 1 |
| Typocerus velutinus | | 1 |
MAMMALS 20 | Blarina unidentified species | | 2 |
| Canis unidentified species | | 1 |
| Castor canadensis | American Beaver | 24 |
| Didelphis virginiana | Virginia Opossum | 18 |
| Glaucomys volans | Southern Flying Squirrel | 2 |
| Lontra canadensis | Northern River Otter | 14 |
| Lynx rufus | Bobcat | 1 |
| Marmota monax | Woodchuck | 1 |
| Neovison vison | American mink | 9 |
| Ochrotomys nuttalli | Golden Mouse | 1 |
| Odocoileus virginianus | White-tailed Deer | 33 |
| Ondatra zibethicus | Muskrat | 11 |
| Procyon lotor | Common Raccoon | 30 |
| Scalopus aquaticus | Eastern Mole | 10 |
| Sciurus carolinensis | Eastern Gray Squirrel | 29 |
| Sigmodon hispidus | Hispid Cotton Rat | 1 |
| Sylvilagus floridanus | Eastern Cottontail | 15 |
| Tamias striatus | Eastern Chipmunk | 1 |
| Urocyon cinereoargenteus | Common Gray Fox | 5 |
| Vulpes-Urocyon | | 1 |
MARCH FLIES 1 | Dilophus unidentified species | | 1 |
MECOPTERA 1 | Panorpa unidentified species | | 1 |
MILLIPEDES 7 | Abacion magnum | | 2 |
| Aniulus orientalis | | 1 |
| Apheloria tigana | Yellow-and-black Flat Millipede | 2 |
| Cleidogona major | | 3 |
| Narceus americanus | American Giant Millipede | 1 |
| Pseudopolydesmus serratus | | 5 |
| Sigmoria latior latior | | 2 |
MITES 4 | Aceria campestricola | | 1 |
| Aceria fraxini | | 2 |
| Eriophyes nyssae | | 2 |
| Vasates aceriscrumena | | 1 |
MOSSES 78 | Amblystegium serpens | | 1 |
| Anomodon minor | | 7 |
| Anomodon tristis | | 7 |
| Arrhenopterum heterostichum | | 2 |
| Atrichum angustatum | | 5 |
| Atrichum crispulum | | 8 |
| Brachelyma subulatum | | 1 |
| Brachythecium acuminatum | | 2 |
| Brachythecium laetum | | 6 |
| Brachythecium unidentified species | | 1 |
| Bryoandersonia illecebra | | 7 |
| Bryum klinggraeffii | | 1 |
| Bryum unidentified species | | 1 |
| Callicladium haldanianum | | 1 |
| Calliergonella curvifolia | | 4 |
| Calliergonella lindbergii | | 5 |
| Campyliadelphus chrysophyllus | | 5 |
| Claopodium rostratum | | 4 |
| Clasmatodon parvulus | | 27 |
| Climacium americanum | | 5 |
| Cryphaea glomerata | | 7 |
| Ctenidium molluscum | | 5 |
| Dicranella heteromalla | | 1 |
| Dicranum flagellare | | 2 |
| Dicranum montanum | | 1 |
| Dicranum scoparium | | 4 |
| Ditrichum pallidum | | 4 |
| Drummondia prorepens | | 1 |
| Entodon cladorrhizans | | 9 |
| Entodon seductrix | | 2 |
| Fissidens bryoides | | 2 |
| Fissidens bushii | | 2 |
| Fissidens dubius | | 2 |
| Fissidens fontanus | | 1 |
| Fissidens subbasilaris | | 2 |
| Fissidens taxifolius | | 4 |
| Fontinalis unidentified species | | 1 |
| Forsstroemia trichomitria | | 14 |
| Funaria flavicans | | 1 |
| Grimmia pilifera | | 2 |
| Haplocladium microphyllum | | 13 |
| Hedwigia ciliata | | 1 |
| Homalotheciella subcapillata | | 7 |
| Homomallium adnatum | | 1 |
| Hygroamblystegium varium var. humile | | 3 |
| Hygroamblystegium varium var. varium | | 14 |
| Hypnum fauriei | | 1 |
| Isopterygium tenerum | | 5 |
| Leptodictyum riparium | | 3 |
| Leskea gracilescens | | 7 |
| Leskea obscura | | 2 |
| Leucobryum albidum | | 4 |
| Leucobryum glaucum | | 5 |
| Orthotrichum pusillum | | 4 |
| Orthotrichum unidentified species | | 2 |
| Oxyrrhynchium hians | | 9 |
| Physcomitrium pyriforme | | 1 |
| Plagiomnium ciliare | | 6 |
| Plagiomnium cuspidatum | | 6 |
| Platygyrium repens | | 11 |
| Polytrichastrum ohioense | | 5 |
| Pseudanomodon attenuatus | | 9 |
| Pterogoniadelphus julaceus | | 8 |
| Ptychomitrium drummondii | | 3 |
| Ptychomitrium incurvum | | 1 |
| Pylaisiadelpha tenuirostris | | 8 |
| Rhynchostegium serrulatum | | 8 |
| Schwetschkeopsis fabronia | | 4 |
| Sematophyllum adnatum | | 8 |
| Sphagnum missouricum | | 1 |
| Taxiphyllum alternans | | 2 |
| Taxiphyllum taxirameum | | 1 |
| Thelia asprella | | 1 |
| Thelia hirtella | | 2 |
| Thuidium delicatulum | | 8 |
| Tortella humilis | | 1 |
| Warnstorfia fluitans | | 1 |
| Weissia controversa | | 1 |
MOTHS 499 | Abagrotis magnicupida | One-dotted Dart | 1 |
| Acleris semipurpurana | Oak Leaftier Moth | 3 |
| Acleris viburnana | | 5 |
| Acrobasis caryae | Hickory Shoot Borer Moth | 1 |
| Acrolophus mycetophagus | Frilly Grass Tubeworm Moth | 2 |
| Acrolophus panamae | Panama Grass Tubeworm Moth | 3 |
| Acrolophus piger | Piger Grass Tubeworm Moth | 1 |
| Acrolophus plumifrontella | Eastern Grass Tubeworm Moth | 1 |
| Acrolophus popeanella | Clemens' Grass Tubeworm Moth | 2 |
| Acrolophus propinqua | Walsingham's Grass Tubeworm Moth | 2 |
| Acronicta americana | American Dagger | 3 |
| Acronicta increta | Southern Oak Dagger | 2 |
| Acronicta interrupta | Interrupted Dagger | 1 |
| Acronicta laetifica | Pleasant Dagger | 1 |
| Acronicta morula | Ochre Dagger | 1 |
| Acronicta retardata | Retarded Dagger | 1 |
| Acronicta vinnula | Delightful Dagger | 1 |
| Actias luna | Luna Moth | 1 |
| Adoneta spinuloides | Purple-crested Slug Moth | 1 |
| Aethes new species 1 | | 2 |
| Aethes new species 2 | | 3 |
| Aethes new species 3 | | 4 |
| Aethes new species 4 | | 2 |
| Aethes new species 5 | Unidentified Aethes species 5 | 1 |
| Aethes new species 6 | Unidentified Aethes species 6 | 1 |
| Aethes seriatana | Seriated Aethes Moth | 1 |
| Aethes unidentified species | | 3 |
| Aglossa caprealis | Stored Grain Moth | 1 |
| Aglossa disciferalis | Pink-masked Pyralid Moth | 1 |
| Agnorisma badinodis | Pale-banded Dart Moth | 2 |
| Agriphila ruricolellus | Lesser Vagabond Sod Webworm | 1 |
| Agrotis ipsilon | Ipsilon Dart Moth | 2 |
| Amorpha juglandis | Walnut Sphinx | 1 |
| Amphipyra pyramidoides | Copper Underwing | 1 |
| Anacampsis conclusella | | 1 |
| Anacampsis consonella | | 1 |
| Anacampsis coverdalella | Coverdale's Anacampsis Moth | 2 |
