Allonemobius walkeri Howard & Furth, 1986 - Walker's Ground Cricket
Image Gallery for Allonemobius walkeri - Walker's Ground Cricket
Recorded by: Steve Hall Chatham Co. Comment: 30 syllables per second at 78F. Calling from a mesic slope without any significant amounts of grass.
Recorded by: Steve Hall Chatham Co. Comment: 22 syllables per sec.; 82 F at 14:20. Phrases are broken irregularly, with some only 6 sec. in length and others 9 sec. Syllables don\\\'t increase in frequency range or amplitude.
Recorded by: Steve Hall, Dee Stuckey, and Savannah Hall Orange Co. Comment: 22 syllables per second @ 75F
Recorded by: Steve Hall, Dee Stuckey, and Savannah Hall Orange Co. Comment: 21 syllables per second @ 75F
Recorded by: Steve Hall Chatham Co. Comment: 20 syllables per sec @ 75F; from a trail running below an old homesite located on top of a ridge
Recorded by: Steve Hall Chatham Co. Comment: White Pines are common in this area
Recorded by: Steve Hall Orange Co. Comment: singing from grassy roadside right-of-way; 24 pulses/sec
Recorded by: Stephen Hall Orange Co. Comment: Female found in the same area where males were recorded singing. Stripes are obscure at the back of the head but more visible on the top; head not as red as tinnulus
Recorded by: Steve Hall and Dee Stuckey Orange Co. Comment: 19:31, ~80 F; 27 pulses/sec. Singing from deep grass cover
Recorded by: Steve Hall Orange Co. Comment: Calling from beneath thick herbaceous vegetation growing on a berm along a creek; canopy of young Boxelders and other levee forest trees above. Temperature at 16:45 was 79 F (= 26 C); the pulse rate is 20 pulses per second, which is slow for walkeri but faster than for allardi
Recorded by: Steve Hall and Dee Stuckey Orange Co. Comment: 26 pulses per second @ 7.4 kHz, 71 degrees F (= 21 C); recorded in a powerline where tall old field forbs were growing next to a grassy path
Recorded by: Steve Hall Orange Co. Comment: 30 pulses per sec @ 7.9 kHz; 88 degrees F (31 C); recorded at the edge of a field maintained in broom sedges by mowing