Orthoptera of North Carolina
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View Tettigoniidae Members: NC Records

Conocephalus aigialus Rehn & Hebard, 1915 - Seashore Meadow Katydid

Conocephalus aigialus
Family: Tettigoniidae Subfamily: Conocephalinae Tribe: Conocephalini
Comments: One of nineteen species in this large worldwide genus that occur in North America north of Mexico (SINA, 2018; Cigliano et al., 2018); ten have been recorded in North Carolina
Species Status: The type locality of this species is Wrightsville Beach, NC (Rehn and Hebard, 1915)
Field Guide Descriptions: Online Photographs: BugGuide, Google Images,  iNaturalist, GBIFTechnical Description, Adults/Nymphs: Rehn and Hebard (1915); Blatchley (1920)SINA 230a.htm                                                                                  
Comments: A small green and yellow Lesser Meadow Katydid. Head, thorax, and the anterior portion of the abdomen are green, shading into bright yellow on the posterior portion of the abdomen, with the cerci also bright yellow in the males (Blatchley, 1920). The face lacks the median stripe found in O. stictomerus, but there is a broad stripe of cinnamon-brown on the dorsal surface of the head and pronotum (Rehn and Hebard, 1920). The tegmina are light buff, and the hind femora are green, lackng the prominent reddish spots found in stictomerus (Blatchley, 1920).
Total Length [body plus wings; excludes ovipositor]: 12-15 mm, males; 11.6-17.2 mm, females (Blatchley, 1920)
Structural Features: Both macropterous and micropterous individuals exist. In micropterous individuals -- which predominate -- the tegmina cover three-fourths of the abdomen in males and two thirds in females; the tips are obliquely and sharply rounded (Blatchley, 1920). The cerci of the males are strongly swollen at he middle, with the apical portion abruptly, strongly narrowed; a slender tooth is located on the ventral side, with the base not visible from above (see Rehn and Hebard, 1915, and Blatchley, 1920, for illustrations and descriptions; also illustrated on SINA). The ovipositor is straight, relatively broad, and shorter than the hind femora (Rehn and Hebard, 1915; Blatchley, 1920; also illustrated by SINA, 2018).
Structural photos
Singing Behavior: Song is a weak buzzy trill similar to that of Conocephalus brevipennis (Fulton, 1932). The peak frequency at 25 C is 14 kHz (SINA, 2018)
Distribution in North Carolina
County Map: Clicking on a county returns the records for the species in that county.
Conocephalus aigialus
Adult Dates:
 High Mountains (HM) ≥ 4,000 ft.
 Low Mountains (LM) < 4,000 ft.
 Piedmont (Pd)
 Coastal Plain (CP)

Click on graph to enlarge
Habitats and Life History
Habitats: According to Rehn and Hebard (1915), this species is restricted to beaches and tidal rivers along the Atlantic Coast, where it is found primarily in the halophytic vegetation growing along the shoreline but not found out in the marshes
Observation Methods:
Adult Phenology:
See also Habitat Account for General Tidewater Shorelines and Flats
Status in North Carolina
Natural Heritage Program Status:
Natural Heritage Program Ranks: [GNR] S1S3
State Protection:

Image Gallery for Conocephalus aigialus - Seashore Meadow Katydid

Conocephalus aigialus Recorded by: J.B. Sullivan
Jones Co.