| Anageshna primordialis | Yellow-spotted Webworm Moth | 12 |
| Anania extricalis | | 2 |
| Anarsioses aberrans | | 1 |
| Ancylis comptana | Strawberry Leafroller Moth | 4 |
| Ancylis laciniana | | 2 |
| Ancylis semiovana | | 1 |
| Ancylis unidentified species | | 2 |
| Anicla infecta | Green Cutworm Moth | 1 |
| Anisota senatoria | Orange-tipped Oakworm Moth | 2 |
| Anisota virginiensis | Pink-striped Oakworm Moth | 1 |
| Antaeotricha leucillana | Pale Gray Bird-dropping Moth | 4 |
| Antaeotricha schlaegeri | Schlaeger's Fruitworm Moth | 2 |
| Antaeotricha unidentified species | | 2 |
| Antheraea polyphemus | Polyphemus Moth | 3 |
| Antispila cornifoliella | | 1 |
| Antispila nysaefoliella | Tupelo Leafminer | 1 |
| Antispila unidentified species | | 3 |
| Apantesis phalerata | Harnessed Tiger Moth | 4 |
| Apantesis vittata | Banded Tiger Moth | 2 |
| Argyria critica | Straight-lined Argyria Moth | 1 |
| Argyria lacteella | Milky Urola Moth | 1 |
| Argyrotaenia quercifoliana | Yellow-winged Oak Leafroller Moth | 2 |
| Argyrotaenia velutinana | Red-banded Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Arogalea cristifasciella | Stripe-backed Moth | 1 |
| Arta olivalis | Olive Arta Moth | 2 |
| Arta statalis | Posturing Arta Moth | 2 |
| Astrotischeria solidagonifoliella | | 3 |
| Atteva aurea | Ailanthus Webworm Moth | 2 |
| Autographa precationis | Common Looper | 1 |
| Automeris io | Io Moth | 1 |
| Autosticha kyotensis | Kyoto Moth (Introduced, Japan) | 1 |
| Azenia obtusa | Obtuse Yellow Moth | 2 |
| Bactra verutana | Javelin Moth | 1 |
| Baileya dormitans | Sleeping Baileya | 1 |
| Baileya ophthalmica | Eyed Baileya | 2 |
| Bellura obliqua | Cattail Borer | 1 |
| Blastobasis glandulella | Acorn Moth | 2 |
| Blepharomastix ranalis | Hollow-spotted Blepharomastix Moth | 1 |
| Bucculatrix ivella | | 4 |
| Bucculatrix polymniae | | 1 |
| Bucculatrix pomifoliella | | 4 |
| Bucculatrix unidentified species | | 2 |
| Callosamia angulifera | Tulip-tree Silkmoth | 1 |
| Caloptilia coroniella | | 1 |
| Caloptilia hypericella | | 1 |
| Caloptilia negundella | Boxelder Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Caloptilia ostryaeela | | 1 |
| Caloptilia ostryaeella | | 1 |
| Caloptilia stigmatella | | 1 |
| Caloptilia unidentified species | | 7 |
| Caloptilia violacella | | 1 |
| Cameraria aesculisella | | 1 |
| Cameraria carayaefoliella | | 1 |
| Cameraria caryaefoliella | Pecan Leafminer Moth | 9 |
| Cameraria castaneaeella | | 2 |
| Cameraria cincinnatiella | Gregarious Oak Leafminer Moth | 1 |
| Cameraria corylisella | | 6 |
| Cameraria guttifinitella | | 8 |
| Cameraria hamadryadella | Solitary Oak Leafminer Moth | 1 |
| Cameraria obstrictella | | 2 |
| Cameraria ostryarella | | 6 |
| Cameraria quercivorella | | 1 |
| Cameraria saccharella | | 2 |
| Cameraria ulmella | | 1 |
| Cameraria unidentified species | | 17 |
| Catastega unidentified species | | 1 |
| Catocala insolabilis | Inconsolable Underwing | 1 |
| Catocala ultronia | Ultronia Underwing | 2 |
| Cenopis diluticostana | Spring Dead-leaf Roller Moth | 1 |
| Cerastis tenebrifera | Reddish Speckled Dart Moth | 2 |
| Chionodes discoocellella | Eyeringed Chionodes Moth | 7 |
| Chionodes mediofuscella | Black-smudged Chionodes Moth | 5 |
| Chionodes thoraceochrella | | 2 |
| Chionodes unidentified species | | 1 |
| Chloropteryx tepperaria | Angle-winged Emerald | 1 |
| Choephora fungorum | Bent-line Dart Moth | 2 |
| Choristoneura parallela | Parallel-banded Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Choristoneura rosaceana | Oblique-banded Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Chytolita morbidalis | Morbid Owlet Moth | 1 |
| Chytolita petrealis | Stone-winged Owlet Moth | 3 |
| Chytonix palliatricula | Cloaked Marvel Moth | 1 |
| Cissusa spadix | Black-dotted Brown Moth | 1 |
| Cisthene plumbea | Lead-colored Lichen Moth | 1 |
| Clemensia albata | Little White Lichen Moth | 5 |
| Clepsis peritana | Garden Tortrix Moth | 3 |
| Clydonopteron sacculana | Trumpet Vine Moth | 1 |
| Coelostathma discopunctana | The Batman Moth | 4 |
| Coleophora ostryae | | 2 |
| Coleophora unidentified species | | 2 |
| Condica cupentia | Splotched Groundling Moth | 1 |
| Condylolomia participialis | | 2 |
| Coptodisca lucifluella | | 3 |
| Coptodisca ostryaefoliella | | 5 |
| Coptodisca saliciella | | 2 |
| Coptodisca unidentified species | | 1 |
| Coptotriche aenea | Blackberry Leafminer Moth | 6 |
| Coptotriche badiiella | | 3 |
| Coptotriche castaneaeella | | 2 |
| Coptotriche purinosella | | 1 |
| Coptotriche unidentified species | | 10 |
| Corticivora clarki | | 1 |
| Corticivora parva | | 2 |
| Cosmia calami | American Dun-bar Moth | 1 |
| Cosmopterix clandestinella | | 1 |
| Cosmopterix clemensella | Clemens' Cosmopterix Moth | 1 |
| Cosmopterix teligera | | 2 |
| Costaconvexa centrostrigaria | Bent-line Carpet Moth | 1 |
| Crambus agitatellus | Double-banded Grass-veneer Moth | 8 |
| Cremastobombycia solidaginis | | 2 |
| Cremastobombycia unidentified species | | 6 |
| Crocidophora tuberculalis | Pale-winged Crocidiphora Moth | 1 |
| Ctenoplusia oxygramma | Sharp-stigma Looper | 1 |
| Cyclophora packardi | Packard's Wave Moth | 1 |
| Cycloplasis panicifoliella | | 4 |
| Cycnia tenera | Delicate Cycnia Moth | 3 |
| Cydia caryana | Hickory Shuckworm Moth | 1 |
| Cydia latiferreana | Filbertworm Moth | 1 |
| Cydia toreuta | Eastern Pine Seedworm Moth | 2 |
| Darapsa myron | Virginia Creeper Sphinx | 2 |
| Dasylophia anguina | Black-spotted Prominent | 3 |
| Datana angusii | Angus's Datana Moth | 2 |
| Datana integerrima | Walnut Caterpillar Moth | 2 |
| Datana ministra | Yellow-necked Caterpillar Moth | 1 |
