Orthoptera of North Carolina
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Anaxipha tinnulenta
Slow-Tinkling Trig
checklist_number: 170.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Tinnulenta belongs to the Exigua Species Group, which also includes exigua, tinnula, thomasi, and tinnulacita in North Carolina (Walker and Funk, 2014).A very small, brown Trig. Like other members of the exigua group, it possess a broad dark stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the numbe...Our recent records come from low-lying old field habitats or from the edge of the woods bordering these fields. These habitat agree with the description given by Walker and Funk (2014): "generally mor...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] [S4?]We currently have records for this species from just a small area of the state, with most of those records being historic. However, it appears to occupy common types of habitats and is likely to found...
Anaxipha vernalis
Spring Trig
checklist_number: 171.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Vernalis belongs to the Delicatula Species Group, of which declicatula is the only other member.A very small, brown Trig. Unlike most members of the Exigua Group, it lacks a stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the number of pegs on...Fulton (1956) describes the habitat as primarily fresh-water marshes and stream borders, especially with thick herbaceous growth, including both Lizardtail and tall wetland graminoids. We also have re...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected both day and night. They may also be captured using sweep netting, although Walker and Funk (2014) state that this species is particularly difficult to capture....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] [S4?]We currently have records for this species from just a small number of counties, with most of those being historic. However, it appears to occupy common types of habitats and is likely to be found thr...
Eunemobius melodius
Melodious Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 146.0
One of three species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017), all of which have been recorded in North CarolinaA small, dark ground cricket. Slightly larger but indistinguishable from E. carolinus in coloration and general structure (Thomas and Howard, 1957), including pale colored palps in both sexes (see spe...The original populations in Ohio were associated with marshes (Thomas and Howard, 1957). These included sites with relict, boreal species of plants, as well as areas grazed by livestock. Our records a...Probably omnivorous...Most easily detected by its song. Thomas and Howard (1957) also report finding individuals by tearing apart a rotten, water-soaked log....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] S2S3Only five populations have been recorded in North Carolina but at widely separated locations. The paucity of records is probably due to a lack of surveys but possibly also to confusion -- especially m...

checklist_number: 0.0
Allonemobius fultoni
Fulton's Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 136.0
One of ten species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017). Eight species have been recorded in North Carolina.According to Howard and Furth (1986), Allonemobius fultoni is essentially identical in terms of markings to both A. allardi and walkeri. The head is darker than in socius/fasci...Fulton's Ground Crickets are associated with wet grassy areas, including open marshes or under deep shade (Howard and Furth, 1986). In the Coastal Plain, we have recorded this species under shrub cove...Probably omnivorous...Mostly easily detected and identified by its song...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] [SU]This species was considered rare by Howard and Furth (1986), who had collected it only at two sites in New Jersey and one in North Carolina; Walker (2017) shows only three additional sites, in Georgia...
Allonemobius allardi
Allard's Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 135.0
One of ten species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017). Eight species have been recorded in North Carolina.A red-brown to blackish ground cricket (Alexander and Thomas, 1959). The head is brown with two to three darker stripes, which are usually not contrasting, particularly at the rear of the head, but fo...Allonemobius allardi inhabits well-drained grassy and weedy habitats, including "lawns, pastures, fields, and roadsides" (Alexander and Thomas, 1959). It often occurs with A. walkeri, bu...Probably omnivorous...Most easily detected by its song, which is given both day and night. ...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR [SU]There are still too few records for this species in North Carolina to determine its distribution and conservation status. Records from the Piedmont need to be verified based on spectrograms or, prefer...
Allonemobius walkeri
Walker's Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 143.0
One of ten species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017). Eight species have been recorded in North Carolina.A red-brown to blackish ground cricket (following Alexander and Thomas's description of allardi). The head is brown with two to three darker stripes, which are usually not contrasting, particul...According to Howard and Furth (1986), A. walkeri inhabits dry grassy fields and pastures, nearly always co-occurring with A. allardi, at least where their geographic ranges overlap. Reco...Probably omnivorous...Most easily detected by its song...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] S3S4Although this species appears to be associated with common types of vegetation, walkeri was considered rare by Howard and Furth (1986) and by Hershberger (2021). Not enough is yet known about i...
