4 records for Plethodon glutinosus Northern Slimy Salamander sorted by date desc, county
db id | group id | checklist number | sciName | region | county | county split | date | number | method | habitat | habitat comments | adult | reproduction | juvenile | larvae | photograph | specimen | institutional collection | specimen catalogue numbers | voucher | collector | vetting level | reference | protected populations | weblink | obsType | iNaturalist |
6921 | 2 | 64.0 | Plethodon glutinosus | Low Mountains | Ashe | 1995-05-06 | 1 | MS | + | + | DL Stephan | 4 | NCMNS Online Collections, accessed 2020-05-20 | Collection | |||||||||||||
49422 | 0 | 64.0 | Plethodon glutinosus | Low Mountains | Cherokee | 0000-00-00 | 1 | DSD | 55 | Colle | Richard Highton | 3 | Highton, 1989 | Collection | |||||||||||||
48858 | 0 | 64.0 | Plethodon glutinosus | High Mountains | Swain | 0000-00-00 | 1 | HEHF | Not Given | 3 | Tilley and Hughey, 2001 | Literature | |||||||||||||||
48857 | 0 | 64.0 | Plethodon glutinosus | Low Mountains | Swain | 0000-00-00 | 1 | MEHS | FALSE | FALSE | FALSE | Not given | 3 | Tilley and Hughey, 2001 | Literature |