| Desmia funeralis | Grape Leaffolder Moth | 1 |
| Desmia maculalis | Grape Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Diatraea lisetta | | 1 |
| Dichomeris caia | | 1 |
| Dichomeris kimballi | | 2 |
| Dichomeris laetitia | | 3 |
| Dichomeris ligulella | Palmerworm Moth | 2 |
| Dichomeris offula | | 3 |
| Dichomeris ventrella | | 1 |
| Dolba hyloeus | Pawpaw Sphinx | 1 |
| Donacaula unidentified species | | 1 |
| Dyseriocrania griseocapitella | Chinquapin Leaf-miner Moth | 4 |
| Dyspyralis nigellus | | 1 |
| Eacles imperialis | Imperial Moth | 1 |
| Ecdytolopha mana | | 1 |
| Ectoedemia clemensella | | 1 |
| Ectoedemia nyssaefoliella | | 5 |
| Ectoedemia platanella | | 3 |
| Ectoedemia rubifoliella | | 2 |
| Ectoedemia trinotata | | 2 |
| Ectoedemia ulmella | | 2 |
| Ectoedemia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Elachista illectella | | 3 |
| Elachista unidentified species | | 3 |
| Elaphria chalcedonia | Chalcedony Midget Moth | 1 |
| Elaphria grata | Grateful Midget Moth | 4 |
| Elophila obliteralis | Waterlily Leafcutter Moth | 3 |
| Endothenia hebesana | Verbena Bud Moth | 1 |
| Eoreuma densella | Wainscot Grass-veneer Moth | 4 |
| Epiblema abruptana | Abrupt Epiblema Moth | 2 |
| Epiblema otiosana | Bidens Borer Moth | 1 |
| Epiblema strenuana | Ragweed Borer Moth | 1 |
| Epiblema strenuana_abruptana complex | | 1 |
| Epicallima argenticinctella | Orange-headed Epicallima Moth | 1 |
| Epimecis hortaria | Tulip-tree Beauty Moth | 3 |
| Epipagis fenestralis | Orange Epipagis Moth | 1 |
| Epipaschia superatalis | Dimorphic Macalla Moth | 1 |
| Episimus tyrius | Maple Tip Borer Moth | 1 |
| Eubaphe mendica | Beggar Moth | 1 |
| Eublemma minima | Everlasting Bud Moth | 1 |
| Euchlaena amoenaria | Deep Yellow Euchlaena | 1 |
| Euchlaena obtusaria | Obtuse Euchlaena | 1 |
| Euchlaena pectinaria | Forked Euchlaena | 1 |
| Eudonia heterosalis | | 3 |
| Eudonia strigalis | Striped Eudonia Moth | 1 |
| Eudryas unio | Pearly Wood-nymph Moth | 1 |
| Eugnosta sartana | Broad-patch Carolella Moth | 1 |
| Eulithis diversilineata | Lesser Grapevine Looper | 4 |
| Eulithis gracilineata | Greater Grapevine Looper | 2 |
| Eulogia ochrifrontella | Broad-banded Eulogia Moth | 3 |
| Eumorpha pandorus | Pandorus Sphinx | 2 |
| Eupithecia miserulata | Common Eupithecia Moth | 7 |
| Eusarca confusaria | Confused Eusarca Moth | 3 |
| Eutrapela clemataria | Curve-toothed Geometer Moth | 6 |
| Euzophera ostricolorella | Root Collar Borer Moth | 1 |
| Exoteleia pinifoliella complex | | 2 |
| Fascista cercerisella | Redbud Leaffolder Moth | 3 |
| Fissicrambus mutabilis | Changeable Grass-veneer Moth | 1 |
| Framinghamia helvalis | | 1 |
| Fulgoraecia exigua | Planthopper Parasite Moth | 1 |
| Furcula borealis | White Furcula Moth | 1 |
| Galasa nigrinodis | Boxwood Leaftier Moth | 1 |
| Galgula partita | Wedgling Moth | 2 |
| Gerdana caritella | | 6 |
| Glaucolepis saccharella | | 3 |
| Glenoides texanaria | Texas Gray Moth | 6 |
| Glyphidocera democratica | | 2 |
| Glyphidocera juniperella | Juniper Tip Moth | 3 |
| Glyphidocera lactiflosella | Five-spotted Glyphidocera Moth | 1 |
| Glyptocera consobrinella | | 1 |
| Grapholita packardi | Cherry Fruitworm Moth | 1 |
| Gretchena bolliana | Pecan Bud Moth | 2 |
| Gymnandrosoma punctidiscanum | Dotted Ecdytolopha Moth | 1 |
| Haimbachia placidella | Peppered Haimbachia Moth | 2 |
| Haimbachia squamulella | | 1 |
| Halysidota harrisii | Sycamore Tussock Moth | 1 |
| Halysidota tessellaris | Banded Tussock Moth | 4 |
| Halysidota unidentified species | | 1 |
| Haploa clymene | Clymene Moth | 4 |
| Helcystogramma hystricella | Lanceolate Helcystogramma Moth | 3 |
| Helcystogramma melanocarpa | | 3 |
| Helicoverpa zea | Corn Earworm Moth | 2 |
| Hemaris diffinis | Snowberry Clearwing Moth | 2 |
| Henricus edwardsiana | | 1 |
| Herpetogramma abdominalis | | 3 |
| Herpetogramma aeglealis | Serpentine Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Herpetogramma bipunctalis | Southern Beet Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Herpetogramma fluctuosalis | Greater Sweetpotato Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Herpetogramma pertextalis | Bold-feathered Grass Moth | 1 |
| Heterocampa obliqua | Oblique Heterocampa | 5 |
| Heterophleps triguttaria | Three-spotted Fillip | 2 |
| Homaledra octagonella | Octagonal Casemaker Moth | 1 |
| Homophoberia apicosa | Black Wedge-spot Moth | 2 |
| Homostinea curviliniella | | 2 |
| Horisme intestinata | Brown Bark Carpet Moth | 4 |
| Hyalophora cecropia | Cecropia Moth | 1 |
| Hypagyrtis esther | Esther Moth | 1 |
| Hypagyrtis unipunctata | One-spotted Variant Moth | 6 |
| Hypena baltimoralis | Baltimore Bomolocha | 2 |
| Hypena madefactalis | Gray-edged Bomolocha | 1 |
| Hypena manalis | Flowing-line Bomolocha | 3 |
| Hypena scabra | Green Cloverworm Moth | 1 |
| Hypenodes fractilinea | Broken-line Hypenodes Moth | 4 |
| Hyperstrotia pervertens | Dotted Graylet Moth | 2 |
| Hyperstrotia villificans | White-lined Graylet Moth | 3 |
| Hyphantria cunea | Fall Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Hypoprepia fucosa | Painted Lichen Moth | 3 |
| Hypoprepia miniata | Scarlet-winged Lichen Moth | 2 |
| Hypsopygia binodulalis | Pink-fringed Dolichomia Moth | 1 |
| Hypsopygia olinalis | Yellow-fringed Dolichomia Moth | 3 |
| Idaea demissaria | Red-Bordered Wave Moth | 1 |
| Idaea scintillularia | Diminutive Wave Moth | 2 |
| Idia aemula | Common Idia Moth | 4 |
| Idia americalis | American Idia Moth | 2 |
| Idia denticulalis | Toothed Idia Moth | 1 |
| Idia julia | | 1 |
| Idia lubricalis | Glossy Black Idia Moth | 1 |
| Idia rotundalis | Rotund Idia Moth | 2 |