Anaxipha tinnulacita
Fast-tinkling Trig
checklist_number: 169.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Tinnulacita belongs to the Exigua Species Group, which also includes exigua, tinnula, thomasi, and tinnulenta in North Carolina (Walker and Funk, 2014).A very small, brown Trig. Like other members of the exigua group, it possess a broad dark stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the numbe...In the Coastal Plain, our recent records come from fairly wet, shrubby habitats, including Pond Pine Woodlands growing on the edge of a Carolina Bay and a tract of Maritime Swamp Forest, where tinnula...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting. Many of our records come from moth sheets or bait....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR SNR [S5]Although we still have too few verified records of this species to be sure of its range within the state, it appears to be regularly observed and fairly common where it has been found. Since it also a...
Phyllopalpus pulchellus
Handsome Trig
checklist_number: 163.0
One of six species in this primarily Neotropical genus and the only one that occurs in the eastern United State (Cigliano et al., 2017)A small but strikingly marked Trig. The head and thorax are crimson red; the palps, antennal bases, sides of the tegmina, abdomen, and ovipositor are shining black; and the antennae and legs are pale...Occurs in both herbaceous vegetation fairly close to the ground to low shrubs and trees. Lowland and mesic habitats seem to be preferred but they can also be found upslope. They inhabit residential ne......More often heard than seen but active both day and night and can be spotted in low vegetation...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.GNR S5Common and widespread across the state. Appears to be quite secure....
Anaxipha exigua
Say's Trig
checklist_number: 165.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine of which have been recorded in North Carolina. Exigua belongs to the Exigua Species Group, which also includes tinnula, thomasi, tinnulacita, and tinnulenta in North Carolina (Walker and Funk, 2014).A very small, brown Trig. Like other members of the exigua group, it possess a broad dark stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the numbe...Fulton (1956) described the habitat of his trilling form of exigua (now recognized as true exigua) as consisting of deeply shaded mesic to wet forests, becoming most abundant in wet seep...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR [S4S5]This species has been recorded over a fairly wide area of the state and occupies fairly common types of habitats. Consequently, it is probably secure in the state....
Anaxipha tinnula
Tidewater Trig
checklist_number: 168.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Tinnula belongs to the Exigua Species Group, which also includes exigua, tinnulacita, thomasi, and tinnulenta in North Carolina (Walker and Funk, 2014).A very small, brown Trig. Like other members of the exigua group, it possess a stripe on the lateral face of the femur, although it is often pale or obsolescent in this species (Walker and Funk, 2014)...Appears to be restricted to marsh grasses, including those of saltwater marshes (Carolina Beach) and fresh-to-brackish marshes (New Bern and Swanquarter) (Fulton, 1956)...Associated with tall grasses, sedges, and rushes but its exact diet is unrecorded...Most easily detected by its song. Fulton (1956) noted that tinnula, like tinnulenta and tinnulacita, sing most vigorously in the morning and much less on cool nights....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] [S3S4]All of our records for this species are historic, although it is highly likely to still occur in our coastal marshes. It appears to be highly specialized on tall marsh graminoids and is likely to be v...
Anaxipha thomasi
Thomas's Trig
checklist_number: 167.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Thomasi belongs to the Exigua Species Group, which also includes exigua, tinnula, tinnulacita, and tinnulenta in North Carolina (Walker and Funk, 2014).A very small, brown Trig. Like other members of the Exigua group, it possess a broad dark stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the numbe...This species appears to be particularly tied to pine forests (Walker and Funk, 2014) and our records come from stands dominated by Shortleaf Pine with some Scrub Pine also present. ...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] S2S4This recently described species is still too poorly known across its range to estimate either its global or state conservation status. Its occurrence in stands of upland pine forests suggests, however...
Anaxipha rosamacula
Pink-spotted Trig
checklist_number: 275.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine of which have been recorded in North Carolina. Based on analysis of mitochondrial DNA, rosamacula and litarena were placed in the Litarena Species Group by Walker and Funk (2014).Pink markings are evident in fresh specimens (Walker and Funk, 2014). ...The site where Hall and Sullivan recorded this species in Brunswick County, 6/27/18, consisted of Coastal Fringe Evergreen Forest; one male heard singing about one meter off the ground in a thicket of......Most easily detected by song...[GNR] SU...
