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Related Species in MACROMIIDAE: Number of records for 2025 = 1

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Allegheny River Cruiser (Macromia alleghaniensis) by Doug Johnston
Compare with: Swift River Cruiser   Mountain River Cruiser   Royal River Cruiser  
Identification Tips: Move the cursor over the image, or tap the image if using a mobile device, to reveal ID Tips.
Note: these identification tips apply specifically to mature males; features may differ in immature males and in females.

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Click on county for list of all its records for Allegheny River Cruiser
Flight Charts
Distribution Scattered across the mountains, Piedmont, and western Coastal Plain, with a disjunct (?) record from Pender County. Though probably occurring in all counties east to Hertford, Edgecombe, Cumberland, and Scotland, the range is spotty, probably owing mainly to the difficulty of identification.
Abundance Apparently uncommon in the mountains, Piedmont, and extreme western Coastal Plain -- at least in the past. Very rare to absent over nearly all of the eastern two-thirds of the Coastal Plain. Poorly known by most recent observers because of the difficulty in separation from both the Swift River Cruiser and the Mountain River Cruiser without a specimen or multiple photos of the same individual from different angles. It should not be assumed to have declined in the several decades since Cuyler collected so many specimens. Nonetheless, only four observers have successfully/conclusively photographed this species in the state, and by now (2020's), it could possibly be rare, except along the French Broad River.
Flight The flight in the Piedmont and mountains occurs between early June and late September. This is likely also the flight period in the Coastal Plain, but known records there -- all historical -- fall in a narrower range from late June to mid-August.
Habitat Creeks and rivers.

See also Habitat Account for General Rivers and Large Streams
Behavior Similar to other river cruisers, in that males cruise back and forth quickly along the length of the stream or river. Adults often forage in long patrols along wooded roads and wide trails, typically higher later in the day. They can be difficult to see perched.
Comments Though an observer without a net can frequently identify a "river cruiser" by its bright green eyes, yellow spots or bands on the black abdomen, and rapid back and forth cruising along a creek or a dirt road, identification of most species is tricky, even when seen perched. Often, they must be identified in the hand, or collected to study the genitalia. This species has a nearly complete yellow ring on abdominal segment 2 (a slight break dorsally). Refer to reference books and photos for identification. The scarcity of observational data in NC is understandable, as such data likely would be inconclusive or questionable (without photo or specimen). Thankfully, several people in the mountains have provided excellent recent documentation through photographs. However, there are disturbingly very few photos to document recent records from the Piedmont. Our website editors carefully scrutinized photo reports of all of the river cruisers (in late 2016), and several photos had been misidentified. Thus, the number of counties and records for most species of river cruisers changed due to moving records from one species to another. Though the N.C. Natural Heritage Program has retained a State Rank of S4, a revised (less numerous) rank of S3S4 might be better, if not even S3.
State Rank S4 [S3S4]
State Status
Global Rank G4
Federal Status
Other Name
Species account update: LeGrand on 2023-01-11 10:15:14

Photo Gallery for Allegheny River Cruiser   18 photos are shown. Other NC Galleries:    Jeff Pippen    Will Cook    Ted Wilcox
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 1 by: P Dixon

Comment: Yancey, 2023-10-28, Cane River, close to the confluence with Nolichucky River
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 2 by: Heather Pratt

Comment: Cherokee, 2022-08-05, Found inside a Walmart located near Valley River; iNaturalist Record #129734419 - Male
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 3 by: Heather Pratt

Comment: Cherokee, 2022-08-05, Found inside a Walmart located near Valley River; iNaturalist Record #129734419 - Male
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 4 by: Heather Pratt

Comment: Cherokee, 2022-08-05, Found inside a Walmart located near Valley River; iNaturalist Record #129734419 - Male
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 5 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-09-11, Hot Springs area
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 6 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-28, Hot Springs area - male, road kill
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 7 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-28, Hot Springs area - male, road kill
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 8 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-28, Hot Springs area - male, road kill
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 9 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-28, Hot Springs area - male, road kill
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 10 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-28, Hot Springs area - male, road kill
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 11 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-04, Hot Springs area
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 12 by: p dixon

Comment: Madison, 2020-08-01, Downtown Marshall, NC - female, collected dead
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 13 by: P Dixon

Comment: Madison, 2019-07-01, Broadwing Farm and River Road, Hot Springs, high 80s, late afternoon - caught on my screen porch, Broadwing Farm
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 14 by: P Dixon

Comment: Madison, 2019-07-01, Broadwing Farm and River Road, Hot Springs, high 80s, late afternoon - caught on my screen porch, Broadwing Farm
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 15 by: P Dixon

Comment: Madison, 2019-06-01, Near meadows 1/2 mile downstream from Murray Branch
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 16 by: B. Bockhahn

Comment: Forsyth, 2013-07-30, - Caught in net during dragonfly program
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 17 by: Doug Johnston, Vin Stanton

Comment: Madison, 2012-07-22, Sandy Mush Game Land
Allegheny River Cruiser, Macromia alleghaniensisPhoto 18 by: Doug Johnston, Gail Lankford

Comment: Buncombe, 2010-08-13, Sandy Mush Game Land - Cedar Hill access