| Idioglossa miraculosa | | 3 |
| Ilexia intractata | Black-dotted Ruddy Moth | 1 |
| Inga sparsiciliella | Black-marked Inga Moth | 1 |
| Iodopepla u-album | White-eyed Borer | 1 |
| Iridopsis defectaria | Brown-shaded Gray Moth | 3 |
| Isogona tenuis | Thin-lined Owlet Moth | 1 |
| Keiferia inconspicuella | | 2 |
| Keiferia unidentified species | | 3 |
| Kocakina fidelis | | 1 |
| Lacinipolia renigera | Bristly Cutworm Moth | 1 |
| Lagoa crispata | Black-waved Flannel Moth | 2 |
| Lascoria ambigualis | Ambiguous Moth | 3 |
| Ledaea perditalis | Lost Owlet Moth | 3 |
| Lesmone detrahens | Detracted Owlet Moth | 4 |
| Leucania adjuta | Adjutant Wainscot Moth | 4 |
| Leucania linda | Linda Wainscot Moth | 1 |
| Leucospilapteryx venustella | | 2 |
| Lipocosmodes fuliginosalis | Sooty Lipocosmodes Moth | 1 |
| Lithacodes fasciola | Yellow-shouldered Slug Moth | 3 |
| Lithacodia musta | Small Mossy Lithacodia Moth | 1 |
| Lithophane patefacta | Dimorphic Pinion | 1 |
| Lochmaeus bilineata | Double-lined Prominent | 6 |
| Lochmaeus manteo | Variable Oakleaf Caterpillar Moth | 5 |
| Lophosis labeculata | Stained Lophosis Moth | 1 |
| Loxostegopsis merrickalis | Merrick's Pyralid Moth | 6 |
| Macaria aemulataria | Common Angle | 6 |
| Macaria bicolorata | Bicolored Angle | 2 |
| Macaria promiscuata | Promiscuous Angle | 2 |
| Macrochilo litophora | Brown-lined Owlet Moth | 3 |
| Marathyssa inficita | Dark Marathyssa Moth | 1 |
| Marimatha nigrofimbria | Black-bordered Lemon Moth | 7 |
| Marmara fraxinicola | | 4 |
| Marmara salictella | | 1 |
| Marmara serotinella | | 1 |
| Marmara smilacisella | | 1 |
| Marmara unidentified species | | 15 |
| Marmara viburnella | | 1 |
| Martyringa latipennis | | 1 |
| Mea bipunctella | Two-spotted Mea Moth | 4 |
| Meganola minuscula | Confused Meganola | 1 |
| Meganola phylla | Coastal Plain Meganola | 1 |
| Melanolophia canadaria | Canadian Melanolophia Moth | 9 |
| Metalectra discalis | Common Fungus Moth | 1 |
| Metalectra quadrisignata | Four-spotted Fungus Moth | 1 |
| Metarranthis homuraria | Purplish Metarranthis Moth | 2 |
| Metarranthis hypochraria | Common Metarranthis Moth | 1 |
| Microcrambus biguttellus | Gold-stripe Grass-veneer Moth | 5 |
| Microcrambus elegans | Elegant Grass-veneer Moth | 8 |
| Micrurapteryx salicifoliella | Willow Leafblotch Miner Moth | 5 |
| Mocis texana | Texas Mocis Moth | 2 |
| Mompha argentimaculella | | 2 |
| Mompha unidentified species | | 1 |
| Monochroa unidentified species | | 1 |
| Moodna ostrinella | Darker Moodna Moth | 1 |
| Mythimna unipuncta | Armyworm Moth | 2 |
| Nadata gibbosa | White-dotted Prominent | 2 |
| Nascia acutellus | | 4 |
| Natada nasoni | Nason's Slug Moth | 1 |
| Nematocampa resistaria | Horned Spanworm Moth | 5 |
| Nemoria bistriaria | Red-fringed Emerald | 2 |
| Neodactria caliginosellus | Corn Root Webworm Moth | 3 |
| Neodactria luteolellus | Mottled Grass-veneer Moth | 4 |
| Neodactria zeellus | | 1 |
| Nephelodes minians | Bronzed Cutworm Moth | 1 |
| Nepytia semiclusaria | Pine Conelet Looper | 1 |
| Nola cereella | Sorghum Webworm Moth | 5 |
| Norape cretata | | 2 |
| Ochropleura implecta | Flame-shouldered Dart Moth | 1 |
| Oegoconia novimundi | Four-spotted Yellowneck Moth | 1 |
| Ogdoconta cinereola | Common Pinkband Moth | 1 |
| Olceclostera angelica | Angel Moth | 1 |
| Olethreutes concinnana | | 1 |
| Olethreutes corylana | | 1 |
| Olethreutes fasciatana | | 2 |
| Olethreutes new species near permundana | | 2 |
| Olethreutes permundana | Raspberry Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Olethreutes unidentified species | | 2 |
| Oligia modica | Black-banded Brocade Moth | 1 |
| Omphalocera cariosa | | 1 |
| Oneida lunulalis | Orange-tufted Oneida Moth | 1 |
| Orthodes detracta | Disparaged Arches Moth | 4 |
| Orthonama obstipata | Gem Moth | 2 |
| Orthosia garmani | Garman's Quaker Moth | 2 |
| Orthotaenia undulana | Dusky Leafroller Moth | 1 |
| Paectes abrostoloides | Large Paectes Moth | 1 |
| Paleacrita vernata | Spring Cankerworm Moth | 1 |
| Palpita freemanalis | Freeman's Palpita Moth | 1 |
| Palpita magniferalis | Splendid Palpita Moth | 5 |
| Palthis asopialis | Faint-spotted Palthis Moth | 5 |
| Panopoda carneicosta | Brown Panopoda Moth | 1 |
| Panopoda rufimargo | Red-lined Panopoda Moth | 5 |
| Panopoda unidentified species | | 1 |
| Paraleucoptera albella | Cottonwood Leafminer Moth | 2 |
| Parallelia bistriaris | Maple Looper | 1 |
| Paralobesia liriodendrana | Tulip-tree Leaftier Moth | 1 |
| Parapamea buffaloensis | Buffalo Moth | 1 |
| Parapediasia teterrellus | Bluegrass Webworm Moth | 8 |
| Parectopa lespedezaefoliella | | 3 |
| Parectopa plantaginisella | | 5 |
| Parectopa robiniella | Locust Digitate Leafminer Moth | 3 |
| Parornix geminatella | Unspotted Tentiform Leafminer Moth | 2 |
| Parornix preciosella | | 1 |
| Parornix unidentified species | | 2 |
| Patalene olyzonaria | Juniper Geometer Moth | 1 |
| Pelochrista derelicta | Derelict Eucosma Moth | 1 |
| Peridea basitriens | Oval-Based Prominent | 2 |
| Perimede ricina | Perimede Species Group | 2 |
| Phalaenophana pyramusalis | Dark-banded Owlet Moth | 1 |
| Phalaenostola eumelusalis | Dark Phalaenostola Moth | 3 |
| Phalaenostola larentioides | Black-banded Owlet Moth | 1 |
| Phigalia strigataria | Small Phigalia Moth | 1 |
| Phoberia atomaris | Common Oak Moth | 3 |
| Phycitinae unidentified species | | 2 |
| Phycitodes reliquella | | 2 |
| Phyllocnistis ampelopsiella | | 3 |
| Phyllocnistis insignis | | 1 |
| Phyllocnistis liquidambarisella | | 6 |
| Phyllocnistis liriodendronella | | 2 |
| Phyllocnistis vitegenella | | 3 |
| Phyllocnistis vitifoliella | no common name | 4 |
| Phyllonorycter aeriferella | | 3 |