Anaxipha litarena
Beach Trig
checklist_number: 166.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine have been recorded in North Carolina. Litarena was placed in the Litarena Species Group by Walker and Funk (2014), which also includes rosamacula, a species recently added to the North Carolina list.A very small, pale tan Trig. Unlike members of the Exigua Group, it lacks a stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). That separates it from tinnula, which occupies the same ha...Fulton recorded this species from a fairly wide range of tidewater habitats in North Carolina, including a dry sand ridge at Carolina Beach (possibly the tract of Coastal Fringe Sandhills where the st...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR S3S4This species appears to be restricted to the Tidewater region of the state, where it has been recorded in marshes and dunes. With so few current records, we still know too little about the distributio...
Anaxipha delicatula
Chirping Trig
checklist_number: 164.0
One of thirteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2017); nine of which have been recorded in North Carolina. Delicatula is part of the Delicatula Species Group, which also includes A. vernalis.A very small, brown Trig. Unlike most members of the Exigua Group, it lacks a stripe on the lateral face of the femur (Walker and Funk, 2014). Structural features -- particularly the number of pegs on...Occurs with tinnula in "in cordgrass marshes of coastal NC" (Walker and Funk, 2014); they also occur in "fresh water marshes, including lizardtail (Saururus) and cattails (Typha); on herbaceous underg...Apparently unrecorded; possibly omnivorous...Singing males are most easily detected but they may also be captured using sweep netting...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR [SU]This species reaches the northern extent of its range in North Carolina and except possibly for the specimens from Corolla, our few records are mostly historic and one recent record is somewhat questi...
Neoconocephalus triops
Broad-Tipped Conehead
checklist_number: 225.0
This is a fairly large but slender katydid. Both green and brown color phases commonly occur. The broad, rounded fastigium with a narrow anterior rim of white and a basal area of black, is diagnostic....Fulton (1932) described a preference for vegetation consisting of tall grass, weeds, or bushes. In the winter, we have also found them well back within closed-canopy forests.......Usually most easily detected by male songs, at least for people whose hearing range includes frequencies above 8 kHz. This species also comes to light, including black lights. Handle specimens with ca...GNR S5This is one of our commonest and most widespread of our orthopteran species. It makes use of a wide range of habitats and appears to be secure within the state....
Neonemobius variegatus
Variegated Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 149.0
One of six species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017), three of which have been recorded in North CarolinaHebard (1913) describes the general color as clay yellow mottled or flecked with mummy brown. The head below the antennae is distinctively shining dark brown, but the occiput is cinnamon, mottled wit...Fulton (1931) describes the habitat as consisting of stream borders, particularly somewhat open gravel bars....Probably omnivorous......Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR SHWe have very few records for this species and there is comparatively little information in the literature. The habitat described for this species, however, is widespread and it has probably been gener...
Allonemobius griseus funeralis
Dusky Ground Cricket
checklist_number: 138.0
One of ten species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2017). Eight species have been recorded in North Carolina.A dark brown ground cricket with a suffusion of gray (Hebard, 1913). The face below the antennae is shining black, contrasting with the top of the head that has alternating dark and pale stripes simil...Fulton (1931) describes this cricket as associated with dry, grassy old field habitats dominated by Andropogon virginicus. They reach their greatest abundance where the grass clumps are sparse enough...Probably omnivorous...Fulton (1931) describes this cricket as secretive -- rarely coming out from under vegetation -- and consequently seldom seen. It is most easily detected by its song....This species has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 S3S4Fulton (1931) noted that this species seldom comes out from under grass clumps and is difficult to capture, a factor he thought might account for its rarity in collections. Its association with Broom ...
Dichromorpha elegans
Elegant Grasshopper
checklist_number: 16.0
One of four members of this New World genus, three of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cignlano et al., 2018), and two in North CarolinaA small, greenish to brownish Slant-faced Grasshopper. Females are mostly all green or brown but males are often green on the dorsal surfaces and pale brown on their sides (Otte, 1981). The lateral ca...Associated with wet grasslands. Most of our records come from Wet Pine Savannas or Sandhill Seeps. It is also found in Tidewater marshes, probably most commonly in freshwater habitats (Blatchley, 1920...Probably feeds on wetland graminoids...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S3S4]This species has a narrow range within the state and is relatively specialized in habitats, some of which -- Longleaf Pine Savannas, Carolina Bays, and Sandhill Seeps -- have undergone major declines ...
