Amphibians of North Carolina
    9 records for Desmognathus tilleyi Max Patch Dusky Salamander sorted by date desc, county
db idgroup idchecklist numbersciNameregioncountycounty splitdatenumbermethodhabitathabitat commentsadultreproductionjuvenilelarvaephotographspecimeninstitutional collectionspecimen catalogue numbersvouchercollectorvetting levelreferenceprotected populationsweblinkobsTypeiNaturalist
506110219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsMadison2015-10-151SBO20Todd W. Pierson2Photo/Spectrogram
505790219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsHaywood0000-00-001DAB10480D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505800219.0Desmognathus tilleyiHigh MountainsHaywood0000-00-001DAB10510D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505810219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsHaywood0000-00-001DAB10529D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505830219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsHaywood0000-00-001DAB6099D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505840219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsHaywood0000-00-001DAB6534D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505820219.0Desmognathus tilleyiHigh MountainsMadison0000-00-001DAB10534D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
505850219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsMadison0000-00-001DAB7897D. Beamer and A. Pyron4data provided by D. Beamer and A. Pyron (pers. comm. with Jim Petranka).Collection
501380219.0Desmognathus tilleyiLow MountainsNone0000-00-000Jim Petranka2Photo/Spectrogram