| Phyllonorycter celtifoliella | | 6 |
| Phyllonorycter celtisella | | 1 |
| Phyllonorycter lucidicostella | Lesser Maple Leaf Blotch Miner Moth | 1 |
| Phyllonorycter mariaeella | | 2 |
| Phyllonorycter obscuricostella | | 3 |
| Phyllonorycter ostryaefoliella | | 4 |
| Phyllonorycter trinotella | | 1 |
| Phyllonorycter unidentified species | | 9 |
| Pigritia murtfeldtella | | 1 |
| Pigritia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Platynota idaeusalis | Tufted Apple Budmoth | 4 |
| Pleuroprucha insulsaria | Common Tan Wave Moth | 3 |
| Plusiodonta compressipalpis | Moonseed Moth | 2 |
| Plutella xylostella | Diamondback Moth | 1 |
| Pococera asperatella | Maple Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Pococera melanogrammos | Black-letter Pococera Moth | 1 |
| Pococera robustella | Pine Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Pococera scortealis | Lespedeza Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Polygrammate hebraeicum | Hebrew Moth | 1 |
| Polygrammodes flavidalis | Ironweed Root Moth | 1 |
| Porphyrosela desmodiella | | 1 |
| Porphyrosela minuta | | 2 |
| Prionoxystus robiniae | Carpenterworm Moth | 1 |
| Prochoerodes lineola | Large Maple Spanworm Moth | 4 |
| Proleucoptera smilaciella | | 1 |
| Protoboarmia porcelaria | Porcelain Gray Moth | 1 |
| Protodeltote muscosula | Large Mossy Lithacodia Moth | 7 |
| Pseudexentera sepia | | 1 |
| Pseudogalleria inimicella | Inimical Borer Moth | 1 |
| Pseudotelphusa quercinigracella | | 2 |
| Psilocorsis quercicella | Oak Leaftier Moth | 1 |
| Psilocorsis reflexella | Dotted Leaftier Moth | 3 |
| Psychidae unidentified species | | 3 |
| Pyromorpha dimidiata | Orange-patched Smoky Moth | 1 |
| Pyrrharctia isabella | Isabella Tiger Moth | 1 |
| Raphiptera argillaceellus | Diminutive Grass-veneer Moth | 2 |
| Redectis pygmaea | Pygmy Redectis Moth | 1 |
| Redectis vitrea | White-spotted Redectis Moth | 2 |
| Renia adspergillus | Speckled Renia Moth | 6 |
| Renia sobrialis | Sober Renia Moth | 1 |
| Renia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Retinia gemistrigulana | | 1 |
| Rhopobota finitimana | | 4 |
| Rhyacionia rigidana | Pitch Pine Tip Moth | 1 |
| Rifargia subrotata | | 1 |
| Rivula propinqualis | Spotted Grass Moth | 4 |
| Saucrobotys futilalis | Dogbane Saucrobotys Moth | 1 |
| Scardia amurensis | | 1 |
| Scardiella approximatella | | 1 |
| Schinia arcigera | Arcigera Flower Moth | 1 |
| Schizura ipomoeae | Morning-glory Prominent | 6 |
| Schizura leptinoides | Black-blotched Schizura Moth | 2 |
| Schizura unicornis | Unicorn Caterpillar Moth | 2 |
| Schrankia macula | Black-spotted Schrankia Moth | 7 |
| Sciota celtidella | | 3 |
| Sciota uvinella | Sweetgum Leafroller Moth | 3 |
| Scoparia basalis | Many-spotted Scoparia Moth | 4 |
| Scopula limboundata | Large Lace-border Moth | 4 |
| Sigela brauneata | Braun's Quandry | 1 |
| Speranza pustularia | Lesser Maple Spanworm Moth | 2 |
| Spilosoma congrua | Agreeable Tiger Moth | 1 |
| Spilosoma virginica | Virginian Tiger Moth | 2 |
| Spodoptera ornithogalli | Yellow-striped Armyworm Moth | 1 |
| Spoladea recurvalis | Hawaiian Beet Webworm Moth | 1 |
| Stigmella apicialbella | | 3 |
| Stigmella caryaefoliella | | 5 |
| Stigmella fuscotibiella | | 2 |
| Stigmella intermedia | | 2 |
| Stigmella prunifoliella | | 2 |
| Stigmella rhoifoliella | | 2 |
| Stigmella rosaefoliella | | 1 |
| Stigmella unidentified species | | 12 |
| Strepsicrates smithiana | Bayberry Leaftier Moth | 1 |
| Sunira bicolorago | Bicolored Sallow | 2 |
| Symmerista albifrons | White-headed Prominent | 1 |
| Sympistis badistriga | Brown-lined Sallow | 1 |
| Synchlora aerata | Wavy-lined Emerald | 1 |
| Synchlora frondaria | Southern Emerald Moth | 1 |
| Taygete attributella | | 1 |
| Taygete gallaegenitella | | 1 |
| Tetanolita floridana | Florida Tetanolita Moth | 3 |
| Tetanolita mynesalis | Smoky Tetanolita Moth | 6 |
| Tetracis crocallata | Yellow Slant-line Moth | 1 |
| Thaumatographa jonesi | Psychedelic Jones Moth | 1 |
| Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis | Evergreen Bagworm Moth | 2 |
| Tinea apicimaculella | | 1 |
| Tischeria quercitella | Oak Blotch Miner Moth | 1 |
| Tosale oviplagalis | Dimorphic Tosale Moth | 2 |
| Udea rubigalis | Celery Leaftier Moth | 8 |
| Vitula edmandsii | Dried Fruit Moth | 1 |
| Xanthotype sospeta | Crocus Geometer Moth | 1 |
| Xanthotype unidentified species | | 1 |
| Xubida panalope | | 6 |
| Yponomeuta multipunctella | American Ermine Moth | 3 |
| Zale galbanata | Maple Zale | 3 |
| Zanclognatha marcidilinea | Yellowish Zanclognatha Moth | 1 |
| Zanclognatha protumnusalis | | 1 |
| Zanclognatha theralis | | 2 |
| Zelleria retiniella | | 1 |
| Zomaria interruptolineana | Broken-line Zomaria Moth | 1 |
NEUROPTERA 1 | Myrmeleon unidentified species | | 1 |
ODONATES 40 | Anax junius | Common Green Darner | 4 |
| Argia apicalis | Blue-fronted Dancer | 1 |
| Argia moesta | Powdered Dancer | 2 |
| Argia tibialis | Blue-tipped Dancer | 18 |
| Argia translata | Dusky Dancer | 6 |
| Basiaeschna janata | Springtime Darner | 5 |
| Boyeria vinosa | Fawn Darner | 3 |
| Calopteryx maculata | Ebony Jewelwing | 16 |
| Celithemis elisa | Calico Pennant | 1 |
| Cordulegaster maculata | Twin-spotted Spiketail | 3 |
| Cordulegaster obliqua | Arrowhead Spiketail | 1 |
| Didymops transversa | Stream Cruiser | 6 |
| Dromogomphus spinosus | Black-shouldered Spinyleg | 8 |
| Dythemis velox | Swift Setwing | 2 |
| Enallagma exsulans | Stream Bluet | 3 |
| Epiaeschna heros | Swamp Darner | 7 |
| Epitheca cynosura | Common Baskettail | 16 |
| Epitheca princeps | Prince Baskettail | 3 |
| Erythemis simplicicollis | Eastern Pondhawk | 20 |