Cycloptilum slossoni
Slosson's Scaly Cricket
checklist_number: 130.0
One of sixteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Love and Walker, 1979), four of which have been recorded in North Carolina. Slossoni belongs to the Slossoni Species Group (the Complex Chirping Scaly Crickets), which includes two additional species, neither of which occurs in North Carolina.A very small (but larger than trigonipalpum), reddish to brownish Scaly Cricket. The cuticle of the pronotum is yellowish-brown with a reddish cast; that of the abdomen is dark brown to blackish. The ...Love and Walker (1979) described this species as occurring in shrubs and low trees in woodland and scrub habitats in natural communities in the Coastal Plain, but also including ornamental plants in r...Unrecorded but probably omnivorous...Most easily detected by their songs but we have at least one record from bait...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands[GNR] [S4S5]This species was unknown outside the southeastern corner of North Carolina until recently. Fulton (1932) described it (as C. antillarum) as occurring along the Coast and did not include it in his list...
Acheta domesticus
House Cricket
checklist_number: 114.0
............GNR [SNA]This is an Old World species that is often used as fishing bait. It has established populations in some areas but these appear to be rare in North Carolina...
Amblycorypha arenicola
Sandhill Virtuoso Katydid
checklist_number: 229.0
One of seventeen species in this genus that occur in North America (Cigliano et al., accessed 2024-09-25; Forrest et al., 2023). Seven species have been recorded in North Carolina.Males of the Uhleri Species Group are characterized by their possession of a pair of dark spots on the lateral carina of the pronotum (Walker, 2006). Arenicola and longinicta are probably indistinguis...Associated with xeric to mesic, fire-maintained sandhill scrub communities. Stands with xerophytic oaks may be preferred, although individuals can occasionally be found in herb-dominated sandhill comm......Probably most easily detected by the male songs....GNR S2S3...
Melanoplus acrophilus
Peak-loving Green-legged Melanoplus
checklist_number: 26.0
Melanoplus is our largest genus of Orthopterans, with over 350 species occurring in North America (Cigliano et al., 2017). 38 species have been recorded in North Carolina. Melanoplus acrophilus is a member of the Viridpes species group (Otte, 2002), which in North Carolina also includes deceptus, pachycercus, eurycercus, cherokee, hubbelli, and similis.A small, contrastingly patterned, green-legged Melanoplus. Males are similar to other strongly-marked species in this group, including eurycercus, pachycercus, cherokee, and deceptus, all of which are...As indicated by the name acrophilus, most, if not all records, come from high elevations, from around 3,800 at Mountain Lake to over 6,000' at Roan Mountain and Mount Mitchell. Otte (2002) lists mount...Apparently not described...Probably best found by flushing it by walking through its habitat...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG2G3 S2S3This species has a small global range: the majority of records for this species come from the mountains of North Carolina, with the range extending a short distance southward into the mountains of nor...
Hesperotettix viridis brevipennis
Short-winged Meadow Purple-striped Grasshopper
checklist_number: 25.0
One of nine species in this genus, all of which are confined to North America (Cigliano et al., 2017). Only H. viridis brevipennis has been recorded in North Carolina.A bright green, medium-sized, short-winged (flightless) grasshopper. A pale whitish or yellowish line runs from the base of the eye to the mandible and another runs around the back of the eye, joining...In North Carolina records come primarily from wet longleaf-pine dominated habitats, including Wet Pine Savannas in the Outer Coastal Plain and Sandhill Seeps in the Fall-line Sandhills. The habitat wa...Usually observed perched on wetland graminoids in North Carolina, but not observed feeding on them. The western Hesperotettix viridis viridis is oligophagous, feeding on shrubby species of Composites,...This species is diurnal and can be flushed into making short jumps by walking through its habitat....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SU [S2S3]Although described in the 1870s, brevipennis appears to have been rarely found along its range along the Atlantic Slope. In North Carolina, only a few populations have been recorded and all in associ...
Eotettix pusillus
Little Eastern Grasshopper
checklist_number: 23.0
One of four species in this genus, all of which are restricted to southeastern North America (Cigliano et al., 2017). Only pusillus has been recorded in North Carolina.Eotettix are small, short-winged (flightless) grasshoppers. Adults are yellowish-green, with a dark stripe on the sides of the thorax and a series of black blotches along the upper sides of the abdome...Our records come mainlyy from wet savannas, sandhill seeps, or the ecotones between longleaf pine communities and pocosins. All are wet-to-mesic and maintained in an open herbaceous state by frequent ......Adults and nymphs are active during the day; the red-and-black nymphs are conspicuous...Listed as Significantly Rare in North Carolina by the Natural Heritage Program. It has no legal protection, however, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.G2G3 S2?This species is highly associated with wet savannas and sandhill seeps, both of which have greatly declined since Colonial settlement due to conversion to agriculture and silviculture. Since the 1950s...
