Orthoptera of North Carolina
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View Rhaphidophoridae Members: NC Records

Ceuthophilus gracilipes (Haldeman, 1850) - A Camel Cricket


Family: Rhaphidophoridae Subfamily: Ceuthophilinae Tribe: Ceuthophilini
Comments: One of 62 species in this genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (Cigliano et al., 2018); eight have been recorded in North Carolina
Species Status: Two subspecies were described by Hubbell (1936), of which only C. g. gracilipes occurs in North Carolina.
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: BugGuide, Google Images,  iNaturalist, GBIFTechnical Description, Adults/Nymphs: Hubbell (1936)                                                                                  
Comments: A large, long-legged, strikingly banded Camel Cricket; one of the largest species in this genus (Hubbell,1936). The dorsal surface is generally ochraceous-orange with the posterior margins of the thoracic and abdominal segments banded with dark brown.
Total Length [body plus wings; excludes ovipositor]: 19-23.5 mm (males); 21-23 mm, females (Blatchley, 1920)
Structural Features: Key characters given by Hubbell (1936) for males include features of the subgenital plate and pseudosternite. For females, features of the ovipositor, subgenital plate, and spines, setae, carinae of the legs, and length and dimensions of the hind femora.
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Adult Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: Occurs from 1,000' to over 5,000' in the Southern Appalachians where it is strongly associated with forest habitats, ranging from dry pines stands and mixed pine-oak-hickory forests to mesic slopes and bottomlands and northern hardwoods at higher elevations (Hubbell, 1936).
Diet: Omnivorous
Observation Methods: Comes to bait, including beer-banana bait painted on trees to attract moths as well as pure molasses used in the pit traps traditionally used to sample for camel crickets (see Hubbell, 1936)
Abundance/Frequency: Can be locally common and may be the most abundant species in this genus occurring in the Southern Appalachians (Hubbell, 1936)
Adult Phenology: Adults are present from July into the fall
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: GNR [S4S]
State Protection: Has no legal protection, although permits are required to collect it on state parks and other public lands
Comments: As with most of our species of Ceuthophilus, our records for this species are primarily historic and need to be updated. Based on Hubbell's description and at least a few current observations, this species seems likely to be secure within the state.

Image Gallery for Ceuthophilus gracilipes - A Camel Cricket

Recorded by: J. Mickey
Wilkes Co.
Recorded by: Rusty Williams
Ashe Co.
Recorded by: Rusty Williams
Ashe Co.
Comment: Male, found outside cabin
Recorded by: Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan
Ashe Co.
Comment: At beer-banana bait
Recorded by: Steve Hall and Bo Sullivan
Ashe Co.
Comment: At beer-banana bait
Recorded by: Owen McConnell
Graham Co.
Recorded by: Brian Bockhahn
Stokes Co.