| Hagenius brevistylus | Dragonhunter | 2 |
| Helocordulia uhleri | Uhler's Sundragon | 3 |
| Hylogomphus abbreviatus | Spine-crowned Clubtail | 1 |
| Ischnura hastata | Citrine Forktail | 2 |
| Ischnura posita | Fragile Forktail | 8 |
| Ladona deplanata | Blue Corporal | 2 |
| Libellula cyanea | Spangled Skimmer | 1 |
| Libellula incesta | Slaty Skimmer | 9 |
| Libellula luctuosa | Widow Skimmer | 6 |
| Libellula semifasciata | Painted Skimmer | 1 |
| Libellula vibrans | Great Blue Skimmer | 38 |
| Nasiaeschna pentacantha | Cyrano Darner | 5 |
| Neurocordulia obsoleta | Umber Shadowdragon | 1 |
| Pachydiplax longipennis | Blue Dasher | 11 |
| Pantala flavescens | Wandering Glider | 2 |
| Perithemis tenera | Eastern Amberwing | 6 |
| Phanogomphus exilis | Lancet Clubtail | 7 |
| Phanogomphus lividus | Ashy Clubtail | 17 |
| Plathemis lydia | Common Whitetail | 47 |
| Progomphus obscurus | Common Sanddragon | 6 |
| Somatochlora linearis | Mocha Emerald | 3 |
ORTHOPTERANS 53 | Allonemobius fultoni | Fulton's Ground Cricket | 1 |
| Allonemobius griseus funeralis | | 3 |
| Allonemobius maculatus | Spotted Ground Cricket | 3 |
| Allonemobius socius | Southern Ground Cricket | 16 |
| Allonemobius tinnulus | Tinkling Ground Cricket | 9 |
| Allonemobius unidentified species | | 1 |
| Allonemobius walkeri | Walker's Ground Cricket | 4 |
| Anaxipha exigua | Say's Trig | 3 |
| Anaxipha thomasi | Thomas's Trig | 1 |
| Anaxipha tinnulacita | Fast-tinkling Trig | 2 |
| Anaxipha tinnulenta | Slow-Tinkling Trig | 9 |
| Anaxipha unidentified species | A Trig | 5 |
| Anaxipha vernalis | Spring Trig | 12 |
| Arphia sulphurea | Spring Yellow-winged Locust | 1 |
| Atlanticus pachymerus | Southern Protean Shieldback | 2 |
| Camptonotus carolinensis | Carolina Leaf-roller | 1 |
| Chortophaga viridifasciata | Northern Green-striped Locust | 3 |
| Conocephalus brevipennis | Short-Winged Meadow Katydid | 8 |
| Conocephalus fasciatus | Slender Meadow Katydid | 1 |
| Cycloptilum tardum | Slow-chirp Scaly Cricket | 3 |
| Cyrtoxipha columbiana | Columbian Trig | 1 |
| Dichromorpha viridis | Short-winged Green Grasshopper | 9 |
| Eunemobius carolinus | Carolina Ground Cricket | 24 |
| Eunemobius confusus | Confused Ground Cricket | 2 |
| Gryllus fultoni | Southern Wood Cricket | 6 |
| Gryllus rubens | Southeastern Field Cricket | 18 |
| Hapithus agitator | Restless Bush Cricket | 3 |
| Melanoplus bivittatus | Two-striped Grasshopper | 1 |
| Melanoplus differentialis | Differential Locust | 1 |
| Melanoplus femurrubrum | Red-legged Grasshopper | 1 |
| Melanoplus scudderi | Scudder's Short-winged Locust | 3 |
| Metaleptea brevicornis | Clipped-Wing Grasshopper | 10 |
| Microcentrum retinerve | Lesser Angle-Wing | 4 |
| Miogryllus saussurei | | 1 |
| Neoconocephalus retusus | Round-Tipped Conehead | 1 |
| Neocurtilla hexadactyla | Northern Mole Cricket | 3 |
| Oecanthus niveus | Narrow-Winged Tree Cricket | 1 |
| Orchelimum erythrocephalum | Red-Headed Meadow Katydid | 1 |
| Orchelimum pulchellum | Handsome Meadow Katydid | 2 |
| Orocharis luteolira | False Jumping Bush Cricket | 7 |
| Orocharis saltator | Jumping Bush Cricket | 7 |
| Orocharis unidentified species | | 1 |
| Paratettix cucullatus | Hooded Pygmy Grasshopper | 3 |
| Paroxya clavuligera | Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper | 1 |
| Phyllopalpus pulchellus | Handsome Trig | 18 |
| Pterophylla camellifolia | Common True Katydid | 1 |
| Schistocerca americana | American Bird Locust | 1 |
| Scudderia cuneata | Southeastern Bush Katydid | 3 |
| Scudderia unidentified species | | 1 |
| Syrbula admirabilis | Handsome Grasshopper | 1 |
| Tetrix arenosa | Sanded Pygmy Grasshopper | 1 |
| Tettigidea armata | Armored Pygmy Grasshopper | 1 |
| Tettigidea lateralis | Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper | 2 |
PICTURE-WINGED FLIES 1 | Delphinia picta | | 1 |
PSEUDOSCORPIONS 4 | Ephippiochthonius tetrachelatus | | 1 |
| Kleptochthonius multispinosus | | 2 |
| Microbisium parvulum | | 1 |
| Tuberocreagris lata | | 1 |
ROBBER FLIES 3 | Laphyria n. sp. near macquarti | | 1 |
| Ommatius unidentified species | | 1 |
| Promachus rufipes | | 2 |
ROVE BEETLES 1 | Stenus unidentified species | | 1 |
SALAMANDERS 6 | Ambystoma maculatum | Spotted Salamander | 3 |
| Ambystoma opacum | Marbled Salamander | 12 |
| Eurycea cirrigera | Southern Two-lined Salamander | 4 |
| Hemidactylium scutatum | Four-toed Salamander | 1 |
| Necturus punctatus | Dwarf Waterdog | 2 |
| Plethodon cylindraceus | White-spotted Slimy Salamander | 1 |
SAPROPHYTES 2 | Hypopitys species 3 | Eastern Pinesap | 1 |
| Monotropa uniflora | Indian-pipe | 1 |
SAWFLIES 3 | Metalus rohweri | | 1 |
| Nefusa ambigua | | 1 |
| Tethida barda | | 1 |
SCARAB BEETLES 2 | Cotinis nitida | | 1 |
| Popillia japonica | | 1 |
SHRUBS 41 | Aesculus sylvatica | Painted Buckeye | 19 |
| Amelanchier arborea | Downy Serviceberry | 2 |
| Aralia spinosa | Devil's-walkingstick | 1 |
| Asimina parviflora | Dwarf Pawpaw | 3 |
| Asimina triloba | Common Pawpaw | 25 |
| Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry | 1 |
| Calycanthus floridus | Sweetshrub | 1 |
| Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam | 12 |
| Cephalanthus occidentalis | Buttonbush | 1 |
| Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud | 7 |
| Chionanthus virginicus | Fringetree | 3 |
| Cornus florida (= Benthamidia florida) | | 12 |
| Corylus americana | American Hazelnut | 1 |
| Elaeagnus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Hamamelis virginiana | American Witch-hazel | 1 |
| Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Holly | 9 |
| Ilex opaca | American Holly | 2 |