Campylacantha olivacea
Fuzzy Olive-green Grasshopper
checklist_number: 276.0
Two species are currently recognized in this genus, both of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., accessed 2021-10-05). Only olivacea occurs in the eastern United States, where it is primarily a relict species.This species is typically bright olive-green but can be occasionally pale brown or dark fuscous (Blatchely, 1920). A dark green line exists on the vertex of the head and the antennae have white annuli...In the East, this species appears to be associated with prairies, sandhills, grassy dunes, and probably other herb-dominated habitats associated with dry, sandy or clay-rich soils....In the Black Belt Prairies of Mississippi, this species has only been collected in patches of western ragweed, Ambrosia psilostachya (Hill, 2007). Blatchley (1920) cites Bruner for records from......G5 SNR [S1S2]This is a Southwestern species that has been recorded at only a few sites in the Southeast. Only two populations has been documented in North Carolina, with the next known occurrences located in weste...
Stenacris vitreipennis
Glassy-winged Toothpick Grasshopper
checklist_number: 21.0
One of six species in this genus and the only one that occurs in North America north of Mexico (Roberts, 1977). Both Stenacris and Leptysma belong to Tribe Leptysmini of the subfamily Leptyminae.An elongate, narrow-bodied "toothpick" grasshopper. The color is a fairly dark green, with a prominent ivory lateral stripe, running from the eye to the sides of the abdomen. The wings are dark green ...This species is generally more confined to wetland habitats than Leptysma marginicollis and is found more typically in the emergent vegetation of deeper waters (Rehn and Eades, 1961). Blatchle...Herbivorous on emergent wetland and pond vegetation...Often flies long distances when flushed, unlike Leptysma marginicollis, which usuallly stays put. Frequently takes shelter in shrubs rather than returning to the low herbaceous vegetation where...G5 S1S3 [S2S3]...
Leptysma marginicollis
Cattail Toothpick Grasshopper
checklist_number: 20.0
One of five species in this genus (Roberts, 1977) and the only one found in North America north of Mexico; the rest are Neotropical.A slender, elongate "toothpick" grasshopper. The general color is tan, variably shaded with greenish or purplish, and with a narrow white or yellowish lateral stripe extending from the head to the sid...We have records from a wide variety of wet, herbaceous habitats, including marshes, savannas, pond and lake shorelines, and wet fields and powerlines. Rehn and Eades (1961) mention that it sometimes o...Wetland graminoids and possibly other herbaceous species of wetland plants (e.g., cattails)...Usually sticks fairly close to herbaceous cover, relying on camouflage to avoid detection. When flushed, it normally flies back into its preferred sedgy habitats rather than up into shrubs, as is ofte...G5 SNR [S4S5]This species is common in the eastern half of the state and occurs in a wide range of wet, open, herbaceous wetlands, including some that are fairly disturbed....
Orphulella speciosa
Slant-faced Pasture Grasshopper
checklist_number: 19.0
One of two species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 208), both of which have been recorded in North CarolinaA small, slant-faced, long-winged grasshopper. The coloration and pattern are highly variable, ranging from green to brown, often with a pale oblique line on on the lateral lobes of the pronotum; the ...Inhabits dry, short-grass habitats, such as upland pastures and semi-waste fields (Otte, 1981)....A generalist feeder on grasses (Brust et al., 2014)...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 [SH]Apparently known from specimens collected by Morse (1904) from a single, high elevation site in the Mountains. Morse described it as occurring sparingly both at that site and at a location in the moun...
Orphulella pelidna
Spotted-Wing Grasshopper
checklist_number: 18.0
One of two species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 208), both of which have been recorded in North CarolinaA small, slender, long-winged grasshopper. The coloration and pattern are highly variable, ranging from green to brown to dark brown above and usually mottled or blotched with brown and off-white alon...Otte (1981) describes this species as inhabiting primarily wet grasslands and marshes in the East (drier habitats in the West). The majority of our records come from wet Longleaf Pine Savannas and San...Feeds on grasses and sedges, at least in the West (Brust et al., 2014)...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S4S5]This species is widespread and frequent in wet savannas, seeps, and other wet grassy swales in the Coastal Plain. Its status in the rest of the state is unclear, however....
Dichromorpha viridis
Short-winged Green Grasshopper
checklist_number: 17.0
One of four members of this New World genus, three of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cignlano et al., 2018), and two in North CarolinaA small, green or brown, short-winged, Slant-faced Grasshopper. Females are usually uniformly colored either green or brown -- with some degree of speckling. Males are more bicolored, often green on t...This species occupies a wide range of grassy habitats, ranging from native savannas and shorelines to roadside edges and lawns. Most of our records come from fairly wet habitats and none from the dry-...Reported to be a grass-feeding species, found on a variety of native grasses as well as turf species (Capinera et al., 1997)...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S5]This species is widespread and occupies a wide range of habitats, including those disturbed or alterd by human activities. This species appears to be very secure within the state....
Mermiria picta
Lively Mermiria
checklist_number: 15.0
One of four species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018); three species have been recorded in North CarolinaA large, slender, green and red-striped, Slant-faced Grasshopper. The antennae are red but the ground color of the rest of the head, thorax, abdomen and legs are green to yellowish-green. A red mid-do...All of our records except for Morse's (1904) come from wet Longleaf Pine habitats, including savannas, flatwoods, sandhill seeps, and pocosin ecotones. Further west, this species occurs in drier prair...Apparently not recorded but probably feeds on grasses and sedges, as in the other members of this genus...Probably best found by flushing it by walking through its habitat. Males, in particular, are likely to fly long distances before landing....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S3S4]This species appears to be a strong specialist on wet Longleaf Pine habitats, which have undergone a major reduction in range since European settlement. Almost all of our records come from large expan...
Mermiria intertexta
Intertexta Mermiria
checklist_number: 14.0
One of four species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018); three species have been recorded in North CarolinaA large, yellow-green and brown striped, Slant-faced Grasshopper. The dorsal surface of the head and pronotum have a strong dark band, continued as a fuscous streak along the middle of the dorsal fiel...Associated with tall grasses in marshy or boggy habitats; also found in maritime scrub (Rehn, cited by Otte, 1981). Most of our records come from freshwater marshes in the Cape Fear River estuary, but...Probably feeds primarily on graminoids...Probably best found by flushing it by walking through its habitat...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG4 S3S4 [S2S3]Restricted to coastal marshes and scrub on barrier islands. Vulnerable to some extent due to coastal development and possibly to the effects of sea level rise and saltwater intrusion. More information...
Mermiria bivittata
Two-striped Mermiria
checklist_number: 13.0
One of four species in this genus, all of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018); three species have been recorded in North CarolinaA large, slender, tan to yellowish-green Slant-faced Grasshopper, heavily streaked with dark brown. The dorsal surface of the pronotum is pale yellow, with only a narrow darkening along the mid-dorsal...Rehn (1919) describes the habitat of this species as "areas of rich, high grass, with or without intermingled weeds", ranging from maritime habitats, including tidal creeks, to uplands up to 2,000' in...Brust et al. (2014) states that bivittata is a grass-feeder, utlizing a wide range of species....Probably best found by flushing it by walking through its habitat. Males, in particular, are likely to fly long distances before landing....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 S2S3 [SH]We have very few records for this species, all of which are now very old. The habitats used in North Carolina are unclear and targeted surveys are needed to confirm that this species is still a reside...
Pseudochorthippus curtipennis
Marsh Meadow Grasshopper
checklist_number: 12.0
Previously considered to belong to Chorthippus, a very large Palearctic genus. Reclassified as Pseudochorthippus by Defaut in 2012 (see Cigliano et al., 2018), which itself is a primarily Palearctic species; only P. curtipennis occurs in the New World.A slender, medium-small grasshopper. Marked with green and brown on the head and thorax, but with the pattern highly variable in both sexes. The abdomen is usually strongly banded with black and yello...Our records come from open, grassy habitats, including from fairly dry ridges...Feeds on grasses and sedges (Brust et al., 2014)...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps. ...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.G5 SNR [S4S5]This species appears to have a restricted distribution in the state but is not restricted in terms of habitat types. Although its overall range in North Carolina needs to be documented, its locallly a...