| Lindera benzoin | Northern Spicebush | 13 |
| Morella cerifera | Common Waxmyrtle | 1 |
| Ostrya virginiana | American Hop-hornbeam | 7 |
| Oxydendrum arboreum | Sourwood | 4 |
| Prunus angustifolia | Chickasaw Plum | 1 |
| Prunus serotina | Black Cherry | 1 |
| Rhododendron periclymenoides | Pink Azalea | 3 |
| Rhus copallinum | Winged Sumac | 1 |
| Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac | 1 |
| Rosa palustris | Swamp Rose | 1 |
| Sambucus canadensis | Common Elderberry | 5 |
| Staphylea trifolia | American Bladdernut | 7 |
| Styrax grandifolius | Bigleaf Snowbell | 2 |
| Toxicodendron radicans | Poison-ivy | 5 |
| Vaccinium arboreum | Sparkleberry | 1 |
| Vaccinium formosum | Southern Highbush Blueberry | 2 |
| Vaccinium fuscatum | Black Highbush Blueberry | 2 |
| Vaccinium pallidum | Hillside Blueberry | 1 |
| Vaccinium stamineum | Deerberry | 1 |
| Vaccinium tenellum | Small Black Blueberry | 1 |
| Viburnum acerifolium | Mapleleaf Viburnum | 3 |
| Viburnum dentatum | Southern Arrowwood | 1 |
| Viburnum prunifolium | Smooth Blackhaw | 10 |
| Viburnum rafinesqueanum | Downy Arrowwood | 9 |
SLIME MOLDS 52 | Arcyria affinis | | 4 |
| Arcyria cinerea | | 7 |
| Arcyria denudata | Carnival Candy Slime Mold | 5 |
| Arcyria pomiformis | | 1 |
| Calonema aureum | | 1 |
| Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa | Coral Slime Mold | 6 |
| Clastoderma debaryanum | | 1 |
| Collaria arcyrionema | | 1 |
| Cribraria aurantiaca | | 1 |
| Cribraria cancellata | | 4 |
| Cribraria intricata | | 1 |
| Cribraria microcarpa | | 1 |
| Cribraria oregana | | 1 |
| Cribraria piriformis | | 1 |
| Cribraria species | | 1 |
| Cribraria tenella | | 1 |
| Diderma effusum | | 2 |
| Echinostelium minutum | | 1 |
| Fuligo septica | Scrambled Egg Slime Mold; Dog Vomit Slime Mold | 6 |
| Hemitrichia calyculata | Yellow-Fuzz Slime Mold | 7 |
| Hemitrichia clavata | | 2 |
| Licea kleistobolus | | 1 |
| Lycogala epidendrum | Wolf-Milk Slime Mold | 2 |
| Lycogala exiguum | | 1 |
| Macbrideola unidentified species | | 1 |
| Metatrichia vesparia | Wasp's Nest Slime Mold | 4 |
| Oligonema flavidum | | 2 |
| Perichaena chrysosperma | | 1 |
| Perichaena corticalis | | 1 |
| Physarum album | | 6 |
| Physarum globuliferum | | 7 |
| Physarum melleum | | 1 |
| Physarum nucleatum | | 2 |
| Physarum polycephalum | | 2 |
| Physarum pulcherrimum | | 2 |
| Physarum viride | | 5 |
| Reticularia splendens | | 2 |
| Stemonaria longa | | 1 |
| Stemonitis axifera | | 6 |
| Stemonitis fusca | Chocolate Tube Slime Mold; Tree Hair | 5 |
| Stemonitis herbatica | | 1 |
| Stemonitis pallida | | 1 |
| Stemonitis smithii | | 2 |
| Stemonitis splendens | | 2 |
| Stemonitis virginiensis | | 1 |
| Stemonitopsis hyperopta | | 1 |
| Stemonitopsis microspora | | 1 |
| Stemonitopsis typhina | | 7 |
| Trichia decipiens | | 1 |
| Trichia favoginea | Yellow Egg-shaped Slime Mold | 1 |
| Trichia persimilis | | 4 |
| Tubifera ferruginosa | | 2 |
SNAKES 10 | Agkistrodon contortrix | Eastern Copperhead | 1 |
| Coluber constrictor | North American Racer | 3 |
| Diadophis punctatus | Ring-necked Snake | 2 |
| Nerodia erythrogaster | Plain-bellied Watersnake | 2 |
| Nerodia sipedon | Common Watersnake | 5 |
| Opheodrys aestivus | Rough Greensnake | 1 |
| Pantherophis alleghaniensis | Eastern Ratsnake | 4 |
| Storeria dekayi | Dekay's Brownsnake | 2 |
| Storeria occipitomaculata | Red-bellied Snake | 1 |
| Thamnophis sirtalis | Common Gartersnake | 1 |
SNIPE FLIES 1 | Chrysopilus thoracicus | | 1 |
SPIDERS 122 | Agelenopsis pennsylvanica | Grass spider | 2 |
| Agyneta angulata | a sheetweb weaver | 1 |
| Agyneta micaria | | 5 |
| Agyneta parva | | 6 |
| Allocosa funerea | a wolf spider | 1 |
| Anthrobia acuminata | a dwarf spider | 6 |
| Anyphaena pectorosa | a ghost spider | 5 |
| Araneus marmoreus | Marbled orbweaver | 1 |
| Araneus miniatus | Black-spotted Orbweaver | 1 |
| Argyrodes elevatus | a dewdrop spider | 1 |
| Bathyphantes pallidus | a sheetweb weaver | 4 |
| Castianeira cingulata | Two-banded antmimic | 1 |
| Castianeira longipalpa | Many-banded antmimic | 1 |
| Centromerus latidens | a sheetweb weaver | 1 |
| Ceraticelus carinatus | a dwarf spider | 1 |
| Ceraticelus laetabilis | a dwarf spider | 2 |
| Ceraticelus similis | a dwarf spider | 2 |
| Cicurina arcuata | a mesh web spider | 2 |
| Clubiona abboti | a leafcurling sac spider | 1 |
| Colonus sylvanus | a jumping spider | 1 |
| Crustulina altera | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Dolomedes albineus | Whitebanded fishing spider | 1 |
| Dolomedes tenebrosus | Dark fishing spider | 2 |
| Dolomedes vittatus | a fishing spider | 1 |
| Drassyllus aprilinus | a ground spider | 1 |
| Drassyllus covensis | a ground spider | 2 |
| Drassyllus ellipes | a ground spider | 2 |
| Drassyllus eremitus | a ground spider | 2 |
| Eidmannella pallida | a cave cobweb spider | 3 |
| Elaver excepta | a sac spider | 1 |
| Emertonella emertoni | | 1 |
| Episinus amoenus | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Erigone autumnalis | a dwarf spider | 4 |
| Euryopis funebris | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Eustala anastera | Humpbacked orbweaver | 1 |
| Eustala emertoni | an orbweaver | 1 |
| Frontinella pyramitela | Bowl and doily weaver | 5 |
| Gea heptagon | an orbweaver | 1 |
| Ghelna canadensis | a jumping spider | 2 |
| Gladicosa pulchra | a wolf spider | 2 |
| Gnaphosa fontinalis | a ground spider | 1 |
| Hahnia flaviceps | | 2 |
| Hentzia palmarum | Longjawed jumping spider | 1 |
| Hibana gracilis | garden ghost spider | 1 |
| Hypsosinga rubens | an orbweaver | 1 |
| Hyptiotes cavatus | Triangle web spider | 1 |
| Larinia directa | an orbweaver | 1 |