Eritettix simplex
Velvet-striped Grasshopper
checklist_number: 11.0
One of four species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018), and the only one that occurs in North CarolinaA small, yellowish-green to brown, Slant-faced Grasshopper. Males are usually are brown or gray and rarely show any trace of green; females are more variable and range from green and yellow to brown (...Inhabits treeless slopes and valleys along the eastern slopes of the Appalachians (Rehn and Hebard, 1910), probably referring to pastures rather than remnant prarie-like grassland communities....Feeds purely on grasses and sedges in prairie habitats, feeding primarily on Grama grasses (Bouteloua) (Otte, 1981). ...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [SH]Our records are all historic and relatively few in number. However, they come from across a wide area of the state and probably from relatively common types of habitats, including pastures and hayfiel...
Chloealtis conspersa
Sprinkled Broad-Winged Grasshopper
checklist_number: 10.0
One of five species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Otte, 981; Cigliano et al., 2018), and the only one found in the East.A medium-small, sexually dimorphic grasshopper. In males, the lateral lobes of the pronotum are solid black; in females, they are paler brown to gray-brown and often speckled. The dorsal surfaces of t...Morse (1920) reported that conspersa is associated with dry upland pastures. Blatchley (1920) noted a preference for thickets. Otte (1981) adds dry, upland wooded areas. Females oviposit in dead wood...Apparently not reported but probably consisting of graminoids...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps. Females are relatively easy to capture but males often make several rapid jumps when disturbed and often see...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands.G5 SNR [SH]This is a primarily northern species that is restricted to relatively high elevations in North Carolina. All of our records are historic but the fact that it is associated with relatively common habit...
Syrbula admirabilis
Handsome Grasshopper
checklist_number: 9.0
One of three species in this genus, two of which occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018) and only admirablis occurring in our areaA medium-sized to large, sexually dimorphic, Slant-faced Grasshopper, one of our most strikingly marked species. In males, the head and thorax are predominately brown or chestnut and streaked with pal...Virtually all accounts of the habitats used by this species describe them as dry upland grasslands, often on poor soils and sparse vegetation (Morse, 1904; Rehn and Hebard, 1910; Blatchley, 1920; Otte...In the Prairie region, S. admirablis feeds mainly or exclusively on grasses, including a fairly wide range of genera and species (Brust et al., 2014)...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps. Males usually escape by flying but females are less likely to fly and try to escape along the ground (Otte, ...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S3S4]In North Carolina, this species appears to be most common in wet Longleaf Pine habitats, which have been greatly reduced since European settlement. It has also been recorded over most of the rest of t...
Amblytropidia mysteca
Brown Winter Grasshopper
checklist_number: 8.0
The only member of this primarily Neotropical genus that occurs in North America north of Mexico (Otte, 1981; Cigliano et al., 2018)A medium-sized Slant-faced Grasshopper, whose yellow and brown shadings help it blend in with pine needles and oak leaf litter on the ground (Blatchley, 1920). The head and body are sometimes uniform ...The majority of our records come from Longleaf Pine habitats, including savannas, flatwoods, and sandhills. In the Uwharries several populations have been found in association with Piedmont Longleaf P...Apparently unrecorded...Best found by walking through its habitat and flushing individuals into making short jumps...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S4]This species appears to be most common in Longleaf Pine woodlands, which have undergone dramatic reduction since Colonial times. However, it is not restricted to those habitats and occurs over a fair...
Schistocerca rubiginosa
Rusty Bird Locust
checklist_number: 7.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.A fairly large, usually unmarked, rusty-brown locust. A yellowish mid-dorsal stripe can be present but is usually missing. In S. alutacea or S. damnifica, it is always present. ...This species prefers xeric to xeric-mesic habitats, particulary sandy areas (Song, 2004). .........G3G5 SNR [S3S4]...
Schistocerca obscura
Obscure Bird Locust
checklist_number: 6.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.A large species, similar in size to the American Locust. The body of this species is olive green to liver colored (Song, 2004) with the tegmina uniformly purplish liver color except for the extending ...Habitat includes both fields and open woodlands (Song, 2004). ...Song (2004) lists woody species as preferred host plants; hackberry is preferred in some areas.......G5 SNR [S3S4]...
Schistocerca lineata
Spotted Bird Locust
checklist_number: 5.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.A large species, similar in size to S. americana and S. obscura. According to Song (2004): "coloration extremely variable (brown, olive, green, or black and yellow). Upper carina and upper carinula wi...According to Song (2004), lineata "is abundant in sandy areas but is also frequently found in other habitats".........GNR SNR [SH]...