| Lathys immaculata | a mesh web spider | 1 |
| Lathys maculina | a mesh web spider | 1 |
| Leucauge venusta | Orchard spider | 7 |
| Lyssomanes viridis | Magnolia green jumper | 1 |
| Mangora gibberosa | Lined orbweaver | 1 |
| Mangora placida | Tuftlegged orbweaver | 7 |
| Mangora spiculata | an orbweaver | 2 |
| Marpissa lineata | a jumping spider | 3 |
| Maymena ambita | a minute clasping weaver | 2 |
| Mecaphesa asperata | Northern crab spider | 1 |
| Mecynogea lemniscata | Basilica orbweaver | 1 |
| Mermessus maculatus | a dwarf spider | 5 |
| Mermessus tridentatus | a dwarf spider | 2 |
| Metepeira labyrinthea | Labyrinth orbweaver | 1 |
| Micrathena gracilis | Spined Micrathena, Five paired spider | 5 |
| Micrathena mitrata | white micrathena | 3 |
| Micrathena sagittata | Arrowshaped Micrathena | 2 |
| Microdipoena guttata | a minute clasping weaver | 3 |
| Misumenoides formosipes | Whitebanded crab spider | 1 |
| Neoantistea agilis | a comb-tailed spider | 1 |
| Neoscona arabesca | Arabesque orbweaver | 1 |
| Neoscona crucifera | a spotted orbweaver | 1 |
| Neoscona domiciliorum | Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver | 3 |
| Neriene radiata | Filmy dome spider | 2 |
| Origanates rostratus | a dwarf spider | 2 |
| Oxyopes aglossus | a lynx spider | 2 |
| Oxyopes salticus | Striped lynx spider | 2 |
| Pachygnatha furcillata | a thickjawed orbweaver | 2 |
| Parasteatoda tepidariorum | common house spider | 1 |
| Pardosa milvina | Shore spider | 2 |
| Pelegrina galathea | a jumping spider | 1 |
| Pelegrina proterva | a jumping spider | 1 |
| Peucetia viridans | Green lynx spider | 3 |
| Phidippus otiosus | Canopy jumping spider | 1 |
| Phidippus pius | | 1 |
| Philodromus marxi | Metallic crab spider | 1 |
| Pholcus phalangioides | Longbodied cellar spider | 1 |
| Phoroncidia americana | | 1 |
| Phrurotimpus annulatus | a phrurolithid | 1 |
| Phrurotimpus borealis | a phrurolithid | 1 |
| Phrurotimpus umbratilis | a phrurolithid | 1 |
| Pirata alachuus | a pirate wolf spider | 4 |
| Pirata iviei | a pirate wolf spider | 1 |
| Piratula insularis | a pirate wolf spider | 1 |
| Pisaurina brevipes | | 1 |
| Pisaurina mira | nursery web spider | 4 |
| Platycryptus undatus | Tan jumping spider | 2 |
| Rabidosa punctulata | Dotted wolf spider | 1 |
| Rabidosa rabida | Rabid wolf spider | 2 |
| Robertus riparius | a cobweb spider | 2 |
| Sarinda hentzi | an antmimic jumping spider | 1 |
| Schizocosa avida | a wolf spider | 2 |
| Scotinella divinula | | 1 |
| Scotinella fratrella | | 3 |
| Scotinella redempta | | 2 |
| Souessoula parva | | 3 |
| Synema parvulum | a crab spider | 4 |
| Tenuiphantes sabulosus | a sheetweb weaver | 2 |
| Tetragnatha caudata | a longjawed orbweaver | 1 |
| Tetragnatha elongata | a longjawed orbweaver | 1 |
| Tetragnatha laboriosa | Silver longjawed orbweaver | 4 |
| Theridion differens | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Theridion frondeum | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Theridula emertoni | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Theridula opulenta | a cobweb spider | 1 |
| Tigrosa georgicola | a wolf spider | 3 |
| Tmarus angulatus | a crab spider | 1 |
| Trachelas similis | | 2 |
| Trebacosa marxi | a wolf spider | 2 |
| Tusukuru hartlandianus | a sheetweb weaver | 5 |
| Verrucosa arenata | an orb weaver | 1 |
| Wulfila albens | a ghost spider | 3 |
| Wulfila saltabundus | a ghost spider | 1 |
| Xysticus ferox | a ground crab spider | 4 |
| Zygoballus sexpunctatus | a jumping spider | 1 |
STAG BEETLES 1 | Lucanus capreolus | | 2 |
TARDIGRADES 4 | Echiniscus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Echiniscus virginicus | | 1 |
| Minibiotus jonesorum | | 1 |
| Ramazzottius baumanni | | 1 |
TIGER BEETLES 1 | Cicindela sexguttata | Six-spotted Tiger Beetle | 12 |
TRUE BUGS 7 | Acanthocephala declivis | | 1 |
| Acanthocephala terminalis | | 2 |
| Lopidea new species cf. instabilis | | 1 |
| Lygus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Mormidea lugens | | 2 |
| Pselliopus barberi | | 1 |
| Taylorilygus apicalis | | 1 |
TURTLES 5 | Chelydra serpentina | Snapping Turtle | 2 |
| Pseudemys concinna | River Cooter | 2 |
| Sternotherus odoratus | Eastern Musk Turtle | 2 |
| Terrapene carolina | Eastern Box Turtle | 13 |
| Trachemys scripta | Pond Slider | 4 |
VINES 27 | Amphicarpaea bracteata | American Hog-peanut | 3 |
| Apios americana | American Groundnut | 5 |
| Bignonia capreolata | Crossvine | 5 |
| Campsis radicans | Trumpet-creeper | 2 |
| Celastrus unidentified species | | 1 |
| Clematis viorna | Vasevine Leatherflower | 1 |
| Clematis virginiana | Virginia Virgin's-bower | 6 |
| Dioscorea villosa | Wild Yam | 5 |
| Ipomoea coccinea | Red Morning-glory | 1 |
| Ipomoea lacunosa | White Morning-glory | 1 |
| Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle | 3 |
| Matelea carolinensis | Maroon Carolina Milkvine | 1 |
| Menispermum canadense | Canada Moonseed | 4 |
| Muscadinia rotundifolia | Muscadine | 6 |
| Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper | 8 |
| Passiflora lutea | Yellow Passionflower | 1 |
| Rubus flagellaris | Northern Dewberry | 1 |
| Rubus pensilvanicus | Pennsylvania Blackberry | 2 |
| Smilax bona-nox | Saw Greenbrier | 2 |
| Smilax glauca | Cat Greenbrier | 1 |
| Smilax hispida | Bristly Greenbrier | 3 |
| Smilax rotundifolia | Common Greenbrier | 5 |
| Smilax smallii | Lanceleaf Greenbrier | 1 |
| Thyrsanthella difformis | Climbing Dogbane | 2 |
| Vitis aestivalis | Summer Grape | 1 |
| Vitis baileyana | Possum Grape | 1 |
| Vitis unidentified species | | 1 |
WEEVILS 1 | Orchestomerus eisemani | | 2 |
7,821 records |