Schistocerca damnifica
Mischievous Bird Locust
checklist_number: 4.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.The entire body is rusty brown, with slight mottling on the tegmina (Song, 2004). The median carina of the pronotum yellow to orange and is distinctly elevated. ............G5 SNR [S4S5]...
Schistocerca americana
American Bird Locust
checklist_number: 3.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.Unmistakable. A large yellowish- or reddish-brown locust with strongly mottled tegmina. The head is pale with vertical brown streaks and a blackish line bordered by white under the eye. A pale mid-dor...Found in both fields and open woodlands. Often abundant in fallow fields or pastures that have become somethat brushy. This species also overwinters in open, sunny woods, becoming active on warm days....Highly polyphagous and sometimes becoming a significant crop pest...This species is easy to flush by walking through its habitat. When disturbed they often fly long distances or up into trees....G5 SNR [S5]...
Schistocerca alutacea
Leather-colored Bird Locust
checklist_number: 2.0
One of about 50 species of New World locusts, with only the Migratory Locust found in the Old World (Song, 2004). Six species are found in North Carolina.A fairly large, greenish-brown to rusty-brown locust. A yellowish mid-dorsal stripe is always present in this species, whereas it is frequently missing in S. rubiginosa. ...This species prefers shrubby,moist to wet situations, including bogs, swamps, marshes, and thickets bordering mesic forests (Song, 2004). Most of our records come from pocosins..........G5 SNR [S4S5]...
Metaleptea brevicornis
Clipped-Wing Grasshopper
checklist_number: 1.0
One of two species in this genus and the only one that occurs in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018)A medium-large, green and brown, Slant-faced Grasshopper. Males are usually green on their dorsal surfaces, from their face and top of the head, across the thorax, and onto the dorsal field of the teg...Morse (1904) described the habitat as consisting of the "rank herbage of swamps, meadows, and the vicinity of streams". The majority of our records come from these habitats, primarily grassy areas alo...Apparently undescribed but probably consists primarily of graminoids...Probably best found by flushing it by walking through its habitat. When disturbed, however, they may fly for some distance before landing....Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsG5 SNR [S4S5]This species may once been associated primarily with beaver pond habitats but was able to persist in other wet, grassy, shorelines when the beaver were nearly exterminated over most of the continent. ...
Neoscapteriscus borellii
Southern Mole Cricket
checklist_number: 175.0
............[GNR] SNAIntroduced from South America; spreading northward...
Conocephalus stictomerus
Spotted-Legged Meadow Katydid
checklist_number: 199.0
One of nineteen species in this large worldwide genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2018; Cigliano et al., 2018); ten have been recorded in North CarolinaRehn and Hebard (1915) described the coloration of this species as striking and distinctive. The face is capucine (pinkish) orange, with a median vertical stripe of mahogany red. The eyes, genae, occi...Found in luxuriant grasses along the borders of both fresh and brackish marshes (Rehn and Hebard, 1915)......Rehn and Hebard (1915) noted that this species is sparse and difficult to collect in their marsh grass habitats using "strenuous and continuous beating"....[GNR] S2S3Most of our records are historic, dating from before 1932. However, one recent entry on BugGuide from Currituck County is a good match to the coloration of this species. Two iNaturalist records from t...
Orchelimum bradleyi
Bradley's Meadow Katydid
checklist_number: 203.0
One of nineteen species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018), thirteen of which have been recorded in North CarolinaA relatively slender member of the Greater Meadow Katydids. Most of the head, body, and appendages are light green, with two diverging brown lines running from the vertex to the hind edge of the thora...Associated with Maiden Cane and Sawgrass marshes...Not recorded; probably omnivorous...Individuals dive into the water when disturbed, making them difficult to capture (Rehn and Hebard, 1915)...Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public landsGNR [SH]We have only a couple of records for this species, none of which are recent. It is likely to be restricted to the Tidewater area, where it is a fairly strong habitat specialist. The grassy marsh habit...
Conocephalus spartinae
Saltmarsh Meadow Katydid
checklist_number: 198.0
One of nineteen species in this large worldwide genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2018; Cigliano et al., 2018); ten have been recorded in North CarolinaMales and females are typically a bright grass-green color, but a light brown form is also seen occasionally (Fox, 1912). The occiput and dorsal medial stripe of the pronotum are brown. The terminal h...Salt marshes, especially in association with Spartina patens but also occasionally seen in Juncus marshes or on grasses on the shores next to marshes (Fox, 1912; Rehn and Hebard, 1915).........[GNR] [S2S4]...